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Frequently Asked Questions

When I scroll or move windows the soundoutput is broken/strange/crappy/bad.
This is because your GFX-card floods the bus and the soundcard can't receive data until the GFX-cards has its job done. To avoid this you must disable PCI bus flooding, which is possible on some GFX-cards. Please read your GFX-card's documentation and/or its FAQs.
Your computer is too slow, get a faster one.
Deli plays all those cool formats but I don't have any modules in these formats, where can I get some ?
See the 'Download' section of our WebSite. It contains few but excellent modules to download. In the 'Links' section you will find references to sites that offer music in various styles and formats you can download for free.
I think I found a bug. What now ?
Read the documentation, and when your done, read it again. If you are still convinced that you found a bug, check out the 'News' section on our WebSite. If your bug is not listed there, please send a description of the bug as well as a list of all steps necessary to reproduce it per email to the address pointed out on the 'Contact' page of our website.

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