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We thank Linus Torvalds and all those who contributed to the Linux kernel. Thanks equally to the Gnu project and therefore, in particular, to Richard Stallman, without whom all this would have certainly never existed. Thanks to all the developers of Free Software, whether they be students or established engineers. Thanks to all those who made the formidable effort of the Linux documentation (HOWTO) and to the translators. Thanks to the entire KDE team for taking the initiative to create a true graphical desktop for Linux and above all for having the knowledge necessary to create such splendid software. Thanks to Red Hat Software for creating a solid, simple to install and reputed Linux distribution. Thanks in general to all those who are involved or have been involved closely or not with the Free Software movement. Finally thanks in particular to all those who, with their enthusiasm and their interest, have allowed Linux-Mandrake to exist and develop itself.
