Release notes Blender 2.33a This is the update of 2.33 release, with essential bug fixes. For the full 2.33 release log, please check: ---- Bug fixes ------------- - Audio strips in sequencer crashed. - Speedup in ALT+A animation playback. Result of better code for armature display lists and Python script-links - Windows installer: better checks for where files are written, which caused some startup files not to be found correctly in 2.33 - Bug fix for AO and Soft shadow: When Traceable was off, and the rendered pixel was outside Octree, the intersection was going wrong. Due to the many samples taken not easy to see, but certainly causing extra noise. - Fix in ray tracing in general: improved check for extreme small values in central Octree traverse. This solves occasional hang (Windows) and reports substantial speedups at OSX (no FPE exceptions) - UV editing in FaceSelect mode: bug caused wrong mapping for the option "From Window" - Game engine: fix for (material) drawing sharing vertices - Game engine: Use external velocity (velocity set by the game engine - not the physics engine) for Motion Actuators - Material preview showed bump mapping inverse - Windows: file select window crashed with files having dates outside of range (1970-2034 or so) - ALT+A playback did a redraw of other windows with wrong frame, potentially causing a flicker in display - Fixed little annoyance that caused previewrender not to clear sometimes. For example when no Texture exists, and you switch from material to texture buttons. - Python: memory leak fixed in NMesh_getVertsFromGroup - Python: Object.setEuler() was not accepting old style args of 3 floats. - Python: bugfix #1197 (New Bone.parent/child Access Destructive) - IBM graphics cards: they crashed on selecting Empty object, or on objects with drawtype 'name'. Coded a bypass that doesnt draw this while selecting. ---- NEW! --------- - Mouse Wheel Support for the Game Engine. This adds "Wheel Up" and "Wheel Down" as choices to the Mouse sensor brick. - Added two more mapping types to World buttons for sky render. "Sphere": spherical mapping for a 360 degree panorama "Tube": cylindrical mapping for a 360 degree panorama Both mappings by default do only the sky (upper) hemisphere. The color below is same as regular Horiz and Zenith colors, useful for setting an AO effect. Sample pics: (commercial) - Polish translation added - FreeBSD: sound (SDL) support added - Added tooltips, some extra pulldown menus, toolbox functions. ------ for Developers ---------- - Scons support improved for OSX. - All needed libs for OSX 10.3 are in cvs, Scons builds without additional install - Solid/Qhull compiles with makefiles ---- Known issues ---------------- - Files saved with 2.32 or 2.33, and having a Theme in it, will most likely give grey UI text in 2.31 and 2.30 Blender versions. This was caused by a bug in the Blender file system... which is fixed now, but cannot be backwards fixed for Blender binaries in the past. :-)