DWI2XStep: DWI->XStep Converter by Taren Nauxen //Version 1.0// 22AUG02 --------------------------- | | |Included in this README: | | | |1. General Instructions | |2. Error Messages | |3. Known Bugs | |4. Comments | |5. Legal | |6. FAQ Section | | | --------------------------- 1. Instructions For ease of use, I recommend putting DWI2XStep in the same folder as the DWI application file. XStep looks for files here by default, so placing DWI2XStep here cuts down a lot of unnecessary folder travel. Place the DWI you wish to convert in the same folder as DWI2XStep. It may not be in a subdirectory. When you run DWI2XStep, enter the filename of the DWI without the extension. For example, if your DWI is called "max300.dwi", you type in "max300" (without the quotation marks, of course!). If the conversion goes without any errors, the program will display "Conversion Complete. New file:" and the name of your new XStep file, which will be exactly the same as the DWI except with the extension .xstep. If not, you will be presented with various error messages. DWI2XStep can handle SINGLE, DOUBLE, and SOLO songs (DWI doesn't use COUPLE, to my knowledge) with BASIC, ANOTHER, MANIAC, and SMANIAC (more commonly known as 'Challenge' or 'Maniac2') steps. 2. Error Messages There are four different error messages in DWI2XStep: A) File ... not found! The filename you typed does not match any file located in the folder. Check spelling or existence of file. B) "BPM/Freeze error: cannot compute offbeat BPMchange/freeze." XStep can only handle Freezes (pauses in arrow movement) and BPM changes that are on the beat. This error will cause DWI2XStep to abort the conversion. C) "WARNING: 100-bar limit exceeded. Steps truncated." This is a non-fatal error that says that some arrows were lost due to the length of the DWI file. XStep only deals with up to 100 bars at a time. The XStep file WILL work, but all steps past bar 100 will be lost. D) "WARNING: Triplets found." This is another non-fatal error that usually can be ignored. XStep doesn't support triplets (1/24th notes, steps in [brackets]), but the steps are converted close enough that it's hard to tell the difference. (Example: Burning Heat, Captain Jack, Afronova) 3. Known bugs/glitches There are a few bugs in DWI2XStep: 1) All spaces in Title, Artist, Genre, etc. will be lost. 2) You must tell XStep where to find the music file. DWI2Xstep can't convert it. (XStep requires full path to song) 3) When XStep converts a song back to DWI, all the beat references for freezes and BPM changes will be half their correct value. Example: Original DWI of Healing Vision Half Mix (by cmcm) #CHANGEBPM:128=195.94,640=391.88,896=48.985,916=195.94,1180=97.97; DWI ->Xstep -> DWI: same song... #CHANGEBPM:64=195.94,320=391.88,448=48.985,458=195.94,590=97.97; You will have to manually fix these values, because they throw off the song in DWI. (This is a bug in XStep) 4. Comments As far as I know, this is the first and only DWI to XStep converter. I'm surprised nobody has ever made a converter until now. DWI2XStep was written in C++, and took less than two days to complete. 5. Legal DWI2XStep is (c) Taren Nauxen. XStep is (c) Thomas Scott. 6. FAQ Section There is no FAQ question because I haven't had any questions, let alone frequently asked questions, to account for. There will be a FAQ in the next version of DWI2XStep given I update the program and receive enough questions. ----------------------------------- |Questions, comments, suggestions:| | | | furusato@insightbb.com | ----------------------------------- Thanks for downloading DWI2XStep.