1.0b4: - new VST host component supporting latest VST 2.3 features - further ASIO-host component improvements by Christian Budde - gate syncs correctly to host tempo now - small GUI bugfixes - MIDI-input option for chord maker, sequencer and gate, to (de)activate this either double-click left or single-click with the middle mouse button on the appropriate icon or select it from the MIDI tools menu 1.0b3: - display of WAV recorder panel fixed - gate CC data is now only sent out when a note is held down - plugins with small GUIs are now centered on main window - always on top off by default - some minor bugfixes 1.0b2: - added MIDI and WAV playlists - new MIDI tool: MIDI gate - bug in display of plugins that host other plugins fixed, this includes Korg LegacyCell display problems - graphical bugfixes for the virtual keyboard - ASIO initialisation improved - new debug log options (onscreen display) - VU meter works better now and turns red if 0 db is reached - WAV-Recorder moved to new WAV/MID window - WAV recording can now also be in mono - WAV recording can be paused and continued - display of WAV recording time and size - VST-Spy stability and scanning algorithm improved - MIDI player improved - computer keyboard is pseudo-polyphonic now (again) - improved MIDI drag n' drop - closing plugin while MIDI file is playing doesn't crash MiniHost anymore - loading of last preset works better now - recent plugins menu now only shows plugins who still exist - loading a plugin now also centers the virtual keyboard - bug in step-sequencer fixed - crash/hang on exit fixed - MIDI player now has tempo and song position controls - WAV player now has position control 1.0b1: - new GUI, with VU meter, direct preset access, bypass, quick access buttons, different color schemes... - arp/seq sync works again - WAV recorded improved, recorded 16 bit WAV files work - VST preset/bank loader improved, now supports also plugins with dynamic bank sizes correctly, making instruments like "Linplug Alpha" and "M42 Nebula" work properly - VST channel downmix works again - some interface bugs fixed - main window is now centered on active monitor, not on whole desktop - plugins without MIDI support are now handled correctly, eg. "Prosoniq Morph" - bug in MIDI engine fixed, improved event handling - floating point CPU display - nasty step-sequencer bug found and fixed by my girl friend Kuhlemuhle - many many more bugfixes 0.9n: - preset randomizer improved, scripts are now saved in separate files for each plugin - "all notes off" is sent before MIDI file is played - 16 bit recording improved - main plugin screen is centered on desktop on each new load - the current bank can now be saved as a default bank for each plugin separately that is loaded automatically - F2 to rename preset works again - new control panel at top of main window, with new preset selector, global audio engine on/off, CPU performance display and MIDI/WAV play/record speed buttons - new plugin load menus, for instruments and effects, based on the VST-Spy database - new option for setting VST volume - many many improvements/fixes, too much to mention 0.9m: - ASIO input/output handling reworked for the 34285th time :-) - new slider for setting input volume - arpeggiator bugs found and fixed 0.9l: - ASIO engine improved, channel switching bugs fixed, inputs should work again - the status of the virtual keyboard (visible/docked, CC-V and CC-H), as well as the MIDI Thru and Downmix options can now be saved (automatically) in separate ini files, so the host basically remembers these settings for each plugin ("MiniHost_.ini") - main application window now appears centered on desktop 0.9k: - optional status bar display - more bugs in the ASIO routines found! - ASIO input still disabled - more crash problems fixed - moved global functions to new "main" menu - MIDI thru was broken, now fixed - clicking "update" no longer deletes the bank maker's preset list - new option to send only channel 1 of a MIDI file - if CPU overload is detected (>110%), MIDI playback is stopped and MIDI panic is sent 0.9j: - audio inputs have been disabled for now, working on a solution... - step-sequencer supports negative transpositions again - crash on exit after first run fixed - recent plugins are now only shown as plugin names, not with full path - channel info in incoming notes is now correctly transmitted to the plugin - bank maker window status is now saved - presets can now be copied or moved between the two windows, 2 selector boxes added - mouse wheel support for changing presets up/down 0.9i: - occasional crash on exit bug fixed - new feature: "always on top" for main window - fixed bug in bank manager's move up/dn method - WAV files of any samplerate and 8/16/20/24/32 bits, floating point and integer, are now supported - for each file type (preset, WAV, MID, ...) last folder is separately remembered - VST-Spy improved 0.9h: - combined ASIO driver processing methods, many bugs fixed - WAV recording works again - WAV samples play at correct pitch now, especially those with samplerate <> 44100 - 8 bit WAV files properly supported - WAV pitch control added to settings dialog - new feature: "bank maker" to easily create a bank out of several single presets 0.9g: - arpeggiator and step-sequencer improved (better note on/off behaviour) - computer keyboard now working normally if MIDI-Tools window has the focus - step sequencer now also supports rests, which can be entered with the "-" character - various controls have been added on the MIDI-Tools page to allow tempo-syncing of the arpeggiator and sequencer speed 0.9f - added debugging logfile - support for 8 bit WAV files - 3 nasty ASIO bugs have finally been found! - state of virtual keyboard (docked/visible) is now properly saved - new button in the ASIO settings window that allows you to gather additional information about the installed ASIO drivers 0.9e: - many bugfixes - different event handling, now many SynthEdit plugins work (eg. SuperWaveP8 or Lallapalooza) - different editor handling, now Atmosphere, Trilogy, Stylus and all Plugsound synths should work - drag n' drop support for MID and WAV files - new feature: tempo synchronisation! you can sync the tempo of the host to the current tempo of the MIDI file, the estimated tempo of the WAV file (4 beats assumed) and even sync to an external MIDI clock signal - MIDI CC on virtual keyboard work again 0.9d: - further ASIO improvements and bugfixes - better arpeggiator - experimental CPU display in settings window - step-sequencer now also has octave option - presets can be moved up/down in preset manager's list - experimental "quick" menu for shortcuts/quick access - new hotkey: F10 to show/hide MIDI Tools - improved file open/save dialogs 0.9c: - many improvements in ASIO driver - MIDI port setting saved properly now - improved closing/switching of plugins - stuck keys on virtual keyboard fixed - warning if trying to open several instances - VSTSpy improved - lots of internal bugfixes and improvements - donationware reminder counter decreased to 7 seconds :-) 0.9: - dozens of bugfixes, but probably introduced some new bugs :-) - multichannel plugins with finally work !!! - completely rewritten ASIO buffer fill routine - many many parts of the ASIO engine changed, hopefully for the better - new features: MIDI-Tools (arpeggiator, chord maker, chord analyzer, step-sequencer) - better method of arranging presets in menu - settings windows now also displays data format of ASIO channels - preset name can optionally be shown in title bar - MIDI Thru option for plugins added, if activated, incoming MIDI data (either external MIDI, file player, computer keyboard or virtual keyboard) is sent to the selected MIDI output as well, including all chord/arpeggiator/sequencer notes - virtual keyboard now plays glissandi on left button, chords on middle button and single notes (+CC) on right button - new feature: VSTSpy for analyzing all VST plugins - added new option to downmix multichannel plugins to stereo - WAV playback also possible when no plugin is loaded - option to unload plugin back in the menu - last program location is now also saved and loaded - new shortcuts: F7: trigger chord maker F8: trigger arpeggiator F9: trigger step sequencer - loading of non-VST DLLs gives a proper error message - some bugfixes for virtual keyboard - sticky notes on virtual keyboard fixed - you can now use the CTRL key on the virtual keyboard to select held-down notes manually 0.8: - WAV file can also be unloaded - many bugs related to ASIO fixed - new menu structure - improved focus of computer keyboard, it should now still work when switching back from other applications - changing buffersize in ASIO control panel is now effective after clicking "ok" in control panel - no need for restarting - improved closing of plugins - QUERTZ/QUERTY keyboard layouts available - keyboard octave setting now also accessible in the menu - MIDI output available, including support for VST MIDI plugins - MIDI input/output can also be disabled - improved virtual MIDI keyboard - virtual keyboard is now dockable to plugin GUI - virtual keyboard is now optionally velocity sensitive - virtual keyboard now displays incoming notes, no matter if played on computer keyboard, from MIDI file or from live MIDI input - drag n' drop support for fxb/fxp files and plugin DLLs - application allows optional parameter on command line which specifies plugin to load - drag n' drop of DLLs files on the MiniHost.exe file in Windows Explorer starts MiniHost and loads the selected plugin - you can now use the +/- keys to step through the presets - current preset is now checked in the preset list - presets can now be renamed by pressing F2 or choosing the rename option in the preset menu - MIDI playback can optionally be looped - 2 MIDI CCs can be assigned for horizontal and vertical movement on the virtual MIDI keyboard - WAV files are now played at correct pitch - new (floating) options window, it display info about the current ASIO driver and allows adjusting the volume of the WAV playback, overall volume and the tempo sent to the plugin - new hotkeys/shortcuts: F1: open ASIO control panel F2: rename preset F3: start/stop MIDI playback F4: start/stop WAV playback F5: start/stop WAV recording F6: trigger computer keyboard F7: trigger chord maker F8: trigger arpeggiator F9: trigger step sequencer F11: MIDI panic +/-: step through the presets - you can now select multiple files in the preset manager (using shift and ctrl keys) and save them in one go as separate FXP files - you can now load multiple FXP files at once (by selecting them with ctrl/shift in the FXP load dialog) the presets will be placed in the order they were selected at the current preset location - preset name and preset number can be read from the FXP filename - you can drag n' drop preset from the preset manager window to Windows Explorer, it will then automatically create proper FXP file(s) there - you can also drag FXP files from any Explorer window to a preset in the preset managers list, which will then be loaded at the appropriate location - improved ASIO engine - added support for live ASIO inputs, but could not test them yet (due to a crappy notebook soundcard) - randomizer with easy script language included, allows you to create custom randomizers for each plugin - preset mutate for easy creation of variations 0.7: - added submenu with the 10 last opened plugins - WAV recording enabled - hanging notes in Discovery and other synths fixed (rewrote the event handler) - preset loading/saving in Vanguard should now work - Use PageUp/PageDn keys to change keyboard octave - non-chunked FXB loader fixed - 'Panic' now also sends 'all notes off' (CC#123) - added virtual MIDI keyboard for 'mouse playing' 0.6: - key "y" works now for playing C note - resizing plugins supported - keyboard handling code improved - MIDI file loading and playback enabled - for VST instruments, WAV playback is audible as well - various other fixes 0.5: - first release