Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS Project


Ver: 0.98

2 February 2004
imporve sort routine
dynamic scrolling for notes field in overview form
crosshair for dive profile
bugfix: migrate bugfix of database

Ver: 0.96

4 December 2003
auto insert travel marker in schedule (>=10m)
hard link depth, dive time with profile
dive computer profiles are always locked
sort dives by dive nr., date, location, dive time, depth
buddy list is sorted alphabeticaly
dynamic (online) scrolling for dive index and notes
process all PDL_place_* keywords in index and csv as well
bugfix: menu copy / edit error in diver info page
bugfix: save graffiti input in time dialog on OK button

Ver: 0.95

24 May 2003
the delete dialog has a new checkbox: delete following dives
dives can now be sorted by number or date
bugfix: unchecked length of user defined fields
bugfix: tank pressure overrun (> 3000 PSI)
conduit bugfix: unsupported chars in logbook dive, location URL

Ver: 0.94

28 January 2003
Palm OS 5 compatibility
CSV import
dive profile: use only max depth / time to modified general depth / time
decimal place for max depth and schedule in metrical system
use tank type dafault pressure only if end pressure == 0
increase displayed GPS precision

Ver: 0.93

22 December 2002
conduit: userchangeable color (or transparent) dive profile
change trimix string to TX%O2/%He
add trace functions to debug_tools
close DB in dive profile before starting menu command
integrate dive planner menu launch item
write gas mix instead of tank nr in profile view
draw schedule color
convert dive schedule to waypoint data
bugfix: depth offset error
bugfix: divenr>1000 crash
30 November 2002
bugfix: plugin out of range crash
bugfix: resize corrupted place record
bugfix: GPS altitude import
bugfix: time cancel set to actual time

Ver: 0.92

5 October 2002
bugfix: select multiple buddies
bugfix: dive suit / tank list screw up

Ver: 0.91

22 September 2002
main page from index disabled
fields for time selection
fix: delete divelog programs
bugfix: crash on search

Ver: 0.90

27 July 2002
edit mode of uploaded dives
bugfix: default days range check
bugfix: location string overflow
bugfix: buddy edit if no buddy was selected mix up database
bugfix: migration dive record

Ver: 0.86

24 June 2002
full plugin support for build in pages
fix EvtAddEventToQueue() mem leak
fix prev / next dive for plugins
free selectable main page
bugfix: draw profile prior form display

Ver: 0.85

22 June 2002
improfe profile zoom
bugfix: schedule with more than 15 entries
bugfix: crash upload dive form logbook page via menu (actual form not saved & closed)
bugfix: tank default pressure in psi

8 April 2001
dive computer table
dive number: renumbering all following
tank default mix / pressure
show dive schedule in profile
bugfix: german profile crash (ressource file: end of deco icon)

Ver: 0.81

4 April 2001
bugfix: german profile crash (ressource file: end of deco icon)
26 March 2002
Conduit as JAVA JAR file
bugfix: conduit tank
bugfix: first profile maker

Ver: 0.80

1 March 2002
auto zoom for profile
improve plugin setup
permanent edit mode
max depth of dive site
conduit profile, export to profile .csv
bugfix: dive date / time is set to actual time if divelog is exit from record page

Ver: 0.70

19 December 2001
adjust tank nr in schedule if tank is deleted
bugfix: aborted "new/edit" tank change tank name

2 December 2001
first multilanguage support
bugfix: new tank modifies notes field

Ver: 0.65

28 November 2001
medical info scrollbar
"place already exists" reroute to edit
improved select dialog
plugins: callback on new dive creation

Ver: 0.64

27 October 2001
bugfix: tanks screw up
bugfix: tank edit modifies first entry

Ver: 0.63

24 October 2001
bugfix: double location entries

Ver: 0.62

21 October 2001
bugfix: buddy, note resize, tank delete
bugfix: bug edit place reports error: place not selected
bugfix: migrate tanks (crash if no tanks are defined)

30 September 2001
scroll schedule table

25 September 2001
bugfix: direct list struct access

Ver: 0.61

16 September 2001
CSV export
bugfix: uninitialized drawing window (DB migrate)

Ver: 0.60

6 September 2001
Plugin management
show location/place info in non-edit mode (read only)
improve weight accuracy 1/4 kg
default location/place on edit
change icon name (database name still is: "Aqua Palm" to auto overwrite old versions)
bugfix: profile icons

change name from Aqua Palm to Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS

Ver: 0.54

24 July 2001
bugfix: dive profile icons / warnings

Ver: 0.53

1 July 2001
extend buddy form (full name, address, ...) / import from address book
support find (notes, dive site, buddy)
insert dives before last dive nr (not only append)
full Palm OS 4.0 support
bugfix: imperial units rounding errors
bugfix: edit loc/place select place -> location empty

Ver: 0.52

19 May 2001
improve usability, supporting hardware keys (up/down)
improve dive index list
extend buddy field to multiline
bugfix: save about form settings

Ver: 0.50

23 February 2001
bugfix: next / prev doesn't save
Conduit sort divesites (location / place)
Conduit saves dive profile as PNG image

19 February 2001
bugfix: date select cancel delete dive record
use last dive as template if not older than default days

14 February 2001
database upgrade
add divesite description
higher GPS coordinate precision and more display preferences
add tank type

change name from Palm - Dive Log to Aqua Palm

Ver: 0.41

5 February 2001
bugfix: location / place display

Ver: 0.40

1 February 2001
bugfix: memory leak warning on exit
bugfix: Palm OS 3.0 debug ROM conditions form arrow up / down

30 January 2001
full color support
bugfix: Palm OS 3.5 DEBUG ROM crash at about/main form

Ver: 0.32

22 January 2001
Conduit new divesite-keywords
bugfix: Conduit repeated keywords
bugfix: Dive Record notes-button responded in Edit Mode only

Ver: 0.31

11 January 2001
bugfix: dive number system crash

Ver: 0.30

6 January 2001
implement dive number
bugfix: M/D/Y and Y-M-D dateformat

2 January 2001
add JAVA Conduit to project

1 January 2001
rename DiveLog database to support Conduit

Ver: 0.25

28 December 2000
bugfix: dive schedule & Palm OS 3.5

27 December 2000
edit mode implemented for all forms
implement edit menu
bugfix: equipment form

Ver: 0.20

26 December 2000
redesign/impementing dive profile form

Ver: 0.16

21 December 2000
first draft of documentation
bugfix: diver info edit mode
bugfix: location dialog GPS coordinates

18 December 2000
location / place bugfix
menu redesign (new dive record, previous / next dive)

Ver: 0.15

16 December 2000
use last dive as default entries
remove schedule line

Ver: 0.14

19 November 2000
add dive profile form

Ver: 0.13

8 September 2000
add tek dive schedule

Ver: 0.12

27 August 2000
bugfixes location / place list memory hole

Ver: 0.11

26 August 2000
minor bugfixes
first official beta release

Ver: 0.10

20 August 2000
full sport diving functionality
equipment form finished
tank dialog and database

Ver: 0.07

19 August 2000
suit dialog and database

15 August 2000
direct entry of location / place

Ver: 0.06

14 August 2000
problems storing date/time fixed

6 August to 13 August 2000
field beta test
problems storing date/time on Palm IIIe

3 August 2000
main dive record table
metric & english units supported

Ver: 0.05

3 August 2000
correction of dive record number calculation for new entries
packing records and lookup tables

30 July 2000
automatic make date/time & build info

29 July 2000
application exceeds 32K limit -> breaking up to multiple code resources

Ver: 0.04

18 July 2000
split Table-DB and Dive-DB
migrate to PRC-Tools 2.0 and SDK-3.5

Ver: 0.03

17.July 2000
Diver Info fully implemented (write protection mode)
DB support for Diver Info
UI design
basic implementation of forms

Ver: 0.02

14 July 2000
begin of DB implementation

12 July 2000
detailed DB specification

Ver: 0.01

2 July 2000
begin of implementation

25 June 2000
basic form design
project homepage

10 May 2000
form draft and navigation

5 May 2000
first idea and DB specification