Settings & Speed
03.04.2004 11:44
> Can I turn on eMule, add the latest home video and watch it 5 minutes later?
> Things that influences download
> Which settings are the best?
> How can I increase my download speed?
> Which download rates may I expect?
> How large should the queue be?

Can I turn on eMule, add the latest home video and watch it 5 minutes later?
No, surely not. As eMule is especially used for large files the network is at 100% load nearly all the time. There is a simple rule saying "The sum of all uploads in the network = the sum of all download". Large files need a lot of upload traffic and considering the average low upload rates of today's service providers, it is just natural that the downloads take their time.
eMule is a network about sharing files and not trading them. If you mind the difference eMule is the app for you.
Things that influences download
Some factors that influences the download speed:
• eMules settings
• High ID (Firewall and router settings)
• Duration of the eMule session
• Number of sources for a download
• Availability of single parts
• Popularity of the download
Wrong settings in eMule (wrong limits, too many connections), a low ID and a short sessions durations have a bad impact on download speed. Very popular files (new releases) and generally files with a low number of sources or bad part spreading also cause low download rates.

Which settings are the best?
There are no best settings for eMule as it heavily depends on the type and speed of internet connection and the operating system you use. You always should use the Wizard get good basic settings. Most important is that you provide the correct values for your internet connection and operating system.

Good settings for the widely spread DSL 512 / 128 would be

Windows XP
  Download capacity: 64 (= 512 / 8)
  Upload capacity: 16 (= 128 / 8)
  Download limit: none (remove the check mark)
  Upload limit: 12
  Hard Limit: 500
  Max connections: 400
  Max new connections / 5 sec: 30
  Download about 6 to 20 files at the same time.

Windows 98 / ME
  Download capacity: 64 (= 512 / 8)
  Upload capacity: 60 (= 128 / 8)
  Download limit: none (remove the check)
  Upload limit: 12
  Hard Limit: 300
  Max connections: 200
  Max new connections / 5 sec: 20
  Do not download more the 12 files at the same time

If you use USS in Preferences -> Extended Preferences then the best is to remove all check marks on the limits and let eMule manage the bandwidth. It will make sure that you have a maximum upload for maximum credit collecting and that other internet applications like online games or surfing run smoothly.

How can I increase my download speed?
Apart from the correct settings only the files you want to download decide the speed. To get a good average performance mind the following:
• eMule should run very long. The longer the better - prefer always
• Do not download only one file
• Get files with 150 or more sources
• Do not try to get the latest releases, at least not fast
• Upload as much as possible to gain credits
• Do not watch eMule. It doesn't like it.
Which download rates may I expect?
If you feed a well configured eMule with some good files you usually get between 20 kB/s – 30 kB/s after some startup time. There will be times where it is much slower but there are also times you may reach 2 to 3 times this value.

How large should the queue be?
A long queue increases the effectiveness of the Credit system. Very high QR values do not mean that you will never download from these sources as there are many modifiers which cut down the waiting time.


Update on: 2004-02-27 by Monk