124 General settings 125 Here you can change general settings like changing SmartFtp data directory. 126 Operations 127 Please select here which operation should be performed. 128 Backup data 129 Please specify the location where to save the data file. 130 Restore data 131 Please specify the location where to find the data file. 132 Please specify valid data path: 133 SmartFTP Data file|*.cab|All files|*.*| 134 Not yet implemented right now. 135 Reset entire settings and application data. Are you sure? 136 Application version %hd.%hd.%hd.%hd 137 Files: %1!d! \nDirectories: %2!d! \nData: %3 \n \nBackup file: %4 \nComment: %5 144 reseting 145 backing up 146 restoring 150 There were errors while %s data. \nError code: %#.8x. 151 Reset entire settings 152 SmartFTP is currently running. Please close SmartFTP before using SmartFTP Backup Tool! 153 SmartFTP data directory could not be found, please enter it manually! 154 Detail selection 155 "%1" seems not to be the SmartFTP application directory! 156 Please select here additional details which operation should be perfomed. 157 Usage: SFTPBackup.exe [] \n \n/reset Reset settings. \n/restore Restore settings. \n/backup Backup settings. \n/datadir Specify data directory \n \nExample: \nSFTPBackup /backup /datadir C:\sftp\data "C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\Desktop\Backup.cab" 158 Usage of command line commands 200 Operation was not successfully completed.\n\n 210 Input error 211 Specified file is write protected. If you continue it will be overwritten! 212 This is a directory not a file. Please correct this! 213 Specified file already exists. If you continue it will be overwritten! 214 This is not a valid file/path name. Please correct this! 215 Access to specified file was denied! 216 Invalid file path was specified! 217 Specified file/path could not be found! 218 This is not a valid SmartFTP data backup file! 220 Warning