FIRST Information Archive Last Update: August 3, 1993 The FIRST Secretariat maintains a publicly-available computer system located on the Internet for distributing information about FIRST and FIRST member teams. The name and address of the system is ( This system contains information including the following:  FIRST general information,  Membership information and forms,  FIRST Operational Framework,  Other procedures and related information, and  Information about FIRST members. The intent of the system is two-fold: to make information about FIRST easily available to a wide audience, and to provide a directory service for individuals who need to contact an incident handling team. Information on the system is available via the following methods:  anonymous ftp  electronic mail (SMTP)  gopher The system is also available via dial-up through the National Institutes of Standard Computer Security BBS. Anonymous ftp To access the system via anonymous ftp, use the following: ftp Use username anonymous, and use your e-mail address as the password. All FIRST files are located in the directories under /pub/first. Electronic Mail (SMTP) To retrieve files via electronic mail, send to the following address: No subject line is required. To retrieve an index of all files available, send the following message (in lower case): send first-index To then retrieve files, send the following message send filename where filename is the name of the file you wish to retrieve. The commands are all lower case and filenames are case-sensitive. Along with the requested file, the document server will return a status message with instructions on how to obtain more help and information. Gopher To retrieve information via gopher, one can either connect to the FIRST gopher server via telnet or connect via another gopher client. To connect via telnet, use the following: telnet To connect via a gopher client, use gopher The FIRST gopher server uses the (default) TCP/IP port 70. Files can be retrieved through gopher using ftp or e-mail. Computer Security BBS The National Institute of Standards and Technology maintains a publicly-available Computer Security BBS that contains information on FIRST. To connect to this BBS, set your communications parameters to no parity, 8 bit characters, 1 stop bit, and any BPS rate between 300 and 9600. Dial (301) 948-5717 for 2400 BPS access, or (301) 948-5140 for 9600 BPS access. Follow instructions on the screen for registering, viewing, and downloading files.