Electronic Availability of Information Technology Security Information Last Update: August 3, 1993 IT security information can be obtained with just a telephone, personal computer and a modem. There are numerous discussion forums, bulletin boards and newsgroups available for active or read only participation. Below is a list of forums, bulletins boards and newsgroups that contain IT Security information. The list is by no means all-inclusive since bulletin boards, newsgroups and forums are opened and closed quite frequently. FORUMS VIRUS-L VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer virus issues. The forum includes questions from individuals faced with a virus related problem to answers from prominent virus researchers. Information on where to find repositories of anti-viral software, publications, and other items are routinely exchanged. Discussions are not limited to any one hard- ware/software platform - diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise, polite, etc. VIRUS-L can be obtained via the Internet or by dialing into the NIST Computer Security Bulletin Board. Contact Ken van Wyk, the moderator at the Internet address: krvw@GARNE.IMS.DISA.MIL Forum of Risks to the Public In Computers and Related Systems (RISKS FORUM - Digest) RISKS FORUM - Digest is generally about risks that pertain to use of high technology. Much space is dedicated to risks with computers, such as with the use of computer technology in aviation, medicine, the military, credit agencies, and so forth. The discussions are usually entertaining and often include interesting (and sometimes frightening) anecdotes about problems encountered with the use of computer technology in society. RISKS can be obtained via fax by contacting 310-455-9300, via Internet accessible e-mail by sending an e-mail message to risks- request@csl.sri.com or by dialing into the NIST Computer Security Bulletin Board. PRIVACY Forum PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the discussion and analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond. The PRIVACY Forum digest is supported in part by the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy. For information regarding the availability of the digest via FAX, please send an inquiry to privacy-fax@cv.vortex.com or call 310-455-9300. The FAX number is 310-455-2364. The Forum is also available via the NIST Computer Security Bulletin Board. BULLETIN BOARDS NIST Computer Security Bulletin Board NIST Computer Security Bulletin Board is maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Computer Security Division and focuses on information systems security issues. The security bulletin board is operated as part of the NIST Computer Security Resource and Response Center. It is intended to encourage sharing of information that will help users and managers better protect their data and systems. The BBS can be reached via a modem by dialing 301-948-5717 (300/1200/2400/8N/1 or 301-948-5140 (9600/8/N/1). The BBS can also be reached via the Internet, telnet to cs-bbs.nist.gov. For additional information call the BBS sysop at 301-975-3359. Dockmaster Dockmaster was developed by the National Security Agency's National Computer Security Center and is an unclassified system which provides a focal point for interacting and exchanging computer security related ideas amongst its users. DOCKMASTER provides online access to the Information Systems Security Products and Services Catalogue and offers "forums" where users can attend online meetings. The "MAIL" feature allows users to send or receive messages to and from users of networks such as the Internet. For more information contact the Accounts Administrator at 410-850-4446. AIS BBS The AIS BBS is run by the Department of Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt, AIS Security Branch. Access if free, it contains information ranging from awareness materials to hacker files. The BBS number is 304-480-6083. Computer Security Institute Provides information on numerous computer security topics. Access is free. The BBS number is 415-905-2480. NCSA BBS Features a vast collection of information which focuses on the virus problem, computer security and data recovery. A membership fee is required. The BBS number is 202-364-1304. NEWSGROUPS ON USENET There are several USENET newsgroups that discuss computer security. Listed below are a sampling of the more popular ones: comp.security.misc alt.privacy alt.security sci.crypt sci.virus