Hey! Lola's matches from Big Al's bar This should help me find my way around It's a bar of Sud-U-Like soap. My favourite! Ouch! They're not as safe as they look They're alright if you pull them quickly The Gidyun book of fish. There's one in every hotel room It's the Daily Yak The tastiest sticky bun I've ever seen Just an average iron bucket I should catch something with this Mmmmm! Made with 100% something or other Billy G's Sounds of the Seventies! Cool! A genuine Barryville dollar piece I'd hate to imagine what these were used for Lobsters really live in these things? I think it's smiling at me Hey! Aren't branches fractal objects or something? It's twice as long as half it's length Fashion disaster alert! Well it's an improvement I suppose Boudicea's skates. You can see where the wheel spikes went A commemoration of Olaf Particle and his wrestling prawns This is great for executive stress relief A teabag that is completely water proof. Neat! You could use this to see in the dark It's a good likeness but not of me Not bad huh? 10 out 10 for inventiveness The tropical chainsaw fish. A very rare species Just an average iron bucket..With water in This should get me places I'll treasure this for ever and ever This is not your ordinary everyday digital watch I guess it's some kind of electronic key This smells of rum. No wonder that guy was asleep It's empty now. Oh well You know this reminds me of my old headmaster Bertrand Tepid "Gargles Beethoven's greatest hits". Cool It has state of the art buttons and things but no battery Well the tape doesn't appear to be turning.. It's working but there's still something missing Testing. One. Two. Hey it works! I wonder if someone actually has a nose like this? Here's the key to a cupboard. It's a cupboard key This is a safe key. But safe from what? I've never seen a Dug dance. This should be good Wow a pink thing! This'll replace my blue thing I can only think of a few uses for one of these Well it's a certainly a lot smaller It's power to the people It's tuned to the weather station Without batteries? It won't work It's a space hopper with a deflated ego We could go places with this The hula girl pizza company. The're my rivals! One of these rang me once. It was a crank call Pink chewing gum? Who left this here? I hope I never meet the owner of this Hey! This is almost as sharp as me A can of my least favourite beverage Hmm now what could we use this for? I'd like to see the chopper fly without this A washer handcrafted in solid steel The cuckoo seems to have fled the nest Shhh you shouldn't disturb nesting birds A fanless fan? Very useful Hey how ingenious! Who makes these things? Now what could I use these for? Glue that'll stick anything, can I get the top off? A scared chicken isn't that an oxymoron or something? These were gloves at first sight Nail. Nine inches. What else do you need to know? The greatest roller skate ever made. Honest I really don't think it would suit There's a head shaped dent in it These look familiar I've always wondered why they call it pool A stick of white chalk. This reminds me of school Big. Red. Full of Air. Just like an old teacher of mine You know what they say about cuckoos? No me neither You ever wondered about the size of my pockets? I don't think Ms. Cluck is going to miss this What's with all this unstylish clothing? A clothes peg? Well it could prove useful Don't fish ever use deodorant? And people wear these as trousers? Don't they usually flock together? Don't eat it! I don't want to go to that dentist Hey! Now I'm a real yuppy I wonder what's happening in the world? It's a complimentary book of matches