100 Classic Shell Setup 101 Warning!\nAn old version of the classic start menu is still running. Please close it before installing the new version to avoid crashing Explorer. Right click on the start button and select "Exit". 102 Failed to extract setup file '%s'. The MSI resource is corrupted. 166 Internal Setup Error 167 Failed to extract setup file '%s'. 169 Classic Shell requires Windows Vista or later. 170 Failed to run msiexec.exe. 171 Warning!\nYou are about to upgrade from version 1.9.7 of Classic Shell. There is a known problem with that version on 64-bit systems. When asked if you want to back up the ini files, respond with 'No'. Otherwise the installation will abort. 200 Classic Shell Setup will install Classic Shell on your computer. Possible command lines:\n - runs the installer normally\n extract32 - extracts the 32-bit MSI\n extract64 - extracts the 64-bit MSI\n help, /? - shows the command line help\n - the options are passed to msiexec\n * if the options contain %MSI% (all caps) the token is replaced by the name of the extracted MSI file\n * if %MSI% is not found, the setup runs "msiexec /i "\n * run msiexec with no parameters to see the full list of msiexec options\n\nExamples:\n /qn - runs the installer in quiet mode\n /x %MSI% /qb - uninstalls the product in basic UI level\n /f %MSI% - repairs the product\n /l* log.txt - runs the installer and logs the process in the log.txt file\n /qn ADDLOCAL=ClassicExplorer - installs only Classic Explorer in quiet mode\n /qn ADDLOCAL=ClassicStartMenu APPLICATIONFOLDER=C:\ClassicShell - installs only Classic Start Menu in quiet mode in the folder C:\ClassicShell\n ADDLOCAL=ClassicStartMenu,ClassicIE9 - runs the installer in full UI mode with Classic Start Menu and Classic IE9 checked by default