Transcript ========== Version 2.2.0 build 50 - May 11, 2007. Copyright © 2003-2007 by J.G. Boerema. Note: please use the helpfile instead of this readme for the most up to date information. Index ----- 1. Introduction 2. License, disclaimer and distribution 3. System requirements 4. Installation and uninstallation 1. Introduction --------------- Welcome to Transcript 2.2, a program designed to help you to transcribe the text on digital images of documents. Transcript is free for private non commercial use. Transcript came into being because of my dissatisfaction with using a seperate editor and picture viewer when transcribing digital images of old documents. I always had to switch between the editor and my image viewer when I needed to move the image so the next part would be visible. I thought that it should be easier when this could be done from within one program. I couldn't find a program that did this though, so I decided that I would try to write such a program myself, and here is the result. The basic idea is very simple. Divide the screen in two parts. In the upper half the image is shown and in the lower half you can edit the text. (As this is not an OCR program, the program does not convert the text. You have to do the transcription yourself.) The size of those windows can be changed as you wish. From within the editor you can move the visible part of the image in many ways using shortcuts. You can also use keys to move to the previous or next image in the same directory. Besides that it is of course possible to use most of the common editor functions also found in other editors. Transcipt has furthermore many options and additional functions which are designed to help make it easier for the user to transcribe an image. By default the program remembers the exact position in the text and image where you were last time and goes back to that position when you start the program. For detaled information and help about the program, the program history and credits see the help file Help.chm (use F1 when the program has been started). 2. License, disclaimer and distribution --------------------------------------- By using this program you are agreeing to abide by the following license. Note: this is a translated version of the license. Whenever there are inconsistencies between the translation and the original dutch license, the original dutch version will be considered the correct license. A. License agreement Transcript is free for private non commercial use only. For all purposes except stated above this program is not free. In these cases a fee of 15 euro needs to be paid to the author J.G. Boerema. Donations however are always welcome as a stimulation for my efforts to enhance this program. Note: when selling transcriptions made using my program, or when using said transcriptions in a book publication this fee is always obligatory even when sold at costprice. This program is copyright © 2003-2007 by J.G. Boerema. Methods of payment The preferred method of payment is using my Dutch Rabobank bank account. Transmit 15 euro to my bank account number in the name of J.G. Boerema in Annen with the remark: "Transcript version 2.2". As an alternative you can now als use paypal. Login to your paypal account and go to the Send Money tab. As e-mail address use As currency use euros. With an amount of at least 15 euro you will get a registration code. You should also always send me an e-mail at After I receive your payment I will send you a registration code so you can use some extra features only available to paying users. If you want the program sent to you on cd it wil cost you 5 euro extra within the Netherlands. If you want it sent anywhere else e-mail me first for the prices. B. Disclaimer Transcript is supplied without any guarantees in whatever form imaginable: usage is completely for your own risc. If your laws don't allow this then I don't allow you to use my program. The author doesn't accept anhy liability for whatever damages that may directly or indirectly be caused by Transcript. Though if you encounter any problems please contact me and I will try my best to help. When you need help, please be als detailed as possible in describing your problems. You should also mention your Windows version and other running programs that may have a relation to the problem. The more detailed you are, the better the chance I can help. Distribution The author is the only one who is allowed to distribute this program. Links to my site are very welcome but you may not link directly to the program downloads without my prior written consent. Paysites and sites needing registration though are not allowed to put a link to my Transcript page. Every site linking to me must allow a direct link to the page where that link can be seen. If you really want to use a direct download link or want to put my program for download on your site you need to ask for and receive my consent. Distribution on cd, dvd or whatever other medium will in principle only be allowed (for which you always need my consent beforehand) if it is done at or below costprice. Exception: making a copy for someone without internet access is allowed when done at no costs. 3. System requirements ---------------------- Windows 95 or higher and preferrably RichEd20.dll version 5.30 or higher, though older versions (should) work without problems except that some RichEdit capabilities will not be visible (like justify, tab leaders, any tabs which are not left aligned and probably more). For pdf files you'll also need to install GhostScript. See the helpfile for details. 4. Installation and uninstallation ---------------------------------- A. Installing using the installer version If the installer finds another version of Transcript it will prompt you to uninstall it. Optionally the installer will put a shortcut to the program on your desktop and in a program group under the start button in the program files menu. B. Zip version Unzip the downloaded file to a directory of your choice. Preferrably an empty directory under "Program Files", e.g.: <"Windows version and user specific part">\Program Files\Transcript\ Do NOT put the file in one directory with other files or programs to prevent the possibility of problems (even though that is not likely). If you want you can make a shortcut to Transcript.exe on your Desktop and/or the Programs menu. To begin: start the program Transcript.exe or use the shortcut. This program does not save anything in the Windows registry. All preferences are stored in a configuration file called Transcript.ini. C. Installation of a newer version of Transcript When using the zip-version newer versions can be copied over older versions without any problems. When you are using the installer it will automatically prompt you allow it to uninstall the old version. D. Uninstall If you used the installer to install the program you should run the uninstall program. This can be done in two ways. Either go to control panel - software and click Transcript, or go to Start menu - program files - Transcript - Uninstall Transcript. The program will automatically be removed. The configuration file Transcript.ini however will not be deleted so you old settings will be available when you install a newer version. If you don't plan on using Transcript again you'll have to delete that file manually. If you used the zip version you can delete all files in the directory where you installed Transcript and the directory itself, provided you didn't put any other files there that are not related to Transcript. If you have used Transcript on cd there may also exist a version of Transcript.ini in your Windows directory that can be removed. When uninstalling either with the uninstaller or by hand it should be evident that you should first close the program Transcript. Author: J.G. Boerema E-mail: Website: Adress: Zuidlaarderweg 3 9468 AA Annen The Netherlands telephone: 0592-271555 (before this add the Dutch country access code) Note: you can probably notice that English is not my native tongue. When you encounter errors or strange sentences please let me know how I can improve this.