Adding a task  
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The screenshot below explains how to easily add a certain task:  
(Using mouse, highlight the time needed for the task and release the button: the new task pop-up windows appears. Just enter the text and, if needed, assign Priority, Category, Completion, Alarms and Re-occurence, then press OK)  
Another way:  
Press "Add" button. In the opened pop-up window: start time  
2.enter text  
3.assign needed parameters  
To enter a non-timed entry for the day: the process is the same, except you need to check the "All day event" box.  
-"Exclusive task"- enabling this option for the task will ensure that this task's time will not be taken by any other task. If you will try later to add a task with time coinciding with "Exclusive task"- EssentialPIM will not let you do it.  
- "All day event"- that is the task that does not have a certain time, rather, it is assigned to the whole day and will appear on top of each day