1 Socket-Error! 110 Do you really want to delete "%s" from the list? 111 The user name in the client mail program has the wrong format.\nUse the right format: [pop3server]&[username]&[port] 112 Enter a value! 113 The program has to be restarted to make the changes take affect.\n\nSpamihilator will now restart... 114 Connecting to "%s"... 115 Receiving %i (%i kb) of %i messages... 116 Sender 117 Subject 118 Date 119 Do you really want to delete this mail?\nThis action can not be taken back. 120 Do you really want to empty the Recycle Bin?\nAll messages will be deleted irreversibly. 121 Close 122 You must agree to the Spamihilator License to use the program.\nSpamihilator will now exit. 123 This sender has already been added to this/another list. 124 Edit sender 125 Empty bin 126 Could not establish an Internet connection 127 %.1f kb of %.1f kb (%.1f kb/s) 128 Downloading "%s" from "%s"... 129 Connecting to server "%s"... 130 There is a new version of Spamihilator available.\nDo you want to download it? 131 There is no newer version available. 132 A new version has been downloaded.\nDo you want to open it?\n\nYou can find the file later at "%s" 133 Spamihilator %s 134 Language 135 Author 136 Version 137 Do you want to restart Spamihilator now?\n\nPress "Yes" to restart Spamihilator.\nPress "No" to shut it down. 138 Spam messages: %i 139 View message 140 Delete 141 Do you really want to restore this message? 142 Restore 143 Deleting old messages from Recycle Bin... 144 Do you want to import your Windows Address Book to the Friend List? 145 The message has been restored.\nIt will be sent to your Email client the next time you check for mails. 146 %i addresses have been imported successfully. 147 Help 148 Do you really want to restore these messages? 149 The messages have been restored.\nThey will be sent to your Email client the next time you check for mails. 150 Do you really want to delete these mails?\nThis action can not be taken back. 151 Expression 152 Probability of Spam 153 Edit expression 154 Please enter a value between %i and %i. 155 This is a predefined expression that can not be deleted.\n\nIf you want to disable this expression, set its value to 0. 156 This expression has already been added to the list. 157 Enable Spam &Filter 158 Disable Spam &Filter 159 The Spam-Filter has been disabled 160 Do you really want to quit Spamihilator?\n\nYour email client may not be able to receive messages if Spamihilator is not running. 161 Do you really want to disable the spam filter?\nIncoming messages will not be filtered. 162 The spam filter has been re-enabled. 163 - %i messages deleted 164 The expression must not include these characters:\n\n%s 165 Size 166 Non-Spam 167 Spam 168 Learn! 169 This version introduces a new spam filter. Because of that the Spam-Words you added have been converted. Every word has now a probability of spam from 0% to 100%.\n\nPlease verify your Spam-Words. 170 Dies ist die Beta-Version 0.9.8.b4 von Spamihilator.\n\nBitte testen Sie alle neuen Funktionen und teilen Sie mir Ihre Erfahrungen im Forum mit:\nhttp://www.spamihilator.com/forum\n\nViel Spaß beim Testen\nMichel Krämer\n\nThis is the Spamihilator beta version 0.9.8.b4.\n\nPlease test all new features and report your results in the Forum:\nhttp://www.spamihilator.com/forum\n\nSincerely\nMichel Krämer 171 Do you want Spamihilator to learn from selected messages? 172 Closing connection... 173 Do you want to import your Outlook Express Blocked Senders List? 174 Recycle Bin 175 Training Area 176 Spam Mail Statistics 177 Settings 178 Spamihilator has learned from marked messages.\nThese mails have been removed from the Training Area. 179 Deleting old messages from training area... 180 Probability of Spam 181 Spam Words 182 Mail account 183 (LF:) 184 (Blocked Sender) 185 %i messages - %.2f KB 186 Learning... 187 Ready 188 Import... 189 Export... 190 Do you want to import the backup file?\n 191 Your current configuration will be completely overwritten. 192 All messages in the Recycle Bin will be overwritten. 193 All messages in the Training Area will be overwritten. 194 All user-defined spam words will be overwritten. 195 Outlook Express Blocked Senders List 196 Backup failed! 197 Sender could not be added.\nMaybe the mail address contains invalid characters. 198 There is a new patch available for Spamihilator.\nIt is strongly recommended to download it because it may fix some bugs or introduce new features.\n\nDo you want to download and install the patch? 199 (Image Filter) 200 Plugin could not be loaded:\n%s 201 Plugin name 202 Description 203 Learning Filter 204 Spam Word Filter 205 Filename 206 Priority 207 Behavior 208 Filter name 209 continue with next filter 210 stop filtering process (recommended) 211 Enable 212 Disable 213 List of your friends 214 List of blocked senders 215 %i entries 216 The settings of this plugin may have been changed.\nDo you want to save the changes? 217 The Learning Filter's Memory will be overwritten. 218 Filter name 219 Welcome to Spamihilator! Right-click on this icon to access the program's features and settings. 220 Drag the mouse cursor over an item to get more information 221 The following plugin has caused an exception:\n%s\n\nThis Plugin will be skipped. 222 The following Non-Spam-Message is also in the Recycle Bin:\n\nSender: %s\nSubject: %s\n\nDo you want to restore this message from the Recycle Bin? 223 Pre-Mark 224 Known hosts 225 %i%% done. 226 The passwords do not match. Please re-type your Parental Control password in both fields. 227 Please enter a parental control password. 228 Access denied! Wrong password. 229 Please note:\n1) If you enable this option, all messages from blocked senders will be deleted from the server. You will not be able to restore them.\nIf you want to keep the possibility of restoration, activate the option "Keep Spam-Mails on the server until I delete them from the Recycle Bin".\n\n2) The option "Automatically learn from messages from blocked senders" will also be disabled. 230 Could not find this message on the mail-server. 231 Host 232 Username 233 Port 234 OpenSSL disclaimer 235 This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org). 236 This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project: 237 You are going to add %i senders to the list of blocked senders.\n\nAre you sure? 238 You are going to add %i senders to the list of friends.\n\nAre you sure? 239 The sender "%s" (%s) has already been added to this/another list. 240 %i senders have been added successfully. 241 Do you really want to run the Compact feature now? 242 The Learning Filter's memory has been cleaned successfully.\n\nDeleted %i words. Released %.02f KB. 243 This server doesn't support secure connections over SSL/TLS.\nDo you want to establish an unsecure connection? 244 SSL 245 Yes 246 The following message must be downloaded first before it can be restored:\n\nSender: %s\nSubject: %s\n\nDo you want to download this message now? 247 The local port %i is already in use by another program.\nPlease change the port in Spamihilator's settings dialog and in your e-mail client's account settings. 248 %i%% opacity 249 Please note: If you disable connections through this port, you may not be able to receive e-mails any more!\nYou will have to change the port in your e-mail client's account settings to another one Spamihilator is listening to.\n\nDo you really want to disable connections through this port? 250 At the moment this message is not fully available. It was identified as Spam before downloading. 251 This message is not available. It was identified as Spam before downloading.\nSpamihilator deleted this message from the server. 252 The following message cannot be restored, since it has been deleted from the server:\n\nSender: %s\nSubject: %s 253 There is no new language pack available at the moment. 254 There is a new language pack available.\nDo you want to download it? 255 A new language pack has been downloaded.\nDo you want to install it now?\n\nYou can find the file later at "%s" 256 The sender "%s" (%s) is a general wildcard sender.\nThis means that it affects all incoming e-mails.\n\nDo you really want to add this sender? 257 Mail server: %s 258 All plugin configuration files will be overwritten. 259 Classified as %s by the %s 260 Unknown classification. Mail was sent to your email client. 261 Sending %i (%i kb) of %i messages... 262 Restoring %i (%i kb) of %i messages... 263 This is the first time the mailbox named "%s" is accessed.\nThere may be hundreds of messages in this mailbox and it may take a long time to scan them all.\n\nDo you want to skip filtering in this mailbox now? (recommended) 264 Non-Spam Words 265 266 Last run: %s 267 Do you want to restore all messages from this sender? 268 Do you want to mark all messages from this sender as Non-Spam? 269 Do you want to mark all messages from this sender as Spam? 270 Do you want to restore all messages from these senders? 271 Do you want to mark all messages from these senders as Non-Spam? 272 Do you want to mark all messages from these senders as Spam? 273 Recycle Bin is opened 274 Recycle Bin is closed 275 Training Area is opened 276 Training Area is closed 277 Spamihilator has learned 278 Processing messages... 279 File not found. This mail was apparently deleted by another program (e.g. AntiVirus software). 280 Regular expressions are case sensitive! 281 Expressions are not case sensitive! 900 VERY LOW\n\nI want to receive all messages except those from senders that are in my Blocked Senders List.\n\nAutomatic filtering by keywords will be disabled. Only messages from blocked senders will be deleted. 925 LOW\n\nI want to receive almost every message.\n\nFilter threshold will be set to a very high value, so that a message will only be deleted when it contains plenty of spam words. 950 NORMAL (recommended)\n\nI want to filter out spam but I want to receive all important mails.\n\nThis is the default level. The filter process is very safe. Most spam mails will be deleted. 975 HIGH\n\nI want to get rid of spam.\n\nFilter threshold will be set to a low value. A message will be deleted even if it contains only a few spam words. 1000 VERY HIGH\n\nI only want to receive mails from senders that are in my Friends List.\n\nDynamic filtering by keywords will be disabled. You will only receive messages from your friends. 4001 Blocked Senders 4002 Accounts 4003 Connection 4005 Senders 4006 Friends 4007 Language 4008 General Settings 4009 Aggressiveness 4010 Filter Properties 4011 Spam Words 4015 Tray Area 4016 Training Area 4017 Plugins 4018 Priorities 4020 Status Window 4021 SSL/TLS