Filter Properties

Spamihilator checks every incoming mail for Spam by using certain filters (see Filter Methods).

Spam Word Filter

The Word Filter uses a list of spam words which can be configured here.
Every spam word has a certain probability. The values of all spam words found in one mail will be added together. By default, the sum of these values must exceed 100% in order to recognize a mail as spam. You can affect this value by altering the filter's aggressiveness.

The option "Ignore HTML tags" skips HTML code while searching a mail for spam words.

Learning Filter

The Learning Filter must be trained to work reliably. Therefore you should use the Training Area. You can configure the Training Area here.

If you enable the options "Automatically learn from messages from my friends" and/or "Automatically learn from messages from blocked senders", you won't need to mark mails from these senders in the Training Area manually.

Spamihilator can automatically learn from the Recycle Bin. If you enable "Automatically learn from restored messages from the Recycle Bin", the program will mark a restored mail as non-spam in the Training Area and will automatically learn from it. The mail will no longer be in the Training Area after this procedure.


You can extend Spamihilator's filtering capabilities with Plugins. You should always leave the option "Enable Plugin Filters" enabled. If you need to disable a specific Plugin, you can do so in the Plugins section.