Blocked Senders

Settings for Blocked Senders

Spamihilator manages a list of blocked senders. Mails from these senders will always be deleted.

Add a sender

Click the "New..." button to add a new sender to the list.
A window will appear where you can enter a sender name and mail address that you want to block. The mail address can contain wildcards (* and ?).

Some examples:

Edit a sender

Click on an entry in the list and choose "Edit..." to alter its settings.

Delete a sender

If you want to delete an entry from the list, click on it and choose "Delete".

Don't download messages from blocked senders

If this option is enabled, Spamihilator won't download mails from blocked senders. They will be deleted directly on the server. This may save time, depending on your Internet connection speed.

Please Note: These mails will not be listed in the Recycle Bin. Because of this, they cannot be restored!
If you want to keep the possibility to restore these messages, you will have to enable the option "Keep spam mails on the server until I delete them from the Recycle Bin" in the General Settings.

Import Address Book

When you click on "Import...", you can choose if you want to import the blocked senders from Outlook® Express or from a text file.
Text files, which need to be in comma-delimited format and have a .csv extension, can be generated by most mail clients.

Tip: Drag&Drop

Some mail clients support Drag&Drop. Just drag a mail from your mail client and drop it on the list to add its sender.