------------------------------------------------------------------------ VisitURL - WHAT's NEW? Please send bug reports or requests for additional functionality to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: This program is no longer developed. There are too many bookmark managers, freeware and shareware, for me to continue the development. Instead, I will concentrate on other programs. 30 November 2002 * updated URL and contact info (see "About" box) * Version number is now 1.74 4 June 2002 * Fixed a bug which prevented VisitURL from launching URLs in browser if the column order was reversed, i.e. if the URL description was shown in the first column. * Version number is now 1.73 22 December 2000 * Minor fixes; the program will no longer ask for confirmation when exiting while being closed by Windows (if the Confirm Exit option is ON); The warning about failure to assign hotkey can now be turned OFF in the INI file (set "HotKeyWarn" to 0). * Version number is now 1.72 21 August 2000 * Minor bug fix * Version number is now 1.70 1 August 2000 * Fixed bug with saving file in wrong format, introduced in prev. release (oops) * Version number is now 1.67 15 July 2000 * Added hotkey activation feature: VisitURL can be activated with a keypress and brought to front when it's minimized to the tray icon. Default hotkey is Shift+Ctrl+F9. It may be changed by editing the "Hotkey=" line in the INI file. In the Options dialog box, the hotkey activation fature may be turned ON or OFF. (It is ON by default.) * Changed the Visit file setting in Options to behave in a more logical manner. You can now choose what Visit should to at startup: (a) open the file that was last opened when the program was used, or (b) always open the same file, whose name you specify. * The Most Recently Used file list was always displayed as a submenu off the File menu. Now the MRU files can also be displayed in the main File menu (configurable in the Options dialog box). * Version number is now 1.66 4 June 2000 * Added option to minimize Visit when launching an URL * Version number is now 1.65 23 May 2000 * last added URL is now automatically selected in the listview (except when more than one URL is added at one time) * Alt+Enter will always execute the "Edit URL" function, regardless of which function the Enter key itself is assigned in Options. * Fixed bug in InjectURL, where editing the HTML document title had no effect on the "Title as Filename" option (the original document title was always used even if it was manually edited). * Version number is now 1.63 17 April 2000 * URLs can now be dragged from MS Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator and dropped on the main program window. * Version number is now 1.62 (this release was not made public) 12 April 2000 * Fixed problem where injecting URLs into certain HTML documents would sometimes cut off part of the document. * "make backup" checkbox in InjectURL dialog box is never disabled any more * "Open file" dialog boxes which browse for HTML-type files now also list files with '.asp' and '.php' extensions, since many WWW documents are saved as these file types. * Version number is now 1.61 (this release was not made public) 11 March 2000 * Minor fixes * Version number is now 1.60 (this release was not made public) 20 November 1999 * Minor fixes * Version number is now 1.58 4 November 1999 * Fixed a bug where Visit could not process a file whose names contained embedded spaces. Thanks to Szilvia Nagy for spotting the problem! * Version number is now 1.56 23 October 1999 * Fixed AWFUL bug introduced in previous release that would cause an infinite loop when adding multiple URLs. ! * Version number is now 1.55 18 October 1999 * Improved handling of duplicate URLs. When adding single URLs, Visit will now allow you to replace the already existing URL with the newly added one, if the URL is the same but the new description is different. This can be performed automatically, or you can choose to be prompted before replacing. (This function does not yet work when adding multiple URLs.) * Version number is now 1.54 14 October 1999 * Fixed error where the "No Duplicates" option was ignored when adding URLs from browser. * Version number is now 1.53 9 October 1999 * Added MRU (most recently used) file list to the File menu. (Uses Brad Stowers' MRUFileList component, see http://www.delphifreestuff.com) * Rearranged controls in Options dialog box (looks cleaner now) * Version number is now 1.52 5 October 1999 * Minor bug fixes (program should re-minimize itself properly after it has prompted you for URL description) * Data file format change (this is transparent to the user. Old format files are read and converted automatically). * Minor enhancement to templates: the __LINK__ token definition can now span multiple lines (see "template.txt" for instructions). * Filtering capability: Try the "Find all" command in the "Find" dialog box. * Regular expression support in "Find" dialog box (uses TPerlRe, freeware library written by Luu Tran , and requires the file "perlre.dll", included in distribution). For details on regular expression syntax, search the Internet or look into Perl documentation. This library uses regexp syntax that is fairly compatible with Perl's regular expressions. * Version number is now 1.51 19 September 1999 * Big change: You can now use a TEMPLATE to build the output HTML file! This is in addition to the already-available HTML-formatting options (Ordered list, Unordered list Table, etc). In the "HTML" tab, you can now choose "Template" in the "Display format" drop- down list (previously these were radio buttons). You should also set the template filename in the "Template file" edit box. The template allows you to format the HTML document in any way you please; you are no longer limited by the clunky one-line strings in the Visit options. A simple default template ("TEMPLATE.TPL") is provided with the program to illustrate various possibilities. See file "TEMPLATE.TXT" for a list of all tokens currently supported. * Minor change: Previously the program never prompted for URL description when URLs were automatically captured from clipboard. (Rationale: There may be more than one URL in clipboard data. Users will be annoyed if the program prompts them 20 times in a row.) There is now an additional option ("URLs" tab, prompt "...in capture mode") that allows such prompting to be turned on. Note that even with this option checked, Visit will only prompt if it cannot find the description automatically, which usually means when only the URL was copied to clipboard. * Version number is now 1.4 15 September 1999 * Minor fixes to file saving and loading routines, further safeguards against clobbering the data file in case of an unexpected error. In particular: * URL file will NOT be saved if the list is empty. In the past, if there was an error loading the file, the list came up empty. If the file was then saved (manually or automatically), it overwrote the original, good file, and you could lose all URLs stored there. * It should be now safe to Inject URL into a Unix-type text file (i.e. a file with lines are terminated with the #10 character, instead of the DOS-style #13#10 sequence. * Added the "Misc" tab to the Options dialog box: - You can set the characters considered valid for a filename (used when auto-renaming HTML files). Note: Any printable characters can be used, except SPACE. The string MUST contain the underscore ("_") character. If it is missing, it will be automatically added to the string. - You can also specify the characters used for HTML "delimiters", i.e. those that CANNOT be part of a URL. Note: you can only specify PRINTABLE characters there. Visit always considers certain non-printable characters (CR, LF, TAB) and the SPACE as URL delimiters. This cannot be changed, nor would it make sense to. Also note that the characters '#' and '?' (hash and question mark) CANNOT be considered delimiters. If used, they will be automatically removed. Instead, use the "Clip past hash mark" and "Clip CGI strings" options. * Version number is now 1.3 3 September 1999 * Changed icons again * The main toolbar can now be hidden * Minor changes in the routine that saves data file to disk to make it safer in case of a problem. * Version number is now 1.28 31 August 1999 * Changed the URL-scheme icons (which were originally selected more or less at random from various system DLLs) to a much nicer set provided by MrC.VxR (derived in part from KDE icon set). Thanks, Marco! * Fixed a serious bug that could in come situations cause Access Violation exception. Man, was my face red! * If Visit is configured to look for URL description and to prompt if none found, it pops up a dialog box that lets the user add their own description text. Originally, clicking Cancel in this dialog box would only cause the description not to be added, while the URL itself was still added. (Yes, even if the user clicked Cancel! This was done on purpose.) I decided that this behavior was not logical and now clicking Cancel in that dialog box will abort adding the URL. * Version number is now 1.27 25 August 1999 * Another fix to the sorting routine: the list should now be saved the way it was last sorted when you clicked on one of the column headers. Note that the list is not saved immediately after a sort, but only when an URL is added/edited, or when you exit the program (provided that AutoSave is ON). This is done on purpose, so that you can return to the state of the list before you sorted it. Otherwise there would be no way to undo the sort. + If AutoSave is OFF when you sort the list, you will be prompted to save the file when you exit program, as usual. * The Save button and menu option are no longer disabled when AutoSave in ON. This means you can save the file at any time, even if the list of URLs has not been modified. The disabled state of the button was really used as an indicator of the AutoSave state. Now, if AutoSave is on, the text 'auto' is displayed in the second panel of the StatusBar. As before, the text 'MOD' is displayed there if AutoSave is OFF and the list has been modified (incl. by sorting). * The description panel can now be hidden: click the View|Description panel menu option. You can also hide the description panel by right-clicking it with the mouse and clicking the Hide option. (Thanks to MaRcO for the suggestion.) * Program hints are now displayed in the last (fourth) StatusBar panel. This should help make them visible in full, since you can resize the program window if the hint text dooes not fit. * The name of the current file is now displayed in the third StatusBar panel. Because the panel is relatively short and non-resizeable, only the file name is displayed, without the path. However, when you position the mouse over the StatusBar, the full path and filename are displayed in the hint area. * You can now double-click the description panel to edit the selected URL. * Version number is now 1.26 23 August 1999 * Increased version number to 1.25 * In InjectURL function, improved the routine deriving local filename from URL, making it behave more like Netscape does (to increase correct guesses) and work properly with URLs that contain only path and no filename. 5 August 1999 * In addition to ordered list and table, you can have the URLs saved as an unordered (bulleted) list, or as a simple paragraph of text, i.e. the links follow each other immediately instead of being broken into separate lines. The page is less legible that way, but more links fit on screen. (Note: for the bulleted list, you *can't* choose the type of bullet, i.e. circle, square, etc - for the simple reason that there's no space left in that dialog box, and it will take some time to redesign it to make room for the additional option :) Thanks to Rafael for the suggestion. * BUGFIX: Sorting URLs is now immediately reflected in the HTML file, i.e. autosave does recognize that the file has changed and needs to be saved. * BUGFIX: When a new .VIS file was opened, the description pane erroneously displayed the description for the selected item in the previously-loaded file. The description is now correctly updated. * The "open" and "save" dialog boxes now only allow you to specify a file with the .VIS extension. I hope this makes sense, since this is the only type of file that Visit saves and loads. (For other flie formats, see the Export and Import functions, as before.) 1 August 1999 * The InsertURL dialog box now has a function that captures URL and page title from currently running browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer). A minor bug in the InsertURL dialog was fixed. 28 July 1999 * Added option to the Find dialog to always search the entire scope of the URL list, i.e. start searching from the top, rather than from the current cursor position. * Added the currently selected URL number to the description pane. (Thanks to Dennis Lemon for the suggestions.) 8 July 1999 * Added an option to set the minimum description length. If a description string is shorter than this value, it will be discarded. * HTML code is now stripped from the Description string (option; only when a description is added automatically from the text in clipboard. Not when added manually.) 26 June 1999 * Version 1.23 * Added an option to the Inject URL feature: automatically remove the URL that has been successfully injected into a file. The "prompt before delete" setting is honored. * Added an option to the Inject URL feature: try to guess the name of the file based on the selected URL. For instamce, if you select an URL http://www.lodz.pdi.net/~eristic/index.html and click the "Inject" button, the "File" edit box in the Inject URL dialog will be pre-filled with 'index.html'. If you have saved the file with its original filename, the guess will often be correct, and you won't have to open the "select file" dialog box. 12 June 1999 * Version 1.22 * Fixed the following bug: + When the "No duplicates" option is set (see Options -> URLs tab) a URL is not added to the list if an identical copy already exists (even if the description string might be different). The program then displays a somewhat misleading error message: "Could not find URL in clipboard data". This is the same message that is normally displayed when you try to add an URL from clipboard but no URL can be found. Instead, a different message should be displayed, such as "Ignoring duplicte URL". For now, the exact cause of the URL not being added to the list may be hard to determine. (Note that you can always use the "manual add" function, which never checks for duplicates and will allow you to add any arbitrary strings to the list.) 6 June 1999 * Fixed the behavior where the program didn't minimize itself correctly if a function was called in a minimized state using the icon-tray menu: the main window did minimize but the taskbar (not task-tray!) icon remained visible, which it shouldn't have. 1 April 1999 * Fixed the problem where URLs added from browser had their URL and description fields reversed. * Improved a little the logic of finding and adding URL descripions when multiple URLs are added at one time (Ctrl-U) 24 March 1999 * Added a function to add URL from currently running browser. (Choose "URL->Get from browser") Works only with Netscape Navigator or MS Internet Explorer (versions above 3.0) 23 March 1999 * Under the Help menu, added "VisitURL Setup" submenu, with two items: + Install: creates an association for the '.vis' files, and creates links to visit.exe in Start Menu (Programs folder and Startup folder) + Uninstall: Removes the association, registry entries and links created by Install. 14 March 1999 * Added ability to import Internet Shortcuts (i.e. "Favorites", the '*.url' files). Choose File->Import->Favorites to activate this function. NOTE: All favorites are imported - there is no way to specify which schemes are to be imported, the way you can in the regular Import from file. 13 March 1999 * Rewrote the Export dialog. Added ability to export to Netscape's bookmark file and comma-delimited files (.csv) 11 March 1999 * Dialog boxes and message strings could be unreadable if the Verdana font was not installed in the system. Changed Visit to always use default font for all windos and dialog boxes (normally Ms Sans Serif), with an option to use Verdana font (Options->Interface) 4 March 1999 * Got rid of the binary configuration file and replaced it with an old-style INI file. MODIFICATIONS BEFORE 22 Feb 1999 (first official release) + Added '-new' commandline switch: If specified, the program will not complain about missing config file and/or visit data file, assuming it is running for the first time. New config file and new .vis database will be created silently. Also, if the switch is in force, the '.vis' extension will be automatically associated with the program (this can also be done manually in Options dialog). + Added InstallShield setup. it is not used for the distribution, however, because it increases the downloadable file size threefold. + Added Shift-F10 key combination to activate the ListView popup menu + Fixed the bug where the desciption panel wasn't updated when the selection was moved with a keypress. + Added Credits to the About box + When another instance of VisitURL is loaded with a '.vis' file on the commandline, the commandline is passed to the running instance and the new file is loaded in place of the current file. + Added icons to the ListView. The icons are sort-of ugly and may change without notice :) Note that these are not the typical "system" icons, i.e. the icon does not indicate file type. Rather, the icons indicate URL schemes: HTTP, FTP, MAILTO, telnet, etc. + You may now view the URL list as "large icons", "small icons" or "list", as well as the basic "details" view. Not terribly useful, but it's standard behavior of the Explorer-like interface. In the future, you will be able to drag and drop the URLs, e.g. to the desktop (create a link) or to the browser (launch URL). For now, drag/drop is not implemented. + In the Options dialog box, on the Files tab, there is now the "Associate '.VIS' button. Click it to associate the program with the '.vis' file extension, so you can launch it by clicking the file. (The same can be done manually in the Explorer: View->Options->File types) You may want to do it after you install VisitURL, as well as after you have moved the program to a difrerent location on disk. + Some hotkeys have been changed: to find out what hotkeys are defined, see the menu items. Nearly all function keys are assigned functions. + Changed the '.vis' database file format (again!) The file now takes up much less disk space. + Added a splitter to enable resizing the description panel. The splitter position is saved when you exit the program. + Cleaned up how registry is used by RxFormStorage and ExtListView as they save their state. Information is now saved to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\General Frenetics\VisitURL\FormPos \PosFormMain \PosFormFind \ListView as it should have always been :) + Added Find capability. Ctrl-F = 'Find', F3 = 'Find next'. Search forward or backward; match case or not. Search in URLs only, in Descriptions only, or in both. + Added F2 key. If edit in-place is ON, it activates the in-place editor for the focused item. If edit in-place is off, it brings up the regular edit dialog box. + Totally rewrote the IMPORT routine. Now imports from HTML files parsing the anchors, using their text as description. URLs from non-HTML files are imported as before. Special dialog box with many options. + Fixed the bug where, if description was found to the right of URL, the description string could contain the next URL in the string (affected "Add Multiple"). part of the bug remains: the description, once found, is not removed from the data, so it may sometimes be added to the next URL. Test case: http://www.some.net SOME DESC TEXT http://www.another.com + Added "single key add" option: Ability to respond to single-key presses instead of Control-key combos for Ctrl-A (add single), Ctrl-U (add multiple) and Ctrl-M (add manual). Instead, just press A, U or M. Additionally, 'E' maps to Ctrl-E (Edit) if "single key add" is turned ON. + Added "launch browser on program startup" This actually loads the visit.html page, not just starts browser. Respects default browser settings. + In options->Browser, double-clicking the 'browser" caption restores browser path to the application associated with .html files. + Export URLs as Favorites (autodetects Favorites folder using Registry) + Export URLs as plain text + In the HTML file, display both URL (as link) and description text (in table, in right-hand column) - this is configurable from "HTML" tab in Options ("Always print URL"). + Added SaveURL-like facility: i.e. insert selected URL to an HTML file (select file from folder; no folder monitoring). Behavior is configurable in Options dialog box and InsertFile dialog. + Changed FnugryTrayIcon to RxTrayIcon, in order to have a list of two icons at runtime. The tray icon now changes to indicate the current state of clipboard monitoring (On/Off). + Added "Single click = double click" option: when turned ON, single-click on tray icon will activate the (user-defined) routine that is normally activated by double-clicking. + Moved deleting tray icon to main form's OnDestroy event: this will hopefully eliminate the 'error deleting tray icon" bug + Corrected date/time display bug in HTML file. + Added 'hot mouse cursor" option (may work funny with HotTrack). + Added ability to chooose which information is "main": URL or Description. Columns are updated accordingly. Setting "Description" as main coumn enables user to turn edit-in-place ON for editing descriptions. + Columns can now be reordered by dragging (column settings are always saved automatically). + Added scheme-less URL recognition ('www.' and 'ftp.' only). + Changed data file extension to '.vis'. + Added commandline operation (only one item: a filename can be passed on the cmdline indicating the URL file to be loaded (can be either data or html). + Added 3rd column with date/time information (Note: this is still not printed to html file). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Questions, comments, suggestions: email No HTML-formatted email please!