FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for Meracl ImageMap Generator 3.5.3

1. First of all, what is an image map?

2. How do I create a new image map?

3. How do I create a circular shape?

4. How do I create a polygonal shape?

5. How do I create a rectangular shape?

6. How do I edit a shape?

7. How do I delete a shape?

8. How do I move a shape around?

9. How do I change the image's preferences?

10. How do I save the image map that I'm working on?

11. How do I load an old image map?

12. I can hardly see what I'm doing, how do I change the shape's color?

13. Can I distribute this program freely?

14. What can I do to support you?

15. How do I reach you (Meracl Software)?

What does the colors mean.....?

= Menu
Green = Button
Yellow = Key











1. What is an imagemap?

An image map is an image where clicks on certain areas on the image can take you to a new page or execute a JavaScript or so. All this is being done with HTML code.

For an example of an image map, click on Homer's left eye.

Click here!

2. How do I create a new image map?

When you create a new image map there are different ways to do it. Either you can load a picture from the hard drive or you can load it from an HTML file.

If you choose to load a file from the hard drive you click on File > New image map > Load image from hard drive find the file and click on the Open button.

If you choose to load the image from an HTML file you click on File > New image map > Load image from HTML file and just follow the instructions on the next screen.

When you have loaded the file a window will pop up where you can edit the image's preferences. If you have no idea what the stuff means I suggest you change nothing on there to avoid problems.

If you want to find out what they mean a description will pop up if you move the mouse over the different preferences.


3. How do I create a circular shape?

To create a new circular shape you either click Image > Create > New circle or hold down the mouse button on the circle icon to the right of the image and drag and drop a circle onto the image.

To adjust the size of the circle, just hold down the mouse button on one of the four squares located on the edge of the circle's circumference and drag.


4. How do I create a polygonal shape?

To create a new polygonal shape you either click Image > Create > New polygon or hold down the mouse button on the triangle icon to the right of the image and drag and drop a polygon onto the image.

To add new nodes right click wherever you want that new node to be.

To change the position of a node just hold down the mouse button on it and drag.

If you want to delete a node either click Image > Delete node and then click on the node that you want to delete or hold down Ctrl and click on the node that you want to delete.


5. How do I create a rectangular shape?

To create a new rectangular shape you either click Image > Create > New rectangle or hold down the mouse button on the rectangle icon to the right of the image and drag and drop a rectangle onto the image.

To adjust the size of the rectangle, just hold down the mouse button on one of the rectangle's four corners and drag.


6. How do I edit a shape?

To edit a shape, just click on the big square that is located in the middle of the circle and the rectangle and at the polygon's first node.


7. How do I delete a shape?

To delete a shape you first choose the shape you want to delete (see edit section), then either click on the button to the right of the image saying Delete shape or click Image > Delete shape.


8. How do I move a shape around?

To move a shape you first choose what shape you want to move (see edit selection) and then you hold down the mouse button on the big square that is located in the middle of the circle and the rectangle and at the polygon's first node, drag and drop.

A quicker and more precise way of doing this is to hold down Shift and click on the image where you want the shape to be.


9. How do I change the image's preferences?

To edit the image's preferences you first click on Image > Preferences and then a window will pop up where you can change editable preferences.

If you have no idea what the stuff means I suggest you change nothing on there to avoid problems.

If you want to find out what they mean a description will pop up if you move the mouse over the different preferences.


10. How do I save the image map that I'm working on?

When you are done making the image map it's time to produce the HTML code for it. To do this click File > Save image map. Now a window with the HTML code and 2 options will pop up.

If you click on the button saying Copy HTML code to clipboard the HTML code will be copied to the clipboard and you then can paste it into any application (allowing it) by pressing Ctrl and V at the same time.

If you click on the button saying Save HTML code to file a window will pop up where you can save the HTML code to a (new) file.


11. How do I load an old image map?

To load an already existing image map you click File > Load image map. A window will now pop up with instructions, just follow them and loading an old image map will be as easy as a walk in the park... ;-)


12. I can hardly see what I'm doing, how do I
change the shape's color?

Sometimes it can be hard to see what you are doing because the image's colors might be the same as the shape's color. Then you can use the three scroll bars at the right of the image.

These scroll bars control the amount of red, green and blue in the color of the shape. Just change these and you will be able to get a color that better match the image's color.


13. Can I distribute this program freely?

Yes, you may distribute this program freely by any mean. Give it to your friends and enemies, put it on CDs (yes, computer magazines can put it on their CDs too), put it on your website, etc.

Spreading this software just makes me happy so be my guest

14. What can I do to support you?

To support me, go to my homepage and click on my banners...that's it! =)


15. How do I reach you?

You can contact me by sending an e-mail to me at ruler_of_earth@cheerful.com or click here to send me an e-mail through my homepage.