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Shows or hides the main toolbar.

Submenu commands to create, open, or hide the Clipbar.

Shows or hides the document ruler.

Line Numbers (only NoteTab Pro)
Shows or hides the line-number ruler.

Libraries Bar
Shows or hides the Clipbook libraries button bar above the status bar.

Status Bar
Shows or hides the Status bar, which displays hint information and the cursor coordinates.

Nonprinting Text (only NoteTab Pro)
Shows or hides nonprinting characters like paragraph marks, spacebar and tab characters, and page breaks.

Stack Document Tabs
Shows document tabs stacked or unstacked.

Multiple Instances
Allows multiple instances of NoteTab to run.

Icon in System Tray
Minimizes NoteTab to the system tray instead of the task bar.

Makes NoteTab stay on top of other applications.

Commercial Features (only NoteTab Light)
Use this command to enable some of the commercial features for a trial period of one month.

Printing Options
Sets printing options (margins, font, etc.).

Spell-Checker Options
Sets spell-checker options (dictionaries, correction preferences, etc.). This command is only available in the commercial version of NoteTab. To keep the distribution file size small, the commercial package does not include any dictionaries. However, you can download the thesaurus file and dictionaries for several languages for free by visiting one of the NoteTab Web sites.

Sets program options.