Create Clipbook Libraries
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There are two ways to create libraries and add items to the Clipbook. The easiest way is to use the Clipbook window and Clip editor. The fastest method, however, is to create them manually.

1. With the Clipbook Tool

First you will have to open the Clipbook tool; press F4 or click on one of the library buttons at the bottom of the NoteTab window. The easiest way to create a library is by typing a new name in the library combo box which is just above the Clipbook list. Once you've typed a name for your library and pressed the Enter key, NoteTab will ask you if you want to create a new library. When you answer yes, it will add the new library name to the combo box. The Clipbook list window will be empty at this stage. Next, open the Clipbook shortcut menu by clicking in the empty list window with the right mouse button. Choose the Add New Clip command. This opens the "Clipbook Item Editor" dialog box. Type a name for your first Clip and press Enter or click on the OK button. This will add the new item to the list and open the Clip editor. Use the Clip editor to add or edit the content of the current Clip. When you are ready to add a new Clip, use the Clipbook shortcut menu again or press Ctrl+Shift+A. You can also create a new item by pressing the page down key once the cursor has reached the end of the text.

NoteTab lets you define two special types of headers. If you want to group headers under a main topic, just place a semicolon character ";" in front of the Clip name. These headers don't have a left margin icon and are colored in red by default. If you want to create a header that cannot be activated with the mouse or the ENTER key, just place an underscore character "_" in front of the Clip name. These headers are colored in gray by default.

Changes made to the content of a Clip are automatically saved in memory when you move to another item. Once a different Clip is displayed in the editor, changes made to the previous item cannot be undone with the Undo/Redo commands. Also, bookmarks set with NoteTab Pro will not be remembered. When the Clip editor is open, you can save a modified library to disk just like any other document, with the Save menu commands or buttons.

If you want to edit an existing item and the Clip editor is not open, choose the Tools | Clipbook | Clip Editor menu command or press the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+E to open it.

If you don't want to edit Clipbook libraries directly, you can add new items by selecting text in your document and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+C (or selecting Add to Clipbook from the editor's shortcut menu) to add it to the current Clipbook library. You will then be prompted to enter a header for the text, after which it is added to the Clipbook.

You can also add text from other applications by copying it to Windows' clipboard. Open the Clipbook's list box shortcut menu and select Add from Clipboard.

2. Manually

NoteTab also lets you edit a Clipbook library like a normal document. Use the menu command Tools | Clipbook | New Library to create a new library or use Tools | Clipbook | Open Library to open an existing one. The structure of a Clipbook library is quite simple. It starts with a header on the first line followed by Clip headers and their content. For more information on editing them, see the Clipbook Libraries topic.