Lat/Long Sphere Primitive

A Lat/Long sphere is modeled on the lines of latitude and longitude used to map out the surface of the earth.

Sphere primitives can be generated with exact dimensions or drawn interactively using the Build > Build Primitives menu.

The Build Lat/Long Sphere Tab page enables the generation of Spherical models by a specified dimension.


Type in the desired Radius, number of Faces, Smoothing choice (Off creates a faceted sphere when rendered) and Center point, then press the Make button. Note that the Center is the point in the Working-Volume 3D space that the center of the Sphere is placed.

You can also interactively generate a Sphere primitive by dragging out a bounding box in any of the Working-Volume' TOP, FRONT, or SIDE views. The specified Sphere will fill the space of the bounding box. Note that the Auto checkbox must be checked to interactively draw primitives.