Draw Tool

This tool plots a curve (composed of a set of vertices and edges) in the Working-Volume view windows.

Place the first vertex of the curve by clicking once in one of the Working-Volume view windows. Click and drag the 3D Cursor (a rubber band line is drawn between the last vertex inserted and the 3D Cursor while the left mouse button is held down) to the desired position of the next vertex of the curve. Release the left mouse button to create the next vertex of the curve. If you just click the left mouse button, a vertex is added at that point.

If the "Shift" key is held down while dragging the mouse then the extending line is constrained to 45░ angles. The active window will scroll as the mouse approaches the edge of the window.

If the "Ctrl key" is held down then no new vertices are created. This enables positioning of the 3D Cursor in two windows before re-commencing drawing.

If the "Alt" key is held down then when the mouse is clicked a "New edge" is started. The "New edge" is not attached to any previous vertex on the curve.

The Draw Tool can also be used to draw edges between existing vertices by clicking exactly on top of the desired vertex.

To enable the 3D Plot Tool, double-click on the Draw Tool.

See also:
Face and Edge Creation
Strutting and Faceting