Taskmanager on Steroids - Readme ================================ Version: 0.12 Build: 0007 Revision date: 18th 0f May 2001 CONTENTS 1. Disclaimer of warranty 2. Introduction 3. Hardware Requirements 4. Software Requirements 5. History of changes 6. Known problems 7. Contact 8. Troubleshooting 9. Licensing 10. Thanks 1. Disclaimer of warranty ========================= The program "Taskmanager on Steroids" is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. By installing and/or using the program "Taskmanager of Steroids" the user acknowledges that usage is at his/her sole risk. The owners do not take any responsibilities for damages that could occur during the usage of the named program. The "T.O.S. Team" shall not be held responsible for any special,direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages without limitation. 2. Introduction =============== Taskmanager on Steroids (T.O.S.) is an advanced system utility offering detailed information on windows, processes and the computer system itself and is distributed as EMAILWARE. 3. Hardware Requirements ======================== Minimum: - 32 MB physical memory - Pentium 100 - 5 MB available hard disk space - Display resolution 800x600 or higher 4. Software Requirements ======================== Currently Taskmanager on Steroids runs on Microsoft Windows 9x-derivates only. Designed for the following operating systems: - Windows 95B and Windows 95C - Windows 98 - Windows 98 SE - Windows ME - Windows 2000 *** NEW *** Notes: ------ a. Functionality under the original retail version Windows 95 with or without servicepack 1 has not been tested. b. The aplication cannot be executed on Windows NT 4.0 or older versions. Yet do not loose hope – upon popular demand that feature could be implemented at a later time. So keep the requests/suggestions etc. coming. 5. History of changes ===================== Version 0012 Build 0006 ------------------------ Homepage Upload: 4th of May 2001 Version 0012 Build 0007 ------------------------ Homepage Upload: 18th of May 2001 5.1 Additions a. Addition of process priority 5.2 Fixed problems a. Installation problem with oversized Readme-dialog upon first start using a resolution of 800x600 Solution: dialog size reduced Note: lower display resolution not recommended b. Parts of the CPU detection routines improved, yet still not accurate Note: wil be addressed at a later time c. Heaps count will be displayed correctly d. Statusbar information not shown upon first start Note: set to 1500 ms 6. Known problems ================= a. General b. Process tree - The display of the tree takes a lot of time on slow machines due to the mass of information queried when using the default settings. Solution: use the Settings-dialog to reduce the quantity of information queried. - Process priority information cannot be queried in some cases. - The detailed information offered on threads and/or heaps is not complete - some information will still be added in a later release. b. System tree - On some PCs the CPU detection does not work correctly. - The CPU usage did not work correctly on some PCs so it currently is disabled. - System tree is not loaded correctly on machines with more than one processors c. Settings - Several options in the Settings-dialog are disabled as the required code has not been implemented yet or did not work correctly on certain machines. f. Help file - The help file is outdated. Solution: check the homepage occasionally for updates. 7. Contact ========== Feel free to contact us. Any feedback is warmly welcome just as suggestions given will be discussed and taken into consideration. URL: http://web.dschungel.com/tos_team Email: tosteam@uboot.com 8. Troubleshooting ================== Initially, make sure that all above mentioned requirements are fulfilled. In case problems are encountered which cannot be solved otherwise, feel free to contact us: Homepage: http://web.dschungel.com/tos_team (providing a forum) Email: tosteam@uboot.com 9. Licensing ============ The program "Taskmanager on Steroids" is EMAILWARE and can be freely used, copied and redistributed subject to the following conditions: a. The user is granted the right to make use of the program free of charge for 45 days. After this period the user is allowed to continue using this program ONLY if the user sends a mail to the address "tosteam@uboot.com" with the subject "Taskmanager on Steroids feedback". b. If the program has been licensed via sending the required email once, the thereby licensed owner is not obliged to send any further email upon reinstallation for this or future versions of the program as long as these are distributed under the same conditions as EMAILWARE. c. That the program shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the owners prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is offered and without a similiar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent user. If the user cannot adhere to these conditions, he is required to remove the program and any parts of it from the computer system. 10. Thanks ========== - Special thanks to all the people behind the excellent utility "Power Archiver" available at http://www.powerarchiver.com.