:Base powerpro.hlp :Title Help for PowerPro 1 License and Warranty=license>main 1 New for This Release=new>main 1 Frequently Asked Questions (with Answers)=faq>main 1 Demonstrations and Samples=demo_all>main 1 New User Information=firsttime>main 1 How PowerPro Empowers You=combine 1 Purchase=register 1 Narrative Descriptions of Features 2 Overview=overview 2 Installation and Removal=installation 2 Bars=Bar_help 2 Menus=menu_help 2 Setup=specialwin 2 GUI Control=special 2 Command Lists=menu_contents 2 Scheduler=alarm_details 2 Keys/Mouse=hotkey 2 Timers=timer 2 Media=sound 1 Taking Control of Your Desktop 2 Built-In Commands=builtin 2 Virtual Desktops=vdesk 2 Sending Keystrokes=sendkeys 2 Invisible Bars=all 2 Skins=skins 2 Track Active Windows with a Bar Buttons=activebar 2 Create Bar Buttons from Files in a Folder=folderbuttons 2 Multiple Commands=mul_command 2 Command Scripts =virtual 2 Working with the Clipboard and Clipboard History=autoclip 2 Control Windows: Close, Min, Max, On Top, Rollup, Tray Min, etc=controlwin 2 Creating Menus of Commands from File or System Folders=filedoc 2 Accessing Tray Icons of Other Programs=trayiconother 2 Run Commands or Press Buttons when Windows First Open=autorun 2 Keyboard Macros =macro 2 Run Commands on Random Files=randomfile 2 Automatically Move Mouse Cursor to Default Button=autobutton 2 Create a List of Favorite Folders for Open/Save Dialogs=favfolders 2 Add Entries to Explorer Context Menu=explorercontext 2 Use a Calendar Calculator=calccalendar 2 See Size, Position, Caption, Class of Window under Mouse=movesize 2 Sharing Configuration Files=sharing 2 Notes=note_help 2 Other Hints and Tips=power