*skin author "first last" created "xx MMM yy" thumb thumbfile.bmp - title "text for title" Usage notes go here This is SkinTemplate2.txt which shows a bar with a *Info button and then a series of selector buttons for selecting subbars ; *Bar command shows all keywords; choose those that apply *Bar shape "shapefile.bmp" marker "markerfile.bmp" - sound open.wav soundhide hide.wav soundshow show.wav - cursor "cursor.cur" otherback "bkg.bmp" othertext "nn nn nn" - menuindent nn menuwidth nn menuheight nn menusepcolortop "nn nn nn" menusepcolorbottom "nn nn nn" ; Use up to 4 *Font lines to define any special fonts. ; All keywords are shown; choose those that apply. *Font 1 name "Arial" size 12 weight 500 bold italics underline ; First button is for *Info line ; This line is optional: if your skin does not have a standard place for *Info omit ; this line and use id 0 and following *Button line ; All keywords are shown; choose those that apply. *Button id 0 left nn top nn width nn height nn no3d notext font n textover iconover - soundhover "hover.wav" soundpress "press.wav" cursor "cursor.cur" - textpos right iconpos right text "nn nn nn" texthover "nn nn nn" textpress "nn nn nn" alltext "nn nn nn" - textleft nn textwidth nn texttop nn textheight nn icontop nn iconleft nn - face "nn nn nn" facehover "nn nn nn" facepress "nn nn nn" faceall "nn nn nn" - facebmp "face.bmp" hoverbmp "hover.bmp" pressbmp "press.bmp" allbmp "allstates.bmp" ; Next button is for selector lines ; All keywords are shown; choose those that apply. *Button id 1 repeat "tosubbar nn nn nn" left nn top nn width nn height nn no3d notext font n textover iconover - soundhover "hover.wav" soundpress "press.wav" cursor "cursor.cur" - textpos right iconpos right text "nn nn nn" texthover "nn nn nn" textpress "nn nn nn" alltext "nn nn nn" - textleft nn textwidth nn texttop nn textheight nn icontop nn iconleft nn - face "nn nn nn" facehover "nn nn nn" facepress "nn nn nn" faceall "nn nn nn" - facebmp "face.bmp" hoverbmp "hover.bmp" pressbmp "press.bmp" allbmp "allstates.bmp" ; Next button is for subbars ; All keywords are shown; choose those that apply. *Button id next repeat "1000 nn nn nn" left nn top nn width nn height nn no3d notext font n textover iconover -- soundhover "hover.wav" soundpress "press.wav" cursor "cursor.cur" - textpos right iconpos right text "nn nn nn" texthover "nn nn nn" textpress "nn nn nn" alltext "nn nn nn" - textleft nn textwidth nn texttop nn textheight nn icontop nn iconleft nn - face "nn nn nn" facehover "nn nn nn" facepress "nn nn nn" faceall "nn nn nn" - facebmp "face.bmp" hoverbmp "hover.bmp" pressbmp "press.bmp" allbmp "allstates.bmp"