101 &About Modiname... 104 Erasor : in progress... 107 Impossible to open : %s !\nDo you want to go on ? 109 Impossible to write to the file :\n%s ! 112 %ld files to delete !\nDo you wish to proceed ?\n\nATTENTION : There is no way back !!! 113 This program will let you erase definitively the data inside the selected files. \n \nThis is necessary because when you delete a file, the data is still on the disk ! And even replaced by other data, your old data can still be read on the side of the track (!) because the hard disk heads never write twice exactly at the same place ! \n \nThis is why the files are completely rewritten with random characters 10 times in a row to insure that the data is really destroyed, then each file is deleted. \n \nATTENTION : there is no way back once the program as started !!! 114 All (*.*)|*.*|| 115 Do you realy want to stop ? 116 File : %s 117 Process N %d 118 Number of destroyed files : %ld\nNumber of bytes written : %ld\nElapsed time : %.2f s