*************************************************** *******************Millennium Tray***************** *************************************************** UtilMind SH Website - http://www.angelfire.com/yt/utilmind/index.html Email - utilmind@goplay.com *************************************************** Millennium Tray is a tray app program for WIN95-98-NT that allows fast and easy one-click check for current time/date and countdown to year 2000. Also plays your favourite sound (.wav file) every hour. ******INSTALLATION********* Unzip mtray.zip then simply run mtray.exe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN FEATURES: A double click on tray icon will print on screen current time/date and countdown to year 2000. It will automatically disappear after 5/10 secs. A right click on left icon will show popup menu. **************************************** Popup Menu functions: Autorun enabled/disabled: when enabled Millennium Tray will run on windows startup. _____ Options: - Hide after: it shows how long the clock will remain on the screen. After 5/10 sec it will automatically disappear. - Play Sound Every Hour: - Enabled/Disabled - Choose sound: to change the default wave to be played - Test sound: to check the sound to be played on every hour _____ - Show time: it will show clock and countdown on the screen _____ About: credits and info about Millennium Tray _____ Close: quit. ***************************************** COPYRIGHT ------------------- Millennium Tray (beta version) is freeware. This means you can freely use it and distribute the complete archive. Remember that it's a beta version!!! * Millennium Tray Copyright @ 1998 by UtilMind SH * KNOWN PROBLEMS -------------------------------- None at the moment. DISCLAIMER --------------------- Use this program AT YOUR OWN RISK. UtilMind Softhouse will take no responsibility for damages, real or imagined that this software may cause. As you should before installing any program, back up all critical data and update your Windows 95/98 recovery diskette. Each computer is different and there is always a remote possibility of unforeseen difficulties when installing or running any program. And remember: never install a program you don't need. Contact: ------------ E-Mail : utilmind@goplay.com WWW-Page : http://www.angelfire.com/yt/utilmind/index.html HISTORY -------------- Millennium Tray 1.1b : Beta version, 22.01.1999 ________________________________________________________ Please email me your comments, suggestions or questions.