object AccountForm: TAccountForm Tag = 110 Left = 397 Top = 313 HelpContext = 19 ActiveControl = Button1 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Properties' ClientHeight = 330 ClientWidth = 330 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Position = poScreenCenter OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 29 Width = 330 Height = 269 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone BorderWidth = 6 TabOrder = 3 object PageControl1: TPageControl Left = 6 Top = 6 Width = 318 Height = 257 ActivePage = TabSheet1 Align = alClient TabOrder = 0 object TabSheet1: TTabSheet Tag = 111 HelpContext = 19 Caption = 'General' object Label1: TLabel Tag = 119 Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 31 Height = 13 Caption = '&Name:' FocusControl = Edit1 end object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 54 Width = 301 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label2: TLabel Tag = 136 Left = 4 Top = 48 Width = 23 Height = 13 Caption = 'From' end object Label3: TLabel Tag = 120 Left = 16 Top = 68 Width = 72 Height = 13 Caption = '&E-mail Address:' FocusControl = Edit2 end object Label4: TLabel Tag = 121 Left = 16 Top = 96 Width = 56 Height = 13 Caption = '&Real Name:' FocusControl = Edit3 end object Label5: TLabel Tag = 123 Left = 16 Top = 168 Width = 72 Height = 13 Caption = 'E-mail &Address:' FocusControl = Edit4 end object Label6: TLabel Tag = 124 Left = 16 Top = 196 Width = 56 Height = 13 Caption = 'R&eal Name:' FocusControl = Edit5 end object Bevel2: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 154 Width = 301 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label7: TLabel Tag = 137 Left = 4 Top = 148 Width = 39 Height = 13 Caption = 'Reply to' end object Bevel5: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 10 Width = 301 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label16: TLabel Tag = 135 Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 40 Height = 13 Caption = 'Account' end object Label21: TLabel Tag = 122 Left = 16 Top = 124 Width = 62 Height = 13 Caption = '&Organization:' FocusControl = Edit4 end object Edit1: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 20 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 0 end object Edit2: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 64 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 end object Edit3: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 92 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 2 end object Edit4: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 164 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 4 end object Edit5: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 192 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 5 end object Edit14: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 120 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 3 end end object TabSheet2: TTabSheet Tag = 112 HelpContext = 20 Caption = 'Receive' object Bevel3: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 10 Width = 301 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label9: TLabel Tag = 125 Left = 16 Top = 52 Width = 34 Height = 13 Caption = '&Server:' FocusControl = Edit6 end object Label8: TLabel Tag = 138 Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 28 Height = 13 Caption = 'POP3' end object Label10: TLabel Tag = 126 Left = 16 Top = 80 Width = 22 Height = 13 Caption = '&Port:' FocusControl = Edit7 end object Label11: TLabel Tag = 127 Left = 16 Top = 108 Width = 56 Height = 13 Caption = '&User Name:' FocusControl = Edit8 end object Label12: TLabel Tag = 128 Left = 16 Top = 140 Width = 49 Height = 13 Caption = 'Pass&word:' FocusControl = Edit9 end object CheckBox1: TCheckBox Tag = 313 Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 281 Height = 17 Caption = '&Fetch mail from this server' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CheckBox1Click end object Edit6: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 48 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 end object Edit7: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 76 Width = 61 Height = 21 TabOrder = 2 end object Edit8: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 104 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 3 end object Edit9: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 136 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 4 end object CheckBox3: TCheckBox Tag = 333 Left = 92 Top = 160 Width = 205 Height = 17 Caption = '&Prompt for password' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = CheckBox1Click end end object TabSheet3: TTabSheet Tag = 113 HelpContext = 21 Caption = 'Send' object Bevel4: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 10 Width = 301 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label14: TLabel Tag = 129 Left = 16 Top = 52 Width = 34 Height = 13 Caption = '&Server:' FocusControl = Edit10 end object Label15: TLabel Tag = 130 Left = 16 Top = 80 Width = 22 Height = 13 Caption = '&Port:' FocusControl = Edit11 end object Label13: TLabel Tag = 139 Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 30 Height = 13 Caption = 'SMTP' end object Edit10: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 48 Width = 205 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 end object Edit11: TEdit Left = 92 Top = 76 Width = 61 Height = 21 TabOrder = 2 end object CheckBox2: TCheckBox Tag = 314 Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 281 Height = 17 Caption = 'S&end mail to this server' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CheckBox1Click end end object TabSheet4: TTabSheet Tag = 114 HelpContext = 22 Caption = 'Filter' object Bevel6: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 10 Width = 301 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label18: TLabel Tag = 131 Left = 16 Top = 68 Width = 77 Height = 13 Caption = '&Keep on Server:' FocusControl = Edit12 end object Label17: TLabel Tag = 140 Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 71 Height = 13 Caption = 'Filter Keywords' end object Label19: TLabel Tag = 132 Left = 16 Top = 112 Width = 91 Height = 13 Caption = 'D&elete from Server:' FocusControl = Edit13 end object Label20: TLabel Tag = 133 Left = 16 Top = 152 Width = 281 Height = 53 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Separate each keyword with a space. To enforce a keyword, put a ' + 'plus forward it. To forbid a keyword, put a minus forward it. Ex' + 'act phrases must be quoted. Click Help for more help.' WordWrap = True end object Label23: TLabel Tag = 134 Left = 16 Top = 204 Width = 281 Height = 13 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Example: -advert -"Advertisement" newspaper +computer' WordWrap = True end object Label22: TLabel Tag = 315 Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 115 Height = 13 Caption = '&Default Download Type:' FocusControl = ComboBoxEx1 end object Label27: TLabel Tag = 281 Left = 124 Top = 72 Width = 180 Height = 13 Caption = 'Download without deleting from server' Visible = False end object Label28: TLabel Tag = 280 Left = 144 Top = 60 Width = 74 Height = 13 Caption = 'Keep on Server' Visible = False end object Label29: TLabel Tag = 279 Left = 144 Top = 28 Width = 86 Height = 13 Caption = 'Delete from server' Visible = False end object Label30: TLabel Tag = 278 Left = 144 Top = 12 Width = 156 Height = 13 Caption = 'Download and delete from server' Visible = False end object Edit12: TEdit Left = 16 Top = 84 Width = 281 Height = 21 TabOrder = 0 end object Edit13: TEdit Left = 16 Top = 128 Width = 281 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 end object ComboBoxEx1: TComboBoxEx Left = 16 Top = 40 Width = 281 Height = 22 Values.Strings = ( '0' '1' '2' '3') ImgIndexes.Strings = ( '0' '1' '2' '3') Images = ImageList1 ShowImages = True DropDownCount = 10 ItemHeight = 16 Items.Strings = ( 'n.a.' 'n.a.' 'n.a.' 'n.a.') TabOrder = 2 end end object TabSheet5: TTabSheet Tag = 212 HelpContext = 23 Caption = 'Signature' object Bevel7: TBevel Left = 4 Top = 10 Width = 301 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label26: TLabel Tag = 211 Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 205 Height = 13 Caption = 'This text will be attached to every new mail:' end object Label25: TLabel Tag = 210 Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 91 Height = 13 Caption = 'Standard Signature' end object Memo1: TMemo Left = 16 Top = 40 Width = 285 Height = 181 ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 0 WantTabs = True WordWrap = False end end end end object Button1: TButton Tag = 116 Left = 88 Top = 300 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = '&OK' Default = True TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Button1Click end object Button2: TButton Tag = 117 Left = 168 Top = 300 Width = 75 Height = 25 Cancel = True Caption = '&Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 330 Height = 29 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 4 object Image1: TImage Left = 6 Top = 4 Width = 318 Height = 25 AutoSize = True end object Image2: TImage Left = 10 Top = 8 Width = 16 Height = 16 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object Label24: TLabel Tag = 115 Left = 30 Top = 6 Width = 54 Height = 19 Caption = 'Account' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clCaptionText Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Times New Roman' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end end object Button3: TButton Tag = 118 Left = 248 Top = 300 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = '&Help...' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = Button3Click end object ImageList1: TImageList Left = 54 Top = 239 end end