!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: If itīs posible, read the Readme.htm with your internet browser, or by clicking F1 in RegCleaner. This is the old version of the Readme and this readme.txtīs development is over. This is here only for those who donīt have a browser. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! START of Readme.txt: RegCleaner - A Fast and Effective Windows Registry Cleaner WARNING - PLEASE READ ALL OF THE INFORMATION BELOW, HAPHAZARD USE OF THIS PROGRAM CAN DAMAGE SOME YOUR WINDOWS PROGRAM REGISTRY FILES. ****** PLEASE DON'T GUESS, READ THE DIRECTIONS! ****** Also note that this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe criminal and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. ****** Copyright 1999-2000 Jouni Vuorio. ****** A Product of Finland INFO: With this program, you can easily remove obsolete registry entries from software that you may have deleted ages ago. Note: You can't remove any Microsoft entries, since you would have to be real computer guru to you know if an item was an intregal part of the Windows Graphic Interface and if Windows could possibly operate without it. ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: Note that if you are not 100% sure that you have the original disk(s) for all items of software on your computer, then don't remove anything. In theory at least, it's not dangerous if you remove registry entries of most software that you may be using, since likely you'll just lose your settings and some options, but there's always the risk that the software won't work at all any more as well. Also, if you see some 'product' or 'company' like '!"#WFDSf"!4e2e2', and you know that it's in the software section by accident, DO NOT remove it Itīs most likely some (stupid) programīs (stupid) copyprotection. E.g. Re-Volt and F-Secureīs virusscanners do these. WHAT REGCLEANER DOES? First of all, RegCleaner analyzes all software structures (i.e. from all roots), and tries to find invalid file/directory references. If RegCleaner finds any, it will remove them from everywhere within the registry. This takes a some time (10-30 Sec.) RegCleaner next removes the registry keys from all software structures. Finally, RegCleaner makes checks on all software with regard to registered filetypes or tries to start them at start up. If anything is found to be wrong, then RegCleaner deletes the bad files. WHY BOTHER WITH REGCLEANER IN THE FIRST PLACE? Because it's a good idea to keep the registry as clean as possible. Here are some examples to help you to understand how RegCleaner can truly help you: 1. Say you've accidentally destroyed a nice shareware program what has a 30-day trial period. Later on, when you notice that it's been destroyed, you try reinstalling it, only to find out that you can't, because the program thinks that you're just trying to get another 30 days. If you first remove the program's registry entries, however, you may very well be able to reinstall the software and recover your trial period again. 2. You've found that your favorite program is an older version, and you want to download the latest whiz-bang version. The program, however, doesn't provide any uninstall utility, so you simply destroy its files and cross your fingers. But, as fate would have it, when you try to install the latest version, you see a dialog box such as this: "Please uninstall the old version of this program before attenpting to run this installation". Great, now what? Hang on, you simply remove the old program's registry entries with RegCleaner! Now you can continue installing the newer program version that you wanted to have originally (I'm using the word "programs", but most of these examples will apply equally to games and other software as well.) Note: Some programs register filetypes (such as: '.txt'), so when you' ve deleted the program, Windows reports an error when you try to run files that are registered to that program. RegCleaner removes (when possible) all of the registrations done by that program. Now when you try to run files that were registered to it, Windows will bring up a dialog box and ask what program you now want to use with this particular filetype. You can then select a new association. Note that in some cases, which programs have made particular filetype registrations isn't written into the registry. In those cases, RegCleaner won't help, but it's not RegCleaner's fault, it's simply the way the programs were written. WHY REGCLEANER SOMETIMES SHOWS SOMETHING WRONG WHEN IT REALLY ISN'T Some programs don't follow the "standard" way to register software to the Windows registry. The "standard" way is: to \software key first add \Company and then \product Some programmers, however, write it like this: to \software key first add \product So RegCleaner will sometimes show that something is wrong. Again, it's not RegCleaner's fault, it's just the way in which the program was written (e.g. news readers NewsXpress and X-News does it in this non-standard way). FAQ: Q: How do I remove the entries that I want to delete using RegCleaner? A: Simply highlight those entries that you wish to delete (with your mouse "select" key), and then click with your mouse on the "Remove Selected" button in the lower right corner next to the "Exit" button. The entries you've selected will automatically be deleted. Q: What the 'Optimize Registry' button actually does? A: It does the same as those Automatic Registry cleaners, It removes junk from the registry. Like MRU lists. (MRU = Most Receantly Used) Many programs put a lot of stuff to the Registyr, some of which are Important, some not. It also removes corrupted entries. Q: Does the 'Optimize Registry' feature support backup? A: No, thereīs no need to. Q: Does the 'Optimize Registry' work with every Operating System? A: Yes, it works under Win95, 98, 98SE, NT4, 2000. Q: Eventhou I have restored a backup it still is in the backup section, why? A: If you donīt need that backup again, then just delete it. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS: Ctrl + f = Find Ctrl + s = save the list to file Ctrl + a = Select all entries Ctrl + i = Inverse selection Ctrl + d = Select none F1 = View readme HOW TO REPORT A BUG: First, check my homepage to ensure you have the latest version. If you have, and you still feel that there is a bug, please e-mail me at with the minimum following information: -when this bug occurs -what it does -what version of windows you have -any other pertinent information that you feel would be helpful Please supply as much information as you can, and as clearly as possible. MISC TIPS: Don't 'Try to Uninstall' (from the Uninstall Menu) a lot of items at the same time. Attempted uninstallation can cause an error message and if you try to uninstall a lot of software programs at the same time, it can produce dozens of error messages on the screen. HOW TO GET THE LATEST VERSION: Stop by my web site at: http://www.vtoy.fi/jv16/ Copyright 1999-2000 Jouni Vuorio. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This program is called "RegCleaner", Microsoftīs registry cleaner is called "Regclean". RegCleaner has nothing to do with RegClean. If You, Microsoft, want me to change my programīs name, I will. WARNING: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe criminal and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. DISCLAIMER: This product is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Jouni Vuorio further disclaims all warranties, including without limitation any implied or stated warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of this product and documentation remains with recipient. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Jouni Vuorio or their suppliers be liable for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, recursive, or other damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, personal injury, disruption of family life, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of this agreement or the use of or inability to use the product, even if Jouni Vuorio have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to the recipient. END