=============================================================================== CDrun 2 10 December 1999 Skin Documentation =============================================================================== All BMP have to be in non compresed 24bit format! Full window size 260*104. titlebar.bmp 230*28 0,0,229,13 - active title bar view 0,14,229,27 - non active title bar view sysbutn.bmp 30*28 0,0,14,13 - minimize button normal state view 15,0,29,13 - close button normal state view 0,14,14,27 - minimize button pressed state view 15,14,29,27 - close button pressed state view text.bmp 260*77 (width can be larger, but not smaller than 260) 0,0,259,10 - group of letters with width = 6 pix (with 1pix space) 0,11,259,21 - -"- width = 5 0,22,259,32 - -"- width = 4 0,33,259,43 - -"- width = 3 0,44,259,54 - -"- width = 2 0,55,259,65 - must be clear background block 0,66,259,76 - character (width=4), which will be displayed in place of unknown character All letter (except 6,7 rows) sequence is defined in file "text.bin" Letters are placed in the same order as in the graphic view. Letter groups are separated by "enter" (chr(13)+chr(10) in text.bin file) Text.bin file size <=300 bytes. digit.bmp 99*30 0,0,99,8 - letter (7*9) "0123456789:" set 0,9,99,20 - letter (9*12) "0123456789:" set 0,21,99,30 - symbol (7*9) set: play,stop,pause,empty button.bmp 244*40 0,0,203,19 - six button (34*20): previous,play,pause,stop,next,eject normal state view 0,20,203,39 - -"- pressed state 0,40,203,59 - -"- mouseover state 204,0,243,19 - -"- two button "select song","options" normal state view 204,20,243,39 - -"- pressed state 204,40,243,59 - -"- mouseover state main.bmp 260*90 6,5,209,50 - display window 7,63,210,82 - control button block 216,63,255,82 - second button block 6,53,209,60 - horizontal scroll bar 212,4,219,51 - vertical scroll bar scroll.bmp 27*13 0,0,18,7 - horizontal scroll bar button 19,0,26,12 - vertical scroll bar button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "info.ini" file is used for skin details. info.ini: (example) [] author=AmberRor version=2.0.0 name=First & Not the Last releasedate=1999.10.26 noanimation=0 line1= line2=Enjoy the chance to change line3=the program face. line4= line5= line6= line7= line8= line9= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can send me your zipped skins by email. I will put them into my website (better ones): http://come.to/amberror ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1999-2000 AmberRor.