What's New in McAfee VirusScan for Windows 3.1x v3.1.9 (3107a) Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Network Associates, Inc., and its Affiliated Companies. All Rights Reserved. Thank you for using McAfee VirusScan for Windows 3.1x. This What's New file contains important information regarding the current version of this product. Network Associates strongly recommends that you read the entire document. Network Associates welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please use the information provided in this file to contact us. _______________________________ ISSUE ADDRESSED IN THIS RELEASE In previous VirusScan releases, saving a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel file to a network drive from a computer with low system resources available could cause Windows to exit to DOS because of a memory conflict with VShield. This VirusScan release addresses that conflict. Network Associates recommends that users that have experienced this issue upgrade to this version. ___________________ WHAT'S IN THIS FILE - Issue Addressed by This Release - New Features - Known Issues - Installation - Documentation - Frequently Asked Questions - Contacting Network Associates ____________ NEW FEATURES 1. VirusScan now scans Microsoft Excel documents for formula-based macro viruses. It can detect and clean the XF/PAIX virus. 2. VirusScan now scans .INI files to detect mIRC script viruses. To take advantage of this feature, update your .DAT files to 3103 or later. To enable this feature in VirusScan Command Line, start SCAN.EXE with the /ALL option. 3. The new AutoUpdate feature (included with corporate versions of VirusScan only) allows you to configure VirusScan so that it effortlessly updates .DAT files and upgrades the entire product to protect your system from the latest virus threats. You can use AutoUpdate to perform updates and upgrades on a scheduled basis, automatically, or on demand. You can also request updates and upgrades from an FTP site or from a mapped drive on a local network computer. VirusScan also has limited support for proxy servers. Note: VirusScan includes a default FTP site for AutoUpdate. Once you receive the new .DAT files, you must restart your computer to load and use them. 4. VirusScan scans files embedded within Microsoft Office files, including Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files. 5. VirusScan can detect macro virus infections in password-protected Microsoft Word 97 files in all languages that Word supports. 6. If an infecting virus plants its own password in a password-protected Word 97 file, VirusScan cleans the file and removes the password that the virus planted. If, on the other hand, the infecting virus cannot plant its own password, VirusScan cleans the password-protected Word 97 file without disturbing its user-assigned password. * NEW VIRUSES DETECTED * The 3107a .DAT files included with this release of VirusScan detect the following 173 new viruses: AI22.1659 ALEVIR.2349 BACHKHOA.4426 BOBO.1363 BOOM.C:DE BW.709 CAFE.667 CAP.FP CAP.FQ CAP.FR CAP.FS CAP.FT CAP.FU CAP.FV CAP.FW CAP.FX CAP.FY CAP.FZ CAP.GA CAP.GB CAP.GC CAP.GD CAP.GE CAP.GF CAP.GG CAP.GH CAP.GI CAP.GJ CAP.GK CAP.GL CAP.GM CAP.GN CAP.GO CAP.GP CAP.GQ CAP.GR CAP.GS CAP.GT CAP.GU CAP.GV CHACK.B CHACK.C CLASS.A:DR DROPPER COLORS.CB CONCEPT.CK CONCEPT.CL COUNTER.C CRAZY.B DELTEXT.A DISCO.D DJIN.133 DMV.K DMV.NEWVAR1 DUNE.728 EMT.B ERASER.U EVUL.109 EVUL.264 EVUL.436 EVUL.480 EXORCIST.212 F117.1079 FELIZ.1060 FIVEA.A FLIP.BOOT2 GLEW.4245 GROOV.A GROOV.B GROOV.C HAZARD.A HELL.797 HLLP.11712 IVANA.A JOHNNY.V KITTY.A KITTY.B KOMPU.L LAMAH.B:BR MACARONI.C:DE MDMA.BE MDMA.BG MICROELEPHANT.457 MIRC.DROPPER MTF.B MUCK.BF MUCK.BG MUCK.BH MUCK.BI MUCK.BJ MUCK.BK MUCK.BL NICEDAY.W NIKNAT.J NIKNAT.K NIKNAT.L NJ-WMVCK2.U:DE NOCHANCE.A NOCHANCE.B NOCHANCE.D NPAD.HL NPAD.HM NPAD.HN NPAD.HO NPAD.HP NPAD.HQ NPAD.HR NPAD.HS NPAD.HT NPAD.HU NPAD.HV NPAD.HW NPAD.HX NPAD.HY NPAD.HZ NPAD.IA NPAD.IB NPAD.IC NPAD.ID NPAD.IE NUCLEAR.AB OKSANA.1843 OMED.544 PAYCHECK.L POLYPOSTER.A PS-MPC.564 PS-MPC.564 DROPPER RAZER.C REVENGER.505 RS.1254 RS.1470 SCHUMANN.Q SCHUMANN.R SCHUMANN.S SCHUMANN.V SCHUMANN.W SHOWOFF.DF SHOWOFF.DG SHOWOFF.DH SHOWOFF.DI SMALLETERNITY.156 SOLDIER.611 SPY.B SRX.2304 STUPID.A SUIT.1167 TEMPLE.Q TEMPLE.R TEQUILA.2468.DROPPER TWNO.AB:TW VAMPIRE.G:TW VENENO.C:ES VMPCK1 :KIT.A VMPCK1 :KIT.B VRN.2276 W32.CIH.SPACEFILLER W95/HPS W95/HPS.DROPPER WAZZU.EF XF/PAIX(DAMAGE) XM/DELTA.E XM/LAROUX.DK XM/LAROUX.DN XM/LAROUX.DN.DR XM/LAROUX.NEWVAR2 XM/LAROUX.NEWVAR3 XM/LAROUX.NEWVAR4 XM/NEG.A XM/TRASHER.A XM/TRASHER.B XM97/POLICE.A XM97/RIOTS.A ZMK.J ZWICKAU.505 * NEW VIRUSES CLEANED * The 3107a .DAT files clean these 138 new viruses: BOBO.1363 BOOM.C:DE CAP.FP CAP.FQ CAP.FR CAP.FS CAP.FT CAP.FU CAP.FV CAP.FW CAP.FX CAP.FY CAP.FZ CAP.GA CAP.GB CAP.GC CAP.GD CAP.GE CAP.GF CAP.GG CAP.GH CAP.GI CAP.GJ CAP.GK CAP.GL CAP.GM CAP.GN CAP.GO CAP.GP CAP.GQ CAP.GR CAP.GS CAP.GT CAP.GU CAP.GV CHACK.B CHACK.C CLASS.A:DR DROPPER COLORS.CB CONCEPT.CK CONCEPT.CL COUNTER.C CRAZY.B DELTEXT.A DISCO.D EMT.B ERASER.U FIVEA.A GROOV.A GROOV.B GROOV.C HAZARD.A IVANA.A JOHNNY.V KITTY.A KITTY.B KOMPU.L LAMAH.B:BR MACARONI.C:DE MDMA.BE MDMA.BG MTF.B MUCK.BF MUCK.BG MUCK.BH MUCK.BI MUCK.BJ MUCK.BK MUCK.BL NICEDAY.W NIKNAT.J NIKNAT.K NIKNAT.L NJ-WMVCK2.U:DE NOCHANCE.A NOCHANCE.B NOCHANCE.D NOKERNEL.6000 NPAD.HL NPAD.HM NPAD.HN NPAD.HO NPAD.HP NPAD.HQ NPAD.HR NPAD.HS NPAD.HT NPAD.HU NPAD.HV NPAD.HW NPAD.HX NPAD.HY NPAD.HZ NPAD.IA NPAD.IB NPAD.IC NPAD.ID NPAD.IE NUCLEAR.AB PAYCHECK.L POLYPOSTER.A RAZER.C SCHUMANN.Q SCHUMANN.R SCHUMANN.S SCHUMANN.V SCHUMANN.W SHOWOFF.DF SHOWOFF.DG SHOWOFF.DH SHOWOFF.DI SRX.2304 STUPID.A TEMPLE.Q TEMPLE.R TEQUILA.2468.DROPPER TWNO.AB:TW VAMPIRE.G:TW VENENO.C:ES VMPCK1 :KIT.A VMPCK1 :KIT.B W95/HPS W95/HPS.DROPPER WAZZU.EF XF/PAIX(DAMAGE) XM/DELTA.E XM/LAROUX.DK XM/LAROUX.DN XM/LAROUX.DN.DR XM/LAROUX.NEWVAR2 XM/LAROUX.NEWVAR3 XM/LAROUX.NEWVAR4 XM/NEG.A XM/TRASHER.A XM/TRASHER.B XM97/POLICE.A XM97/RIOTS.A ZMK.J ____________ KNOWN ISSUES 1. If you have McAfee Hurricane 98 installed, you must first disable it before you install VirusScan for Windows 3.1x. To do so, start Program Manager, then double-click the Hurricane program group. From there, start the Hurricane control panel, then select the Disable Hurricane button to disable the program. Once you have installed VirusScan, return to the Hurricane control panel to enable it again, this time selecting either the Express or Custom option. 2. In order to scan a hard disk that requires a specific driver for access--e.g., a compressed disk--VirusScan might need to add other drivers to those it copies to its Emergency Disk. If you have or use such a disk, consult the documentation for your hard disk or your compression software to learn how to create a bootable disk. 3. If you use a password to protect VShield or any scan task you have scheduled, VirusScan will ask you for that password whenever you start any program you have not excluded from scanning. Use your mouse to click inside the text box provided in order to enter the password--keyboard shortcuts will not work. Microsoft acknowledges this issue in its Knowledge Base Article ID #Q84133. Next, click OK to use the password you enter. To close the password verification dialog box without entering a password, click Cancel. 4. If you have set VirusScan to move infected files to a quarantine directory, VirusScan will attempt to copy any infected files it finds to the directory you designate. If, however, the Windows copy command fails during this procedure, you might see a file with a byte size of zero left in the directory. 5. VirusScan disables the DOS CTRL+C and CTRL+BREAK keyboard commands that ordinarily allow you to stop program execution in DOS windows. Doing so prevents interference with VShield's scanning activity and prevents other issues from arising. If you type DIR at a DOS prompt, for example, then press CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK to stop it, you will not stop the directory display and might, therefore, see incorrect information. 6. If, while decompressing an infected file during a DOS session, you decide to terminate the DOS session, you will immediately disable VShield, PKunzip or any other utility you are using to extract the file, and any other program running during the DOS session. Once disabled in this manner, VShield will remain disabled until you restart Windows. 7. If you try to uninstall VirusScan without first quitting both VirusScan (SCAN16.EXE) and the VirusScan Console (AVCONSOLE.EXE), the uninstall utility will not remove some VirusScan components. These include SCAN16.EXE, MCSCAN16.DLL, MCGUI16.DLL, and AVCONSOLE.EXE. If you then try to delete the NETA\VirusScan directory before you restart Windows, you will error messages that tell you that Windows is using these same files. To avoid these errors, first quit all VirusScan modules except VShield. 8. The conversion utility preserves the scan targets but does not preserve the command-line parameters. When custom profiles include command-line parameters, the resulting task (.VSC file) will have one or more invalid scan items that will need to be manually updated. Command-line parameters in scan tasks must be manually added. Pre-existing profiles (.PRF files) will be moved to the target installation directory for reference purposes. 9. If you delete the AVCONSOLE.INI file, the VirusScan Console will recreate it when you next start the Console. The default Scan16 task, however, will change from "Scan Drive C" and "All Drives" to "VirusScan." 10. If VirusScan for Windows does not clean some infected files, quit Windows, then use SCAN.EXE or SCANPM.EXE from the DOS command line. Both SCAN.EXE and SCANPM.EXE come with VirusScan for Windows 3.1x. 11. Because you can run only one instance of VirusScan at at time in the Windows 3.1x environment, a task you have scheduled to run will not run if you already have a scan operation underway. You can still run scheduled tasks--simply determine the length of time that the other task you want to run will take, then schedule your task after the first task has finished. Because the length of time a task will take varies with the size of your hard disk and other environmental conditions, you might need to observe the task or consult the VirusScan activity log. ____________ INSTALLATION * INSTALLING VIRUSSCAN * 1. Insert the floppy disk or compact disc with your copy of VirusScan into your floppy disk drive or CD-ROM drive. If you downloaded a compressed copy of VirusScan from the Network Associates website or other electronic service, create a temporary directory on your hard disk or on a disk available on your network, then extract the files you downloaded into that directory. 2. Start Program Manager, then choose Run from the File menu. 3. Type x:\setup.exe in the Run dialog box to start the installation utility from a floppy disk. To start the utility from a CD-ROM, type x:\win\setup.exe. In both cases, x is the drive letter that designates your floppy drive or your CD-ROM drive. If you extracted files that you downloaded to your hard disk or to a disk on your network, specify the path to the correct directory. For example, type C:\DOWNLOAD\SETUP.EXE. 4. Click OK to continue. The VirusScan installation wizard will start. Follow the instructions shown on each wizard pane to choose the VirusScan options you want. 5. When you finish your installation, restart your computer. * PERFORMING A SILENT INSTALLATION * To install copies of VirusScan with a uniform configuration on client computers on your network, run SETUP.EXE with the -s option -- that is, type SETUP.EXE -s in the Run dialog box. This tells VirusScan to install itself with little or no interaction with end users. If you do not customize this installation, VirusScan installs itself with all of the default or "typical" installation settings activated. Network administrators can customize the silent installation feature by following these steps: 1. Check the Windows directory to ensure that a file named SETUP.ISS does not already exist. If one does, rename it, back it up, or delete it. 2. Run SETUP.EXE with the -r option, (i.e., SETUP.EXE -r) to install it to your computer or to a chosen server on your network. 3. Select the components and choose the settings you want each of your client computers to have. The VirusScan installation utility will record your choices. Note: If VirusScan detects a virus as it records your choices, both the recording operation and the installation will abort. The VirusScan installation utility then creates a SETUP.ISS file in the Windows directory. This file lists the options you chose during your installation. 4. Finish the installation. If you have chosen all of your options correctly, move to Step 5. To change any of the options you chose, see the following notes. The .ISS file specifies an installation directory in the szDir parameter listed beneath the [SdSetupType-0] header. The installation directory you specify here overrides the default installation directory on each client machine, which might vary on machines that run different operating systems. Having the same directory name on every client helps to ease administration; for example, you might assign all client machines the directory C:\ANTIVIRUS. If, however, you want to allow SETUP.EXE to determine where to locate the installed files, follow these steps to modify the SETUP.ISS file so that the target machine will disregard the szDir parameter: A. Locate the section [SdSetupType-0] in the SETUP.ISS file and go to the line: Result = xxx. The actual value will most likely be 301, 302, or 303, depending on which options you selected when you recorded your installation. B. Add 100 to this number so that, for example, 301 becomes 401. This tells each target machine to disregard the szDir and assign a directory according to its own particular operating system. 5. Copy the installation files onto a local or a mapped network drive, then rename, back up, or delete the SETUP.ISS file stored in that directory. You'll use the new SETUP.ISS file you just created instead. Note: You cannot perform a silent installation from files that span more than one floppy disk or other storage medium because the installation utility will prompt the end user on each client computer for the next disk. 6. Copy the new SETUP.ISS from the Windows directory to the directory that contains the installation files. Note: The SETUP.ISS file is unique for each VirusScan product. You cannot, for example, use a SETUP.ISS file created during a VirusScan for Windows 95 installation to control a VirusScan for Windows NT installation. 7. Run SETUP.EXE with the -s option--that is, type SETUP.EXE -s in the Run dialog box. Note: If you do not specify a "recorded" answer for all dialog boxes during the initial installation, the silent installation will fail. 8. When the silent installation is complete, Setup prompts you to reboot the target computer. * PRIMARY PROGRAM FILES FOR VIRUSSCAN FOR WINDOWS 3.1x * Files located in the Install directory: ======================================= 1. Installed for VShield/DOS/VirusScan: README.1ST = License and registration information CLEAN.DAT = Virus clean definition data NAMES.DAT = Virus names definition data SCAN.DAT = Virus scan definition data VALIDATE.EXE = McAfee file validation program WCMDR.EXE = Windows Commander program MCFDU.EXE = McAfee floppy disk utility (for Zenith machines only) PRF2VSC.EXE = Conversion utility program CONFIG.EXE = VirusScan configuration program SETBROWS.EXE = Set browser program INETWH16.DLL = Library files INETWH32.DLL = Library files MCGUI16.DLL = VirusScan Console library file WCMDR.INI = Windows Commander configuration settings WCMDRSIL.INI = unInstallShield helper configuration DEISL1.ISU = Uninstall file PACKING.LST = Packing list WHATSNEW.TXT = What's New document RESELLER.TXT = Network Associates authorized agents 2. Installed for VShield: MCKRNL16.DLL = Tools library MCUTIL16.DLL = Run-time support library CONFIG.EXE = VShield Configuration Manager VSHWIN.EXE = VShield on-access engine CHKVXD.EXE = VShield virtual device driver checking utility UNVSHVXD.EXE = Virtual device driver UNVSHVXD.INI = Initialization file DEFAULT.VSH = Default VSH settings 3. Installed for DOS: EDISK.EXE = Emergency Disk creation utility EDISK.SCR = Emergency Disk file EDAT.1 = Emergency Disk data file EDAT.2 = Emergency Disk data file EDAT.3 = Emergency Disk data file EDAT.4 = Emergency Disk data file EDAT.5 = Emergency Disk data file EDAT.6 = Emergency Disk data file EMCLEAN.DAT = Emergency Disk virus clean definition data EMNAMES.DAT = Emergency Disk virus names definition data EMSCAN.DAT = Emergency Disk virus scan definition data GETREPLY.EXE = Emergency diskette program component SCAN.EXE = MS-DOS scan program SCANPM.EXE = Protected mode scanner 4. Installed for VirusScan: AVCONSOL.EXE = VirusScan console program SCAN16.EXE = VirusScan for Windows 3.1x on-demand scanner VIRLST16.EXE = Virus List program MCSCAN16.DLL = Library files SCAN16.HLP = VirusScan for Windows 3.1x online help AVCONSOL.HLP = VirusScan Console online help AVCONSOL.INI = VirusScan console configuration file DEFAULT.VSC = Default VSC settings INETWH16.DLL = Internet library help file INETWH32.DLL = Internet library help file Files located in WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: ========================================== 1. Installed for VShield/VirusScan: CTL3D.DLL = 16-bit 3D Windows controls library (*) CTL3DV2.DLL = 32-bit 3D Windows controls library (*) (*) File will be installed upon installation of VirusScan if it does not already exist, or if an older version is found. 2. Installed for VShield: MCFSHOOK.386 = File system hook MCKRNL.386 = Scan engine device driver MCSCAN32.386 = Scan engine device driver MCUTIL.386 = Utility device driver VSHIELD.386 = VShield device driver * TESTING YOUR INSTALLATION * The Eicar Standard AntiVirus Test File is a combined effort by anti-virus vendors throughout the world to implement one standard by which customers can verify their anti-virus installations. To test your installation, copy the following line into its own file, then save the file with the name EICAR.COM. X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* The file size will be 69 or 70 bytes. Next, start VirusScan and allow it to scan the directory that contains EICAR.COM. When VirusScan scans this file, it will report finding the EICAR-STANDARD-AV-TEST-FILE virus. Note that this file is NOT A VIRUS. Delete the file when you have finished testing your installation to avoid alarming unsuspecting users. ______________________ UNINSTALLING VIRUSSCAN Network Associates recommends using VirusScan's uninstall program provided. You can access the McAfee Uninstall icon from the McAfee VirusScan program group. If, however, the uninstall program (WCMDR.EXE) is not present on your system, follow the instructions outlined below to manually uninstall VirusScan. Network Associates recommends using the VirusScan uninstall utility provided with the program. To start the uninstall utility, first start Program Manager, then choose Run from the File menu. Type the path to your VirusScan program directory in the Run dialog box, followed by the program name: WCMDR.EXE. Click OK. To remove VirusScan without using the uninstall utility, follow these steps: 1. Remove references to VirusScan from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. To do so, follow these steps: a. Start Program Manager, then choose Run from the File menu. b. Type SYSEDIT in the Run dialog box, then click OK. c. Click the title bar of the window labeled AUTOEXEC.BAT to bring it to the foreground. d. Remove VirusScan from the PATH statement. The default path is C:\NETA\VIRUSCAN. e. Locate the line that reads C:\NETA\VIRUSCAN\SCAN.EXE, then remove it. f. Choose Save from the File menu. 2. Click the title bar of the window labeled SYS.INI to bring it to the foreground, then remove these lines from the [DEVICE] section: device=MCSCAN32.386 device=MCUTIL.386 device=MCKRNL.386 device=MCFSHOOK.386 device=VSHIELD.386 3. Click the title bar of the window labeled WIN.INI to bring it to the foreground, then remove these lines: a. After LOAD =, remove all references to VirusScan. The default line is C:\NETA\VIRUSCAN\VSHWIN.EXE. b. Remove all items in the section labeled [VIRUSCAN], including the section label itself. c. Save your changes, then close the WIN.INI file. 4. Delete the VirusScan icons and the McAfee VirusScan program group from Program Manager. 5. Quit Windows, then reboot your system. 6. When your computer starts again, start Windows, open File Manager, then delete the NETA directory. _____________ DOCUMENTATION For more information, refer to the VirusScan User's Guide included with the product on the CD-ROM or available from Network Associates electronic services. Each User's Guide is saved in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.PDF). You can view and print this document with Adobe's Acrobat Reader. PDF files can include hypertext links and other navigation features to assist you in finding answers to questions about your Network Associates product. To download Adobe Acrobat Reader from the World Wide Web, visit Adobe's website at: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html To download Network Associates documentation, visit the Network Associates website at: http://www.nai.com Additional contact information appears in the following section. Documentation feedback is welcome. Send e-mail to tvd_documentation@nai.com. __________________________ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Regularly updated lists of frequently asked questions about Network Associates products also are available on the Network Associates BBS and website, and on CompuServe and America Online. Q: I am installing new software and the instructions say that I need to disable my anti-virus software. How do I disable VShield without uninstalling it? A: Right click the VShield icon, then choose Disable from the shortcut menu that appears. This will disable VShield until you enable it again or restart Windows. Q: What is the Parameters field of the Task Properties page used for? A: The field allows you to enter command-line parameters for programs other than VirusScan. For example, a NOTEPAD.EXE task could be set to open a file by entering the filename (e.g., WHATSNEW.TXT) in the parameter field. Q: How can I create an Emergency Disk after I install VirusScan? A: Double-click the Emergency Disk Creation utility icon in your McAfee VirusScan program group, then follow the instructions shown. Q: When I have an infected file, why does the infected counter increase by increments greater than one? A: The file system will typically open, save, copy or otherwise work with a file more than once. Each time the system does, VirusScan scans the file and detects the infection. Q: Can I continue to use VirusScan for Windows 3.1x on my system after upgrading to Windows 95? A: VirusScan for Windows 3.1x can run on a Windows 95 system; however, many key components, including VShield, will not function. If you upgrade your system to Windows 95, you should also upgrade your VirusScan copy to VirusScan for Windows 95. Licensed VirusScan users can upgrade their software for free. See your license agreement or contact your network administrator for details. Q: Can I update VirusScan's data files to detect new viruses? A: Yes. If you have Internet access, you can download updated VirusScan data files from the Network Associates website, BBS, or other online resources. To download from the Network Associates website, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Network Associates website (http://www.nai.com). 2. Select Update DAT File in the left column or frame. 3. Scroll down and click Download DAT File - FREE to update your virus definition files. 4. Data file updates are stored in a compressed form to reduce transmission time. Unzip the files into a temporary directory, then copy the files to the appropriate directory, replacing your old files. 5. Before performing any scans, shut down your computer, wait a few seconds, and turn it on again. Q: How do I scan compressed files? A: To scan compressed files with VirusScan: Prior to starting your scan, select Compressed Files from the VirusScan Main Window. To scan compressed files with VShield: Open the VShield Configuration Manager, click the Detection tab and click Compressed files. VirusScan and VShield are able to scan LZexe and PKLite. Files with *.zip, *.lzh, and other compressed formats are not scanned. Q: Is VShield TSR still enabled when I am in Windows? A: No. If you have VirusScan for Windows 3.1x installed, the VShield TSR is disabled during Windows sessions. If you need additional assistance with downloading, contact Network Associates Download Support at (408) 988-3832. _____________________________ CONTACTING NETWORK ASSOCIATES On December 1, 1997, McAfee Associates merged with Network General Corporation, Pretty Good Privacy, Inc., and Helix Software, Inc. to form Network Associates, Inc. You may direct all questions, comments and technical support requests to the Network Associates Customer Care department at any of the addresses or phone numbers listed below. Contact the Network Associates Customer Care department at: 1. Phone (408) 988-3832 Monday-Friday, 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time 2. Fax (408) 970-9727 24-hour, Group III Fax 3. Fax-back automated response system (408) 988-3034 Send correspondence to any of the following Network Associates locations: Network Associates Corporate Headquarters 3965 Freedom Circle McCandless Towers Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone numbers for corporate-licensed customers: Phone: (408) 988-3832 Fax: (408) 970-9727 Phone numbers for retail-licensed customers: Phone: (972) 278-6100 Fax: (408) 970-9727 Network Associates offices outside the United States: NA Network Associates Oy Kielotie 14 B 01300 Vantaa FINLAND Phone: 358 9 836 2620 Fax: 358 9 836 26222 Network Associates AG Baeulerwisenstrasse 3 8152 Glattbrugg Switzerland Phone: 0041 1 808 99 66 Fax: 0041 1 808 99 77 Network Associates Australia Level 1, 500 Pacific Highway St. Leonards, NSW 2065 Phone: 61-2-9437-5866 Fax: 61-2-9439-5166 Network Associates Canada 139 Main Street, Suite 201 Unionville, Ontario Canada L3R 2G6 Phone: (905) 479-4189 Fax: (905) 479-4540 Network Associates Deutschland GmbH Industriestrasse 1 D-82110 Germering Germany Phone: 49 8989 43 5600 Fax: 49 8989 43 5699 Network Associates International B.V. Gatwickstraat 25 1043 GL Amsterdam The Netherlands Phone: 31 20 586 6100 Fax: 31 20 586 6101 Network Associates France S.A. 50 rue de Londres 75008 Paris France Phone: 33 1 44 908 737 Fax: 33 1 45 227 554 Network Associates International Ltd. Minton Place, Victoria Street Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1EG United Kingdom Phone: 44 (0)1753 827500 Fax: 44 (0)1753 827520 Network Associates Japan, Inc. Toranomon 33 Mori Bldg. 3-8-21 Toranomon Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan Phone: 81 3 5408 0700 Fax: 81 3 5408 0780 Network Associates Korea 135-090, 18th Floor, Kyoung-Am Bldg. 157-27 Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Ku Seoul, Korea Phone: 82 2 555-6818 Fax: 82 2 555-5779 Network Associates Latin America 150 South Pine Island Road, Suite 205 Plantation, Florida 33324 Phone: (954) 452-1731 Fax: (954) 236-8031 Network Associates Portugal Rua Gen. Ferreira Marines, 10-6 C 1495 ALGES PORTUGAL Phone: 351 1 412 1077 Fax: 351 1 412 1488 Network Associates South East Asia 7 Temasek Boulevard The Penthouse #44-01, Suntec Tower One Singapore 038987 Phone: 65 430-6670 Fax: 65 430-6671 Network Associates Spain Serrano 240, Plta. -1 28016 Madrid SPAIN Phone: 34 91 458 52 21 Fax: 34 91 457 45 17 Network Associates Srl Centro Direzionale Summit Palazzo D/1 Via Brescia, 28 20063 - Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) ITALY Phone: 39 (0)2 9214 1555 Fax: 39 (0)2 9214 1644 Net Tools Network Associates South Africa St. Andrews Meadowbrook Lane P.O. Box 7062 Bryanston 2021 South Africa Phone: 27 11 706-1629 Fax: 27 11 706-1569 Or, you can receive online assistance through any of the following resources: 1. Internet E-mail: support@nai.com 2. Internet FTP: ftp.nai.com 3. World Wide Web: http://support.nai.com 4. America Online: keyword MCAFEE 5. CompuServe: GO NAI To provide the answers you need quickly and efficiently, the Network Associates technical support staff needs some information about your computer and your software. Please have this information ready when you call: - Program name and version number - Computer brand and model - Any additional hardware or peripherals connected to your computer - Operating system type and version numbers - Network name, operating system, and version - Network card installed, where applicable - Modem manufacturer, model, and baud, where applicable - Relevant browsers or applications and their version numbers, where applicable - How to reproduce your problem: when it occurs, whether you can reproduce it regularly, and under what conditions - Information needed to contact you by voice, fax, or e-mail We also seek and appreciate general feedback. * FOR PRODUCT UPGRADES * To make it easier for you to receive and use Network Associates products, we have established a reseller's program to provide service, sales, and support for our products worldwide. For a listing of resellers, see the resellers.txt file or contact Network Associates Customer Care for resellers near you. * FOR REPORTING PROBLEMS * Network Associates prides itself on delivering a high-quality product. If you find any problems, please take a moment to review the contents of this file. If the problem you've encountered is documented, there is no need to report the problem to Network Associates. If you find any feature that does not appear to function properly on your system, or if you believe an application would benefit greatly from enhancement, please contact Network Associates with your suggestions or concerns. * FOR ON-SITE TRAINING INFORMATION * Contact Network Associates Customer Service at (800) 338-8754. * NETWORK ASSOCIATES BETA SITE * Get pre-release software, including DAT files, through http://beta.nai.com. You will have access to Public Beta and External Test Areas. Your feedback will make a difference.