Command line options

The pixmap editor can parse the following command line options:

-display/-d Display specify the display on which start the Pixmap editor
-geometry Geometry specify the geometry of the Pixmap editor window, Geometry is a standard X Window geometry specification
-help/-h ask for usage description
-size WidthxHeight specify the width and height of the pixmap to be edited
-squares Dimension specify the dimension of the squares representing pixels on the screen (-squares 5 will display each pixel of the pixmap in a square of width and height of 5 screen points)
+grid/-grid specify if the grid should be displayed or not by default when starting the editor
-stippled turn off stippled drawing of transparent pixels
-stipple Pixmap specify the stipple depth 1 pixmap to use to draw transparent pixels
+axes/-axes specify if the axes should be displayed or not by default when starting the editor
-proportional/+proportional specify if all available space should be used or not in editor to display the pixmap or if squares should remain proportional, i.e. if a 4x3 pixmap will fit the space in the editor or not)
-hl color specify the color to use when highlighting
-fr color specify the color to use for the Pixmap widget frame, i.e., the grid, axes and frame lines surrounding the pixmap
-tr color specify the color to use to represent transparent pixels
-fn/-font fontname specify the font to use within the Pixmap editor
-filename/-f/-in filename specify the name of the file from which the pixmap to be edited should be loaded

Colors should be specified by name. A color name can be anyone accepted by the function XParseColor.

The default command line options are:

    -size 32x32 -squares 20 +grid -axes +proportional -hl black -fr black 
    -tr gray90 -filename scratch
However, some of these options can be overidden in the application defaults file ($XAPPLRESDIR/Pixmap), e.g., squares which is set to 15, or in the user's resource configuration file ($HOME/.Xdefaults).