


Name Strings



    $Date: 1996/09/09 00:59:38 $ $Revision: 1.3 $






    This extension allows the Impact Graphics system to perform pixel texture
    operations with 4D textures, and accomplish the fourth interpolation with
    a two-pass operation, using the frame-buffer blend. This involves two
    new filter functions for the "q" dimension only, ceiling and floor, in
    addition to the nearest function, the default on Impact Graphics.  Also,
    there is an "alpha-shifting" function which prevents loss of precision in
    the alpha value used in the frame-buffer blend.


    *	Will this extension be needed/utilized by other platforms?

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

    Accepted by the < mode > parameter of PixelTexGenSGIX:


Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.1 Specification (Rasterization)

    This extension, similar to the pixel_texture.spec modifies the
    "Conversion to Fragments" subsection of section 3.6.3 (Rasterization
    of Pixel Rectangles) of the GL Specification. Immediately following
    the text added by the pixel_texture.spec, insert the following:

    If the PixelTexGenSGIX mode is RGBA, the Impact graphics system cannot
    perform the "q" interpolation, so the correct result can be obtained
    by a two-pass operation using the frame-buffer blend to interpolate
    the two passes. The two passes use ceiling and floor functions,
    specified by calling TexParameter with the minfilter and maxfilter
    These functions can be disabled by calling TexParameter with
    PIXEL_TEX_GEN_Q_ROUND_SGIX, the default.  To produce the correct
    fragment alpha for interpolation, the alpha-replace mode (see above)
    is used to replace the texture alpha by the pixel group's alpha
    component. This alpha needs to be shifted (scaled) by a value based
    on the texture "q" size; this can be done with the texture color table.
    For large values an additional shift is possible by calling
    PixelTexGenSGIX with PIXEL_TEX_GEN_ALPHA_LS_SGIX. This will send the
    least significant 8 bits of a 12-bit alpha to the texture color table.
    The default is to send the most significant 8 bits by calling

Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.1 Specification (Special Functions)


Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.1 Specification (State and State Requests)


Additions to the GLX Specification




New State

    Get Value			 Get Command	 Type Initial Value Attrib
    ---------			 -----------	 ---- ------------- ------
    PIXEL_TEX_GEN_Q_CEILING_SGIX GetTexParameter  Z3     NONE	     pixel
    PIXEL_TEX_GEN_Q_FLOOR_SGIX   GetTexParameter  Z3     NONE	     pixel
    PIXEL_TEX_GEN_Q_ROUND_SGIX   GetTexParameter  Z3     NONE	     pixel

New Implementation Dependent State


Name SGIX_pixel_texture Name Strings GL_SGIX_pixel_texture Version $Date: 1996/09/09 00:59:38 $ $Revision: 1.3 $ Number 15 Dependencies EXT_texture3D is required SGIS_texture4D is required Overview This extension allows the color components of pixel groups to be used as texture coordinates, effectively converting a color image into a texture coordinate image. Because texture mapping is essentially a multidimensional table lookup, this conversion supports multidimensional color lookups for images. Such multidimensional lookups can be used to implement very accurate color space conversions. Issues * Should LOD be supported? New Procedures and Functions void PixelTexGenSGIX(enum mode); New Tokens Accepted by the < pname > parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: PIXEL_TEX_GEN_MODE_SGIX Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.0 Specification (Rasterization) This extension modifies the "Conversion to Fragments" subsection of section 3.6.3 (Rasterization of Pixel Rectangles) of the GL Specification. The paragraph beginning with "A fragment arising from a group consisting of color data ..." is replaced by the following: A fragment arising from a group consisting of color index data takes on the color index of the group; the depth and texture coordinates are taken from the current raster position's associated data. Likewise, a fragment arising from a depth component takes the component's depth value; the color and texture coordinates are given by those associated with the current raster position. Groups arising from DrawPixels with a < format > of STENCIL_INDEX are treated specially and are described in section 4.3.1. The treatment of fragments arising from pixel groups is determined by the PIXEL_TEX_GEN_MODE_SGIX value. PixelTexGenSGIX is used to set this value to one of NONE, LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RGB, or RGBA. (It is NONE by default.) In all cases a fragment arising from a group consisting of RGBA color data takes its depth component from the current raster position's associated data. If the value is LUMINANCE, there must be a valid 1D texture enabled, which can have any internal format. The external format of the pixel group must be LUMINANCE; the luminance component will be used to generate an s texture coordinate. If the value is LUMINANCE_ALPHA, there must be a valid 2D texture enabled, which can have any internal format. The external format of the pixel group must be LUMINANCE_ALPHA; the luminance and alpha components will be used to generate s and t texture coordinates, respectively. If the value is RGB, there must be a valid 3D texture enabled, which can have any internal format. The external format of the pixel group must be RGB; the red, green, and blue components will be used to generate s, t and r texture coordinates, respectively. If the value is RGBA, there must be a valid 4D texture enabled, which can have any internal format. The external format of the pixel group must be RGBA; the red, green, blue, and alpha components will be used to generate s, t, r, and q texture coordinates, respectively. When a pixel group color component is assigned to a fragment texture coordinate, it is as if that color component had undergone only clamping to [0,1] during final conversion, rather than the clamping and scaling to framebuffer resolution that is defined by the specification. (See the "Final Conversion" subsection that immediately precedes the "Conversion to Fragments" subsection.) The result of the texture-mapping operation is texture-blended onto a fragment which has the attributes of the current raster position. Therefore the desired texture environment mode must be set, based on the internal format of the texture. If the PIXEL_TEX_GEN_MODE_SGIX value is LUMINANCE_ALPHA or RGBA, the alpha component can replace the texture alpha, if any, by calling PixelTexGenSGIX with the parameter PIXEL_TEX_GEN_ALPHA_REPLACE_SGIX. This function can be disabled by calling PixelTexGenSGIX with the parameter PIXEL_TEX_GEN_ALPHA_NO_REPLACE_SGIX, which is the default. Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer) The operation of PixelTexGenSGIX during pixel copy operations is identical to the operation during pixel drawing. Because PixelTexGenSGIX defines the rasterization of pixel groups, it has no effect on texture definitions or on pixel query (ReadPixels) operations. Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.0 Specification (Special Functions) None Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.0 Specification (State and State Requests) None Additions to the GLX Specification None Errors INVALID_OPERATION is generated if PixelTexGenSGIX parameter < mode > is not NONE, LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RGB, RGBA, PIXEL_TEX_GEN_ALPHA_REPLACE_SGIX, PIXEL_TEX_GEN_ALPHA_NO_REPLACE_SGIX. INVALID_OPERATION is generated if PixelTexGenSGIX is called between execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End. New State Get Value Get Command Type Initial Value Attrib --------- ----------- ---- ------------- ------ PIXEL_TEX_GEN_MODE_SGIX GetIntegerv Z3 NONE pixel New Implementation Dependent State None