glutesscallback - Man Page

gluTessCallback(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		   gluTessCallback(3G)

     gluTessCallback - define a	callback for a tessellation object

     void gluTessCallback( GLUtesselator* tess,
			   GLenum which,
			   GLvoid (*CallBackFunc)( )

     tess	   Specifies the tessellation object (created with

     which	   Specifies the callback being	defined.  The following	values

     CallBackFunc  Specifies the function to be	called.

     gluTessCallback is	used to	indicate a callback to be used by a
     tessellation object.  If the specified callback is	already	defined, then
     it	is replaced.  If CallBackFunc is NULL, then the	existing callback
     becomes undefined.

     These callbacks are used by the tessellation object to describe how a
     polygon specified by the user is broken into triangles. Note that there
     are two versions of each callback:	one with user-specified	polygon	data
     and one without. If both versions of a particular callback	are specified
     then the callback with user-specified polygon data	will be	used. Note
     that "polygon_data" is a copy of the pointer that was specified when
     gluTessBeginPolygon was called.

     The legal callbacks are as	follows:

	       The begin callback is invoked like glBegin to indicate the
	       start of	a (triangle) primitive.	The function takes a single
	       argument	of type	GLenum.	 If the	GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY
	       property	is set to GL_FALSE then	the argument is	set to either
	       GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY property is set to GL_TRUE then the
	       argument	will be	set to GL_LINE_LOOP. The function prototype
	       for this	callback looks like:

		    void begin ( GLenum	type );

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	       The same	as the GLU_TESS_BEGIN callback except that it takes an
	       additional pointer argument. This pointer is identical to the
	       opaque pointer provided when gluTessBeginPolygon	was called.
	       The function prototype for this callback	looks like:

		    void beginData ( GLenum type, void *polygon_data );

	       The edge	flag callback is similar to glEdgeFlag.	 The function
	       takes a single Boolean flag that	indicates which	edges lie on
	       the polygon boundary. If	the flag is GL_TRUE, then each vertex
	       that follows begins an edge which lies on the polygon boundary
	       -- that is, an edge which separates an interior region from an
	       exterior	one.  If the flag is GL_FALSE, then each vertex	that
	       follows begins an edge which lies in the	polygon	interior. The
	       edge flag callback (if defined) is invoked before the first
	       vertex callback is made.

	       Since triangle fans and triangle	strips do not support edge
	       flags, the begin	callback is not	called with GL_TRIANGLE_FAN or
	       GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP if an edge flag callback is provided.
	       Instead,	the fans and strips are	converted to independent
	       triangles. The function prototype for this callback looks like:

		    void edgeFlag ( GLboolean flag );

	       The same	as the GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG callback except that it
	       takes an	additional pointer argument. This pointer is identical
	       to the opaque pointer provided when gluTessBeginPolygon was
	       called. The function prototype for this callback	looks like:

		    void edgeFlagData (	GLboolean flag,	void *polygon_data );

	       The vertex callback is invoked between the begin	and end
	       callbacks.  It is similar to glVertex, and it defines the
	       vertices	of the triangles created by the	tessellation process.
	       The function takes a pointer as its only	argument.  This
	       pointer is identical to the opaque pointer provided by the user
	       when the	vertex was described (see gluTessVertex). The function
	       prototype for this callback looks like:

		    void vertex	( void *vertex_data );

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	       The same	as the GLU_TESS_VERTEX callback	except that it takes
	       an additional pointer argument. This pointer is identical to
	       the opaque pointer provided when	gluTessBeginPolygon was
	       called. The function prototype for this callback	looks like:

		    void vertexData ( void *vertex_data, void *polygon_data );

	       The end callback	serves the same	purpose	as glEnd. It indicates
	       the end of a primitive and it takes no arguments. The function
	       prototype for this callback looks like:

		    void end ( void );

	       The same	as the GLU_TESS_END callback except that it takes an
	       additional pointer argument. This pointer is identical to the
	       opaque pointer provided when gluTessBeginPolygon	was called.
	       The function prototype for this callback	looks like:

		    void endData ( void	*polygon_data);

	       The combine callback is called to create	a new vertex when the
	       tessellation detects an intersection, or	wishes to merge
	       features. The function takes four arguments: an array of	three
	       elements	each of	type GLdouble, an array	of four	pointers, an
	       array of	four elements each of type GLfloat, and	a pointer to a
	       pointer.	The prototype looks like:

		    void combine( GLdouble coords[3], void *vertex_data[4],
				  GLfloat weight[4], void **outData );

	       The vertex is defined as	a linear combination of	up to 4
	       existing	vertices, stored in vertex_data. The coefficients of
	       the linear combination are given	by weight; these weights
	       always sum to 1.0.  All vertex pointers are valid even when
	       some of the weights are zero.  coords gives the location	of the
	       new vertex.

	       The user	must allocate another vertex, interpolate parameters
	       using vertex_data and weight, and return	the new	vertex pointer
	       in outData.  This handle	is supplied during rendering
	       callbacks.  The user is responsible for freeing the memory
	       sometime	after gluTessEndPolygon	is called.

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	       For example, if the polygon lies	in an arbitrary	plane in 3-
	       space, and we associate a color with each vertex, the
	       GLU_TESS_COMBINE	callback might look like this:

		    void myCombine( GLdouble coords[3],	VERTEX *d[4],
				    GLfloat w[4], VERTEX **dataOut )
		       VERTEX *new = new_vertex();

		       new->x =	coords[0];
		       new->y =	coords[1];
		       new->z =	coords[2];
		       new->r =	w[0]*d[0]->r + w[1]*d[1]->r + w[2]*d[2]->r + w[3]*d[3]->r;
		       new->g =	w[0]*d[0]->g + w[1]*d[1]->g + w[2]*d[2]->g + w[3]*d[3]->g;
		       new->b =	w[0]*d[0]->b + w[1]*d[1]->b + w[2]*d[2]->b + w[3]*d[3]->b;
		       new->a =	w[0]*d[0]->a + w[1]*d[1]->a + w[2]*d[2]->a + w[3]*d[3]->a;
		       *dataOut	= new;

	       If the tessellation detects an intersection, then the
	       GLU_TESS_COMBINE	or GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA callback (see below)
	       must be defined,	and it must write a non-NULL pointer into
	       dataOut.	Otherwise the GLU_TESS_NEED_COMBINE_CALLBACK error
	       occurs, and no output is	generated.  (This is the only error
	       that can	occur during tessellation and rendering.)

	       The same	as the GLU_TESS_COMBINE	callback except	that it	takes
	       an additional pointer argument. This pointer is identical to
	       the opaque pointer provided when	gluTessBeginPolygon was
	       called. The function prototype for this callback	looks like:

		    void combineData ( GLdouble	coords[3], void	*vertex_data[4],
				       GLfloat weight[4], void **outData,
				       void *polygon_data );

	       The error callback is called when an error is encountered.  The
	       one argument is of type GLenum; it indicates the	specific error
	       that occurred and will be set to	one of
	       Character strings describing these errors can be	retrieved with
	       the gluErrorString call.	The function prototype for this
	       callback	looks like:

		    void error ( GLenum	errno );

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	       The GLU library will recover from the first four	errors by
	       inserting the missing call(s).  GLU_TESS_COORD_TOO_LARGE	says
	       that some vertex	coordinate exceeded the	predefined constant
	       GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD in absolute value, and that the value	has
	       been clamped.  (Coordinate values must be small enough so that
	       two can be multiplied together without overflow.)
	       GLU_TESS_NEED_COMBINE_CALLBACK says that	the tessellation
	       detected	an intersection	between	two edges in the input data,
	       and the GLU_TESS_COMBINE	or GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA callback was
	       not provided.  No output	will be	generated.

	       The same	as the GLU_TESS_ERROR callback except that it takes an
	       additional pointer argument. This pointer is identical to the
	       opaque pointer provided when gluTessBeginPolygon	was called.
	       The function prototype for this callback	looks like:

		    void errorData ( GLenum errno, void	*polygon_data );

     Polygons tessellated can be rendered directly like	this:

	  gluTessCallback(tobj,	GLU_TESS_BEGIN,	glBegin);
	  gluTessCallback(tobj,	GLU_TESS_VERTEX, glVertex3dv);
	  gluTessCallback(tobj,	GLU_TESS_END, glEnd);
	  gluTessCallback(tobj,	GLU_TESS_COMBINE, myCombine);
	  gluTessBeginPolygon(tobj, NULL);
	      gluTessVertex(tobj, v, v);

     Typically,	the tessellated	polygon	should be stored in a display list so
     that it does not need to be retessellated every time it is	rendered.

     glBegin, glEdgeFlag, glVertex, gluNewTess,	gluErrorString,	gluTessVertex,
     gluTessBeginPolygon, gluTessBeginContour, gluTessProperty,	gluTessNormal

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