gltexparameter - Man Page

glTexParameter(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		    glTexParameter(3G)

     glTexParameterf, glTexParameteri, glTexParameterfv, glTexParameteriv -
     set texture parameters

     void glTexParameterf( GLenum target,
			   GLenum pname,
			   GLfloat param )
     void glTexParameteri( GLenum target,
			   GLenum pname,
			   GLint param )

     target  Specifies the target texture, which must be either	GL_TEXTURE_1D,

     pname   Specifies the symbolic name of a single-valued texture parameter.
	     pname can be one of the following:	 GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,

     param   Specifies the value of pname.

     void glTexParameterfv( GLenum target,
			    GLenum pname,
			    const GLfloat *params )
     void glTexParameteriv( GLenum target,
			    GLenum pname,
			    const GLint	*params	)

	  Specifies the	target texture,	which must be either GL_TEXTURE_1D,

	  Specifies the	symbolic name of a texture parameter.  pname can be

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	  Specifies a pointer to an array where	the value or values of pname
	  are stored.

     Texture mapping is	a technique that applies an image onto an object's
     surface as	if the image were a decal or cellophane	shrink-wrap. The image
     is	created	in texture space, with an (s, t, r) coordinate system. A
     texture is	a one-,	two-, or three-dimensional image and a set of
     parameters	that determine how samples are derived from the	image.

     glTexParameter assigns the	value in param (or values in params) to	the
     texture parameter specified by pname. target defines the target texture:
     GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT.	 The following symbols are accepted in pname:

	       The texture minifying function is used whenever the pixel being
	       textured	maps to	an area	greater	than one texture element.
	       There are eight defined minifying functions.  Two of them use
	       the nearest one or nearest four texture elements	to compute the
	       texture value. Four use mipmaps,	and one	uses a mipmap variant
	       called a	clipmap.  One uses an application-specified filter
	       that combines four adjacent texture elements (in	the 1D case)
	       or sixteen adjacent texture elements (in	the 2D case).

	       A mipmap	is an ordered set of arrays representing the same
	       image at	progressively lower resolutions. If the	texture	has
	       dimensions 2**n x 2**m there are	max(n,m)+1 mipmaps. The	first
	       mipmap is the original texture, with dimensions 2**n x 2**m.
	       Each subsequent mipmap has dimensions 2**(k-1) x	2**(l-1) where
	       2**k x 2**l are the dimensions of the previous mipmap, until
	       either k=0 or l=0.  At that point, subsequent mipmaps have
	       dimension 1 x 2**(l-1) or 2**(k-1) x 1 until the	final mipmap,
	       which has dimension 1 x 1. Mipmaps are defined using
	       glTexImage1D, glTexImage2D or glTexImage3DEXT with the level-
	       of-detail argument indicating the order of the mipmaps.	Level
	       0 is the	original texture; level	max(n,m) is the	final 1	x 1

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	       A clipmap virtualizes a 2D mipmap by storing and	using only a
	       portion of a full mipmap	``pyramid'' at any given time.	In a
	       clipmap with N+1	levels numbered	0 (the base) through N (the
	       tip), each image	level from B through N contains	the full image
	       from the	corresponding level of the complete mipmap.  Each
	       image level from	0 through B-1 contains a subimage of the
	       corresponding level of the complete mipmap, called the region
	       of interest.  The region	of interest must be the	same size in
	       all the levels 0	through	B-1 - that is, precisely the same size
	       as the texture image at mipmap level B.	For the	clipmap	to be
	       usable, only the	region of interest need	reside in texture
	       memory.	When texture filtering requires	texels (texture
	       elements) that are inside the region of interest	for a level,
	       they are	fetched	in just	the way	they would be accessed for a
	       mipmap.	When the required texels fall outside the region of
	       interest, then successively higher clipmap levels are queried
	       until one is found that contains	texels at the appropriate

	       Since each 2D mipmap level usually contains four	times as many
	       texels as the subsequent	level, using a clipmap for a few of
	       the highest-resolution levels can reduce	texture	memory
	       requirements tremendously.  In addition to reducing memory
	       requirements, clipmaps also have	features that support paging
	       texture images into and out of texture memory.  (See below for
	       more information.)  Note	that clipmaps may be used only with
	       borderless 2D textures.

	       param supplies a	function for minifying the texture as one of
	       the following:

			 Returns the value of the texture element that is
			 nearest (in Manhattan distance) to the	center of the
			 pixel being textured.

	       GL_LINEAR Returns the weighted average of the two, four,	or
			 eight texture elements	that are closest to the	center
			 of the	pixel being textured.  These can include
			 border	texture	elements, depending on the values of
			 GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT,	and on the exact mapping.

			 Chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size
			 of the	pixel being textured and uses the GL_NEAREST
			 criterion (the	texture	element	nearest	to the center
			 of the	pixel) to produce a texture value.

			 Chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size
			 of the	pixel being textured and uses the GL_LINEAR

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			 criterion (a weighted average of the four texture
			 elements that are closest to the center of the	pixel)
			 to produce a texture value.

			 Chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the
			 size of the pixel being textured and uses the
			 GL_NEAREST criterion (the texture element nearest to
			 the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value
			 from each mipmap. The final texture value is a
			 weighted average of those two values.

			 Chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the
			 size of the pixel being textured and uses the
			 GL_LINEAR criterion (a	weighted average of the	four
			 texture elements that are closest to the center of
			 the pixel) to produce a texture value from each
			 mipmap.  The final texture value is a weighted
			 average of those two values.



			 The SGIX_impact_pixel_texture extension allows	the
			 glPixelTexGenSGIX command to utilize a	4D texture
			 when there is no hardware support for linear
			 interpolation in the q	coordinate. In this case the
			 application may get the desired result	from a two-
			 pass operation; on the	first pass the filter function
			 is set	to ceiling with	alpha-blending disabled,
			 followed by a second pass set to floor	with the
			 appropriate blendfunction set.	If a nearest-neighbor
			 mode is acceptable, a one-pass	method can be used
			 with the filter set to	round (the default).

			 Additional information	about 4D pixel-texturing can
			 be found man pages for	glPixelTexGenSGIX.

			 Returns a weighted average of the four	texture
			 elements (in the 1D case) or the sixteen texture
			 elements (in the 2D case) that	are closest to the
			 center	of the pixel being textured.  These can
			 include border	texture	elements, although the
			 behavior in such cases	is rarely useful.  The weights
			 are derived from a filter kernel specified by the
			 user; see glTexFilterFuncSGIS for details.  Note that
			 this mode is not supported for	3D textures.

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			 Similar to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, but used only
			 with clipmaps.	 This method may be used with any
			 magnification filter except GL_FILTER4_SGIS; however,
			 detail	and sharpen filtering are performed only when
			 texels	are supplied by	the level 0 image of the

	       As more texture elements	are sampled in the minification
	       process,	fewer aliasing artifacts will be apparent. While the
	       GL_NEAREST and GL_LINEAR	minification functions can be faster
	       than the	four mipmap filtering modes, they sample only one,
	       four, or	eight texture elements to determine the	texture	value
	       of the pixel being rendered and can produce moire patterns or
	       ragged transitions. The default value of	GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER

	       The texture magnification function is used when the pixel being
	       textured	maps to	an area	less than or equal to one texture
	       element.	 It sets the texture magnification function to any of
	       the following:

			 Returns the value of the texture element that is
			 nearest (in Manhattan distance) to the	center of the
			 pixel being textured.

	       GL_LINEAR Returns the weighted average of the two, four,	or
			 eight texture elements	that are closest to the	center
			 of the	pixel being textured.  These can include
			 border	texture	elements, depending on the values of
			 GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT,	and on the exact mapping.

			 Returns a weighted average of samples from the
			 current 2D texture and	from the current 2D detail
			 texture, for all four color components.

			 Returns a weighted average of samples from the
			 current 2D texture and	from the current 2D detail
			 texture for the alpha color component;	the other
			 three color components	are returned as	for GL_LINEAR.

			 Returns a weighted average of samples from the
			 current 2D texture and	from the current 2D detail
			 texture for the red, green, and blue color
			 components; the alpha color component is returned as
			 for GL_LINEAR.

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			 Returns an extrapolation derived from level zero and
			 level one texture image samples.  This	is similar to
			 GL_LINEAR filtering, but with less blurring.

			 Returns a sharpened extrapolated value	for the	alpha
			 color component.  All other color components are
			 returned as for GL_LINEAR.

			 Returns sharpened extrapolated	values for the red,
			 green,	and blue color components.  The	alpha
			 component is returned as for GL_LINEAR.



			 The SGIX_impact_pixel_texture extension allows	the
			 glPixelTexGenSGIX command to utilize a	4D texture
			 when there is no hardware support for linear
			 interpolation in the q	coordinate. In this case the
			 application may get the desired result	from a two-
			 pass operation; on the	first pass the filter function
			 is set	to ceiling with	alpha-blending disabled,
			 followed by a second pass set to floor	with the
			 appropriate blendfunction set.	If a nearest-neighbor
			 mode is acceptable, a one-pass	method can be used
			 with the filter set to	round (the default).

			 Additional information	about 4D pixel-texturing can
			 be found man pages for	glPixelTexGenSGIX.

			 As with minification, returns a weighted average of
			 the four texture elements (in the 1D case) or the
			 sixteen texture elements (in the 2D case) that	are
			 closest to the	center of the pixel being textured.
			 These can include border texture elements, although
			 the behavior in such cases is rarely useful.  The
			 weights are derived from a filter kernel specified by
			 the user; see glTexFilterFuncSGIS.  Note that this
			 mode is not supported for 3D textures.

	       GL_NEAREST is generally faster than GL_LINEAR, but it can
	       produce textured	images with sharper edges because the
	       transition between texture elements is not as smooth. The
	       default value of	GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER is GL_LINEAR.

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	       See glDetailTexFuncSGIS for more	explanation of the detail
	       texture magnification filters, and glSharpenTexFuncSGIS for
	       more explanation	of the sharpen texture magnification filters.

	       Sets the	wrap parameter for texture coordinate s	to GL_CLAMP,
	       GL_CLAMP	causes s coordinates to	be clamped to the range	[0,1]
	       and is useful for preventing wrapping artifacts when mapping a
	       single image onto an object. GL_REPEAT causes the integer part
	       of the s	coordinate to be ignored; the GL uses only the
	       fractional part,	thereby	creating a repeating pattern.
	       GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_SGIS is similar to GL_CLAMP, but the s
	       coordinate range	is adjusted slightly to	ensure that the
	       texture border is fully accessed.  GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS	is
	       also similar to GL_CLAMP, but the s coordinate range is
	       adjusted	slightly to ensure that	the texture border is never
	       accessed.  Border texture elements are accessed only if
	       wrapping	is set to GL_CLAMP.  Initially,	GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S is
	       set to GL_REPEAT.

	       Sets the	wrap parameter for texture coordinate t	to GL_CLAMP,
	       See the discussion under	GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S. Initially,
	       GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T is set	to GL_REPEAT.

	       Sets the	wrap parameter for texture coordinate r	to GL_CLAMP,
	       GL_REPEAT, or GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS.  See the discussion	under
	       GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S. Initially, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT is set to

	       Sets a border color.  params contains four values that comprise
	       the RGBA	color of the texture border. Integer color components
	       are interpreted linearly	such that the most positive integer
	       maps to 1.0, and	the most negative integer maps to -1.0.	 The
	       values are clamped to the range [0,1] when they are specified.
	       Initially, the border color is (0, 0, 0,	0).

	       Specifies the level of the detail texture image.	 Must be
	       negative.  See glDetailTexFuncSGIS for more information.

	       Specifies the detail texture mode.  The permissible values are
	       GL_ADD and GL_MODULATE.	See glDetailTexFuncSGIS	for more

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	       Specifies the bias values for the texture. params contains four
	       values that comprise the	R, G, B, and A bias factors.

	       The scale, bias,	and clamp to [0, 1] operations are applied, in
	       that order, directly before the texture environment equations,
	       or, if the SGI_texture_color_table extension exists, directly
	       before the texture color	lookup table.  See glColorTableSGI for
	       more information.

	       Specifies the scale values for the texture. params contains
	       four values that	comprise the R,	G, B, and A scale factors.

	       The scale, bias,	and clamp to [0, 1] operations are applied, in
	       that order, directly before the texture environment equations,
	       or, if the SGI_texture_color_table extension exists, directly
	       before the texture color	lookup table.  See glColorTableSGI for
	       more information.

	       Specifies the texture residence priority.  Permissible values
	       are in the range	[0.0, 1.0].  See glPrioritizeTexturesEXT for
	       more information.


	       The GL specification describes a	``complete'' set of mipmap
	       image arrays as array levels 0 through p, where p is a well-
	       defined function	of the dimensions of the level 0 image
	       discussed under GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER above.  The level 0 image
	       is the base level (the highest-resolution image,	with the
	       largest dimensions), and	the level p image is the maximum level
	       (the lowest-resolution image, with the smallest dimensions, 1
	       by 1).  To be used for texturing, all the levels	of the
	       complete	mipmap set must	be loaded.

	       The SGIS_texture_lod extension allows the base and maximum
	       levels to be redefined -	the base level may be set to a value
	       greater than zero, and the maximum level	may be set to a	value
	       less than p.  This permits a large texture to be	loaded and
	       used initially at low resolution, and then at higher
	       resolutions as more data	or texture loading time	becomes
	       available.  To be used for texturing, only the levels between
	       the base	and maximum (inclusive)	must be	loaded.	 (Other	levels
	       may be loaded, but only the levels from base through maximum
	       will be used.)

	       When pname is GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL_SGIS, param specifies the
	       base level of the mipmap	set for	the texture designated by
	       target.	The default value is zero.

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	       When pname is GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL_SGIS,	param specifies	the
	       maximum level of	the mipmap set for the texture designated by
	       target.	The default value is 1000.


	       When pixel fragments are	being generated	for a textured
	       primitive, a level-of-detail (LOD) is computed for each
	       fragment.  The LOD is related to	the number of texels that
	       contribute to the color of the fragment,	and is used to select
	       the mipmap levels (see above) that participate in the fragment
	       color computation.

	       Normally	the LOD	is clamped to a	range determined by the
	       filtering method	and the	base and maximum mipmap	levels.	 When
	       the application changes the base	or maximum mipmap levels, the
	       LOD range changes discontinuously, and the texture resolution
	       in rendered scenes appears to ``pop'' to	a new value rather
	       than making a smooth transition.	 The SGIS_texture_lod
	       extension allows	the LOD	to be clamped to an arbitrary user-
	       defined range instead of	the range implied by the base and
	       maximum mipmap levels.  Because this clamping can be varied
	       continuously, the transition to a higher- or lower-resolution
	       texture can be accomplished smoothly.

	       When pname is GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD_SGIS, param specifies the new
	       minimum LOD value for the texture designated by target.	The
	       default is -1000.

	       When pname is GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD_SGIS, param specifies the new
	       maximum LOD value for the texture designated by target.	The
	       default is 1000.


	       On some Silicon Graphics	machines with hardware texturing,
	       texel sizes must	be a multiple of 16 bits.  Most	texture
	       internal	formats	simply occupy a	multiple of 16 bits that is at
	       least as	large as the format requested by the application,
	       leaving the remaining bits of each texel	unused.	 The GL_DUAL_
	       and GL_QUAD_ texture internal formats allow multiple textures
	       with small texels to be packed into the space of	a single 16-
	       bit texture, thus making	full use of texture memory.  For
	       example,	an 8-bit luminance texture would normally use a	full
	       16 bits of texture memory for each texel, but if	the
	       application chooses the GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE8_SGIS internal
	       format, then two	8-bit luminance	textures can be	packed into
	       the same	space.

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	       Some Silicon Graphics machines with hardware texturing do not
	       have the	above texel size restriction, but may benefit from
	       this extension by loading textures at a faster rate.

	       When such a texture is active, the application must select
	       which of	the two	packed textures	will be	used for drawing.
	       param specifies which is	selected.  For GL_DUAL_	texture
	       storage formats,	param assumes the value	0 or 1.	 For GL_QUAD_
	       texture storage formats,	param assumes the value	0, 1, 2, or 3.
	       See glTexImage1D, glTexImage2D or glTexImage3DEXT for
	       information about loading dual and quad textures.

	       A clipmap's region of interest is determined by some aspect of
	       the application;	for example, it	may be derived from an
	       observer's position in a	terrain	map.  The application defines
	       the center of the region	of interest by executing
	       glTexParameter with pname set to	GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_CENTER_SGIX
	       and params pointing to an array with two	elements.  The first
	       element is the s	coordinate of the center of the	region of
	       interest	in the level 0 texture image, and the second element
	       is the t	coordinate of the center.  (Note that the position
	       (s_center,t_center) at level 0 corresponds to the position
	       (s_center/2,t_center/2) at level	1, and so on as	the level
	       number increases.)  The coordinates of the center may be
	       changed at any time; for	example, as an observer	moves over a
	       terrain map.

	       As the center of	a clipmap's region of interest changes,	it may
	       become necessary	to load	new texture image data into levels 0
	       through B-1 of the clipmap.  This can be	accomplished by
	       executing glTexSubImage2DEXT for	each of	the levels.  However,
	       texture memory in addition to that used for the region of
	       interest	is needed to store the new image data in each level.
	       This memory can be reserved by executing	glTexParameter with
	       pname set to GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_FRAME_SGIX and param set	to a
	       floating-point value in the range [0,1].	 This reserves
	       param*D_s/2 texels on either side of the	region of interest
	       along the s coordinate, and param*D_t/2 texels on either	side
	       of the region of	interest along the t coordinate, where D_s and
	       D_t are the dimensions of the region of interest	in the s and t
	       directions, respectively.  This additional memory is best
	       considered as a ``frame'' around	the region of interest,	where
	       param specifies the size	of the frame as	a fraction of the size
	       of the region of	interest.  The frame width may be changed at
	       any time.

	       After new texture image data has	been loaded into the frame
	       around a	clipmap's region of interest, the region of interest
	       must be offset to incorporate the new data (and release the

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	       memory occupied by old data that's no longer needed).  This is
	       accomplished by adding offsets to all s and t coordinates used
	       to access the clipmap.  These offsets may force coordinates to
	       wrap around, so they have the effect of mapping the texture
	       image and frame onto a torus.  This behavior is useful for
	       continuous roaming through very large texture images.  The
	       offsets are specified by	executing glTexParameter with pname
	       set to GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_OFFSET_SGIX and params	pointing to an
	       array with two elements.	 The first element is the offset to be
	       applied to s coordinates	for the	level 0	image, and the second
	       element is the offset to	be applied to t	coordinates for	the
	       level 0 image.  The coordinate offsets may be changed at	any


	       The SGIX_shadow extension adds a	new stage to the texturing
	       process.	 Once a	texture	value has been fetched from texture
	       memory, it may be compared with the iterated texture r
	       coordinate to determine if an object is in shadow.  The result
	       of the comparison, rather than the texture value	itself,	is
	       sent to the filtering stage.  If	the test passes, the object is
	       considered to be	in shadow; the result of the comparison	is 0.
	       If the test fails, the result is	1.  When used with textures
	       that consist of depth values (internal format
	       GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, for example)	and a properly-chosen texture
	       matrix, this can	be used	to implement shadows.  The comparison
	       operation is enabled by executing glTexParameter	with pname set
	       to GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX and param set	to the value GL_TRUE.
	       (It is disabled by using	the value GL_FALSE.)  The comparison
	       operation is selected by	executing glTexParameter with pname
	       set to GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_OPERATOR_SGIX and param set to	the
	       Note that the texture values are	treated	as though they range
	       from 0.0	through	1.0, just like depth values, so	the r
	       coordinates chosen by the application must also fall in that

	       The SGIX_shadow_ambient extension modifies the behavior of the
	       SGIX_shadow extension slightly.	When a texture comparison
	       implemented by SGIX_shadow passes, SGIX_shadow_ambient causes
	       the result to be	the shadow ambient value rather	than zero.
	       Larger shadow ambient values result in lighter shadows.

     Linear filtering accesses the four	nearest	texture	elements only in 2D
     textures.	In 1D textures,	linear filtering accesses the two nearest
     texture elements.	In 3D textures,	linear filtering accesses the eight
     nearest texture elements.

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     Suppose texturing is enabled (by calling glEnable with argument
     GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is set to one of the	functions that requires	a
     mipmap.  If either	the dimensions of the texture images currently defined
     (with previous calls to glTexImage1D, glTexImage2D, or glTexImage3DEXT)
     do	not follow the proper sequence for mipmaps (described above), or there
     are fewer texture images defined between the base and maximum levels than
     are needed, or the	set of texture images have differing numbers of
     texture components, then it is as if texture mapping were disabled.

     A similar consideration applies for clipmaps.  The	only difference	is
     that levels 0 through B of	the clipmap must have the same dimensions,
     rather than varying by a factor of	two for	each successive	level.	Note
     that the parameter	B is never specified explicitly	by the application; it
     is	inferred from the level	at which the texture image dimensions stop
     changing.	(Recall	that the dimensions for	each level are provided	as
     arguments to the glTexImage command.)

     The maximum number	of levels in a clipmap is limited; the limit can be
     determined	by calling glGet with argument GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX.

     SGIS_texture_lod extension.  GL_FILTER4_SGIS is part of the
     SGIS_texture_filter4 extension.  GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY_EXT is part of the
     EXT_texture_object	extension.  GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_SGIX and
     GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_SGIX are part	of the SGIX_texture_scale_bias
     are part of the SGIS_texture_select extension.
     GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_OFFSET_SGIX are	part of	the SGIX_clipmap extension.
     GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS is part of the SGIS_texture_edge_clamp extension.
     GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_SGIS is	part of	the SGIS_texture_border_clamp
     are part of the SGIX_shadow extension.  GL_SHADOW_AMBIENT_SGIX is part of
     the SGIX_shadow_ambient extension.	 GL_PIXEL_TEX_GEN_Q_CEILING_SGIX,
     of	the SGIX_impact_pixel_texture extension.  See glIntro for more
     information about using extensions.

     GL_INVALID_ENUM is	generated when target or pname is not one of the
     accepted defined values, or when param should have	a defined constant
     value (based on the value of pname) and does not.

     GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if an attempt is made to set

     and either	of the two values specified by params is negative.

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     and either	of the two values specified by params is negative.

     GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glTexParameter is executed between
     the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.

     glGetIntegerv with	argument GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX

     The SGIX_clipmap extension	is supported only on InfiniteReality systems.
     The following restrictions	apply:

	  1.  For best performance, the	``breakpoint'' clipmap level (B) must
	      be loaded	before any other level.	 The implementation derives
	      the size of the clipmap from the size of this level, so loading
	      this level first permits efficient allocation of texture memory.

	  2.  Clipmaps must be square.

	  3.  GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S	and GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T must be set to

	  4.  It is more efficient to set clipmap attributes that affect
	      texture memory allocation	(such as
	      GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_FRAME_SGIX) before loading the	first level of
	      the clipmap, rather than after loading it.

     On	RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems
     GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_LEVEL_SGIS must be less than or equal to	4.

     On	High Impact and	Maximum	Impact systems,	the following restrictions
     apply to detail texturing:

	  1.  When specifying GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, the only mode supported

	  2.  When specifying GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_MODE_SGIS, the only mode
	      supported	is GL_ADD.

	  3.  When specifying GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_LEVEL_SGIS, any	values outside
	      of the range [-2..-6] will be clamped to the limits of that

     The SGIX_shadow extension is supported only on InfiniteReality systems.

     The SGIX_shadow_ambient extension is supported only on InfiniteReality

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glTexParameter(3G)	       OpenGL Reference		    glTexParameter(3G)

     The SGIS_texture_lod extension is supported High Impact and Maximum
     Impact systems; however, setting the GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD_SGIS will have no

     GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_SGIS is	supported only on High Impact and Maximum
     Impact systems.

     GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS is supported	only on	InfiniteReality	systems.

     Texture borders are not supported on InfiniteReality systems, so the
     border width should always	be zero.  Borders will be supported in future
     releases.	However, borders use texture memory very inefficiently;	up to
     four times	the memory required by the base	texture	may be needed to
     support borders properly.	Whenever possible, applications	should use the
     texture wrap mode GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS and borderless textures.  This
     might be essential	for large textures, which otherwise won't fit in
     texture memory because of the border overhead.

     On	InfiniteReality	systems, if the	post-texture filter scale and bias
     values are	set to values other than the defaults, they are	limited	to the
     range [0.0, 1.0).	(note: this range excludes 1.0.)  The
     SGIX_texture_scale_bias extension is not supported	on RealityEngine,
     RealityEngine2, and VTX systems or	on High	Impact and Maximum Impact

     The SGIS_texture_select extension is supported only on InfiniteReality
     systems and on High Impact	and Maximum Impact systems with	the TRAM
     option card.

     The SGIS_texture_filter4 extension	is supported only on InfiniteReality

     On	InfiniteReality	systems, GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if the value of
     the argument n to the command glTexFilterFuncSGIS does not	equal the
     value of the implementation dependent constant Size, which	can be
     determined	by calling glGetTexParameter with argument
     GL_TEXTURE_FILTER4_SIZE_SGIS.  This restriction will be removed in	a
     future release.

     There is a	known problem with shadow textures and texture binding on
     InfiniteReality systems.  After using a shadow texture, applications
     should disable shadowing (by calling glTexParameter with argument
     GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX and value GL_FALSE) before	binding	any other
     texture.  This will be fixed in the next release.

     glDetailTexFuncSGIS, glIntro, glSharpenTexFuncSGIS,
     glPrioritizeTexturesEXT, glTexEnv,	glTexFilterFuncSGIS, glTexImage1D,
     glTexImage2D, glTexImage3DEXT, glTexGen.  glPixelTexGen.

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