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README file from "scrollmon" directory

           ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/video/scrollmon README

scrollmon 1.1

An application for creating realtime scrolling credits or titles (graphics) for
video production.  Credits can be constructed from either anti-aliased text or
SGI rgb images.

scrollmon, when executed reads a description file, defaultly credits.txt in
the local directory, and builds a series of bitmaps that it scrolls in a 4.0
Glx window.  The scrolling attributes such as the speed, color, etc are
based on the parameters in the file and on the command line.

NEW for 1.1!
There are now menus as part of the interface that let you either re-read the
credits file or open an entirely different one while the app is running.
It also does a better job of refreshing the graphics if you obscure the credits
window.  Lastly there is a second button on the control panel that basically
starts the reroll of the credits.  Using this in conjunction with the stop
start button you can set up the credits for a roll eg. press the stop button
then press the rescroll button, now when you press the go button it will start
the credits from the beginning.  Not perfect but it should help with the timing
of the roll.

The options to scrollmon are as follows:

# scrollmon -help
usage:  scrollmon  [-options ...] [credits file]
where options include:
    -p[erf]                          show performance indicator and perf msgs
    -d[ebug]                         print debug messages
    -f[ps] <frames per second>       set update rate, default = refresh rate
    -s[peed] <scan lines>            set speed by # of scan lines to move in y
    -w[idth] <# pixels>              window width in pixels (default 640)
    -h[eight] <# pixels>             window height in pixels (default 480)
    -h[elp]                          print this usage message

The precise regularity of the graphics updates is key to having smooth, non-
interrupted scrolled graphics for video.  Although it is not always possible
to guarantee this 100% because of other system activity it is possible to 
significantly increase the likelihood of this behavior by raising the priority
of the process to NDPHIMIN and setting the process such that it is immune to 
process swapout.  This program is built with code that does this but in order
for this to be executed the process must be run as root or run setuid with 
root permissions.

As stated above, the credits source file defaults to credits.txt in the local
directory.  The one included with this example has a header which describes all
the directives possible for the description of the credit elements.

# **** Definitions for commands *****
#   All command lines begin with a ':' followed by one of the following
#   command words and their associated parameters
# : COLOR <red value> <green value> <blue value> <colorname>  - black is defnd
# : FONT <fontname> <pointsize> <colorname> <justify(C,L,R)> <angle> <spacing>
# : IMAGE <filename> <x offset> <y offset>
# : LMARGIN <# of pixels from the left>
# : RMARGIN <# of pixels from the right>
# : BGCOL <colorname>  - defaults to black
# All lines beginning with a '#' are comment lines.
# All other lines are lines of text which will be rendered with the most
# recent FONT command properties.

Currently, scrollmon's video button is non-functional.  In a future release
you will be able to combine the text and images with live video in the same
window and record the resulting composite images.

NOTE: For use on Irix 4.0.x

This application was built to run in a 5.1.x environment but can be built to
run on 4.0.x systems. Use Makefile.irix4 to build on 4.0.x machines.  In order
to have the colored pixmaps work correctly you should install the X resource
defaults contained in Scrollmon either by using the 'xrdb -merge' command or
by including the lines in that file in you .Xdefaults file or bye using the
"run" script included in the source directory.


  Because of a bug in the libwfm library this application will not run on a
remote machine (dgl error).  If you want this functionality you can replace the
libwfm calls with the equivalent libfm calls.  You will lose the ability to
render anti-aliased fonts, however.

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/video/scrollmon" directory







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OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire scrollmon directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.