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README file from "isfast" directory

The Problem

When you're writing an OpenGL application, how do you know whether a
particular feature (like depth buffering or texture mapping) is fast
enough to be useful?

If you want your application to run fast on a variety of machines,
while taking advantage of as many hardware features as possible, you
need to write code that makes configuration decisions at runtime.

For OpenGL's predecessor, IRIS GL, you could call getgdesc() to
determine whether a feature had hardware support.  For example, you
could determine whether a Z buffer existed.  If it did, you might
assume that Z buffering was fast, and therefore your application would
use it.  Usually (but not always) this was a reasonable approach.

In OpenGL, things are more complicated.  All the core features are
provided, even when there is no hardware support for them and they must
be implemented completely in software.  There is no OpenGL routine that
reports whether a feature is implemented partially or completely in

Furthermore, features interact in essentially unpredictable ways.  For
example, a machine might have hardware support for depth buffering, but
only for some comparison functions.  Or depth buffering might be fast
only as long as stencilling is not enabled.  Or depth buffering might
be fast when drawing to a window, but slow when drawing to a pixmap.
And so on.  A routine that identifies hardware support for particular
features is actually a lot more complicated and less useful than you'd

A Solution

So how do you decide whether a given OpenGL feature is fast?  The
answer is "Measure it." Since the performance of a section of graphics
code is dependent on dozens of pieces of information from the runtime
environment, no other method is as well-defined and reliable.

Performance measurement can be tricky.  You need to handle the cases
when you're displaying over a network, as well as locally.  You also
want to think about flushing the graphics pipeline properly, and
accounting for the resulting overhead.

Measuring all the features needed by your application might take a
while -- probably too long to make your users wait for the results each
time the application starts.  Therefore you'll want to save performance
measurements and reuse them whenever possible.

And you might want to measure things other than graphics:  Disk and
network throughput, processing time for a particular set of data,
performance on uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems.

This document describes two libraries that can help with all of the
tasks just mentioned.

		"Performance DataBase" routines for measuring execution
		rates and maintaining a simple database.

		A set of routines demonstrating libpdb that answer
		common questions about the performance of OpenGL
		features (using reasonable but subjective criteria).

These libraries can't substitute for comprehensive benchmarking and
performance analysis, and don't replace more sophisticated tools (like
IRIS Performer and IRIS Inventor) that optimize application performance
in a variety of ways.  However, they can handle simple tasks easily.

libpdb Tutorial

libpdb provides five routines:

	pdbOpen() opens the performance database.

	pdbReadRate() reads the execution rate for a given benchmark
	(identified by a machine name, application name, benchmark
	name, and version string) from the database.

	pdbMeasureRate() measures the execution rate for a given

	pdbWriteRate() writes the execution rate for a given benchmark
	into the database.

	pdbClose() closes the performance database and writes it back
	to disk if necessary.

All libpdb routines return a value of type pdbStatusT, which is a
bitmask of error conditions.  If the value is zero (PDB_NO_ERROR), then
the call completed successfully.  If the value is nonzero, then it is a
combination of one or more of the following conditions:

	PDB_OUT_OF_MEMORY       An attempt to allocate memory failed.

	PDB_SYNTAX_ERROR        The database contains one or more
				records that could not be parsed.

	PDB_NOT_FOUND           The database does not contain the
				record requested by the application.

	PDB_CANT_WRITE          The database file could not be

	PDB_NOT_OPEN		pdbOpen() was not invoked before
				calling one of the other libpdb

	PDB_ALREADY_OPEN	pdbOpen() was called while the database
				is still open (e.g., before pdbClose()
				is invoked).

Every program must call pdbOpen() before using the database, and
pdbClose() when the database is no longer needed.  pdbOpen() opens the
database file (stored in $HOME/.pdb2 on UNIX systems) and reads all the
performance measurements into main memory.  pdbClose() releases all
memory used by the library, and writes the database back to its file if
any changes have been made by invoking pdbWriteRate().


		pdbStatusT pdbOpen(void);

		pdbStatusT pdbClose(void);

pdbOpen() returns PDB_NO_ERROR on success, PDB_OUT_OF_MEMORY if there
was insufficient main memory to store the entire database,
PDB_SYNTAX_ERROR if the contents of the database could not be parsed or
seemed implausible (e.g. a nonpositive performance measurement), or
PDB_ALREADY_OPEN if the database has been opened by a previous call to
pdbOpen() and not closed by a call to pdbClose().

pdbClose() returns PDB_NO_ERROR on success, PDB_CANT_WRITE if the
database file is unwritable for any reason, or PDB_NOT_OPEN if the
database is not open.

Normally applications should look for the performance data they need
before going to the trouble of taking measurements.  pdbReadRate() is
used for this.


		pdbStatusT pdbReadRate (
				const char* machineName,
				const char* applicationName,
				const char* benchmarkName,
				const char* versionString,
				double* rate

		main() {
			double rate;
			if (pdbReadRate(NULL, "myApp", "triangles",
			   glGetString(GL_VERSION), &rate)
			      == PDB_NO_ERROR)
				printf("%g triangle calls per second\n", rate);

The first argument is a zero-terminated string giving the name of the
machine for which the measurement is sought.  If NULL, the default
machine name is used.  (In X11 environments, the display name is an
appropriate choice, and the default machine name is the content of the
DISPLAY environment variable.)

The second argument is the name of the application.  This is used as an
additional database key to reduce accidental collisions between
benchmark names.

The third argument is the name of the benchmark.

The fourth argument is a string identifying the desired version of the
benchmark.  For OpenGL performance measurements, the string returned
by glGetString(GL_VERSION) is a good value for this argument.  Other
applications might use the version number of the benchmark, rather
than the version number of the system under test.

The fourth argument is a pointer to a double-precision floating-point
variable which receives the performance measurement (the "rate") from
the database.  The rate indicates the number of benchmark operations per
second that were measured on a previous run.

if pdbReadRate() returns zero, then it completed successfully and the
rate is returned in the last argument.  If the requested benchmark is
not present in the database, it returns PDB_NOT_FOUND.  Finally, if
pdbReadRate() is called when the database has not been opened by
pdbOpen(), it returns PDB_NOT_OPEN.

When the application is run for the first time, or when the performance
database file has been removed (perhaps to allow a fresh start after a
hardware upgrade), pdbReadRate() will not be able to find the desired
benchmark.  If this happens, the application should use
pdbMeasureRate() to make a measurement.


		pdbStatusT pdbMeasureRate (
				pdbCallbackT initialize,
				pdbCallbackT operation,
				pdbCallbackT finalize,
				int calibrate,
				double* rate

		void SetupOpenGLState(void) {
			/* set all OpenGL state to desired values */

		void DrawTriangles(void) {
				/* specify some vertices... */
		main() {
			double rate;
			if (pdbReadRate(NULL, "myApp", "triangles",
			   glGetString(GL_VERSION), &rate)
			      != PDB_NO_ERROR) {
				pdbMeasureRate(glFinish, DrawTriangles,
				    glFinish, 1, &rate);
			printf("%g triangle calls per second\n", rate);

The first argument is a pointer to the initialization function.  The
initialization function is run before each set of operations.  For
OpenGL performance measurement, it's appropriate to use glFinish() for
initialization, to make sure that the graphics pipe is quiet.  However,
for other performance measurements, the initialization function could
be used to create test data, preload caches, etc.  It may be NULL, in
which case no initialization is performed.

The second argument is a pointer to the operation function.  This
function performs the operations that are to be measured.  Usually
you'll want to make sure that any global state needed by the operation
is set up before calling the operation function, so that you don't
include the cost of the setup operations in the measurement.

The third argument is a pointer to a finalization function.  This is
run once, after all the calls to the operation function are complete.
In the example above, we used glFinish() again to ensure that the
graphics pipeline is idle.  It may be NULL, in which case no
finalization is performed.

The finalization function must be "calibrated" so that the overhead of
calling it may be subtracted from the time used by the operation
function.  If the fourth argument is nonzero, then pdbMeasureRate()
calibrates the finalization function.  If the fourth argument is zero,
then pdbMeasureRate() uses the results of the previous calibration.
Recalibrating each measurement is the safest approach, but it roughly
doubles the amount of time needed for a measurement.  For OpenGL, it
should be OK to calibrate once and recalibrate only when using a
different X11 display.

The final argument is a pointer to a double-precision floating-point
variable which receives the execution rate.  This rate is the number of
times the operation function was called per second.

pdbMeasureRate() attempts to compute a number of repetitions that
results in a run time of about one second.  (Calibration requires an
additional second.)  It's reasonably careful about timekeeping on
systems with low-resolution clocks.

pdbMeasureRate() always returns PDB_NO_ERROR.

Once a rate has been measured, it should be stored in the database
by calling pdbWriteRate().


		pdbStatusT pdbWriteRate (
				const char* machineName,
				const char* applicationName,
				const char* benchmarkName,
				const char* versionString,
				double rate

		main() {
			double rate;
			if (pdbReadRate(NULL, "myApp", "triangles",
			   glGetString(GL_VERSION), &rate)
			      != PDB_NO_ERROR) {
				pdbMeasureRate(glFinish, DrawTriangles,
				    glFinish, 1, &rate);
				pdbWriteRate(NULL, "myApp", "triangles",
				    glGetString(GL_VERSION), rate);
			printf("%g triangle calls per second\n", rate);

The first four arguments of pdbWriteRate() match the first four
arguments of pdbReadRate().

The final argument is the performance measurement to be saved in the

pdbWriteRate() will return PDB_NO_ERROR if the performance measurement
was added to the in-memory copy of the database, PDB_OUT_OF_MEMORY if
there was insufficient main memory to do so, or PDB_NOT_OPEN if the
database is not open.

When pdbWriteRate() is called, the in-memory copy of the performance
database is marked "dirty."  pdbClose() takes note of this and writes
the database back to disk.

libisfast Tutorial

libisfast is a set of demonstration routines that show how libpdb can
be used to measure and maintain OpenGL performance data.  libisfast is
based on purely subjective performance criteria.  If they're
appropriate for your application, please feel free to use them.  If
not, please copy the source code and modify it accordingly.

In all cases that follow, the term "triangles" refers to a triangle
strip with 37 vertices.  The triangles are drawn with perspective
projection, lighting, and smooth (Gouraud) shading.  Unless otherwise
stated, display-list-mode drawing is used.  (This makes isfast yield
more useful results when the target machine is being accessed over
a network.)

The app must initialize isfast before performing any performance
measurements, and clean up after the measurements are finished.  On X11
systems these tasks are accomplished by calling

	int IsFastXOpenDisplay(const char* displayName);


	void IsFastXCloseDisplay(void);

respectively.  IsFastOpenXDisplay() returns zero if the named display
could not be opened, and nonzero if the display was opened

DepthBufferingIsFast() returns nonzero if depth buffered triangles can
be drawn at least one-half as fast as triangles without depth

	int DepthBufferingIsFast(void);

ImmediateModeIsFast() returns nonzero if immediate-mode triangles can
be drawn at least one-half as fast as display-listed triangles:

	int ImmediateModeIsFast(void);

Note that one significant use of ImmediateModeIsFast() might be to
decide whether a "local" or a "remote" rendering strategy is
appropriate.  If immediate mode is fast, as on a local workstation, it
might be best to use it and avoid the memory cost of duplicating the
application's data structures in display lists.  If immediate mode is
slow, as is likely for a remote workstation, it may be best to use
display lists for bulky geometry and textures.

StencillingIsFast() returns nonzero if stencilled triangles can be
drawn at least one-half as fast as non-stencilled triangles:

	int StencillingIsFast(void);

TextureMappingIsFast() returns nonzero if texture-mapped triangles can
be drawn at least one-half as fast as non-texture-mapped triangles:

	int TextureMappingIsFast(void);

Although the routines in libisfast will be useful for a number of
applications, we suggest that you study them and modify them for your
own use.  That way you'll explore the particular performance
characteristics of your machines:  their sensitivity to triangle size,
triangle strip length, culling, stencil function, texture map type,
texture coordinate generation method, etc.

Keep in mind that while the results of the libisfast routines are
interesting, they apply to very limited special cases.  You should
always consider using a more general tool like Inventor or Performer.


The source directory has three subdirectories:

		Contains a trivial main program to call the routines
		in libisfast.

		Source code for libisfast.

		Source code for libpdb.

Each subdirectory has its own makefile, and there is a master makefile
in the main source directory.

This code has been tested lightly in IRIX 5.3, a UNIX SVR4 environment,
on an Indigo2 Extreme and an Onyx RealityEngine.

Revision History

Version 1.0:

	Initial release.

Version 2.0:

		Added support for benchmark version identifiers.  This
		solved problems with out-of-date libpdb databases, but
		made it necessary to create a new pdb database format
		and file.

		Added calibration option for pdbMeasureRate().  This
		speeds up libisfast significantly.

		Allowed more special characters in the machine name,
		application name, benchmark name, and version string. 
		For example, these strings may now contain blanks and
		tabs.  In the database file, special characters are
		escaped with backslashes.


		Removed dependency on the libtk toolkit.  This makes
		it easier to integrate libisfast with real
		applications, but exposes some system-specific
		interfaces.  The separation between
		window-system-independent code and
		window-system-dependent code is not as thorough as it
		used to be (I refuse to create *another* toolkit), so
		porting this version of libisfast to OS/2 or Windows
		will take a little more effort.

		Used visinfo package for selecting Visuals.

		Made calibration operations less frequent.

		Restructured tests to use display lists wherever
		possible, in order to get more reasonable results for
		machines that are accessed over the network.


		Replaced old initialization and cleanup calls with new

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