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13.1 Names for the FORTRAN GLUT Binding

Allowing for FORTRAN's case-insensitivity, the GLUT FORTRAN binding constant and routine names are the same as the C binding's names.

The OpenGL  Architectural Review Board (ARB) official OpenGL FORTRAN API prefixes every routine and constant with the letter F. The justification was to avoid name space collisions with the C names in anachronistic compilers. Nearly all modern FORTRAN compilers avoid these name space clashes via other means (underbar suffixing of FORTRAN routines is used by most Unix FORTRAN \ compilers).

The GLUT FORTRAN API does not use such prefixing conventions because of the documentation and coding confusion introduced by such prefixes. The confusion is heightened by FORTRAN's default implicit variable initialization so programmers may realize the lack of a constant prefix as a result of a run-time error. The confusion introduced to support the prefixes was not deemed worthwhile simply to support anachronistic compliers.

The OpenGL ARB's official FORTRAN binding for the GLU and OpenGL APIs that chose to prefix the letter F before every OpenGL and GLU constant and routine name.

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Mark Kilgard
Fri Feb 23 08:05:02 PST 1996