GLUT distribution Redbook source examples

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This directory provides a host of GLUT-based example programs ported from the OpenGL Programming Guide book.

NOTE: ../../lib/glut/libglut.a is employed to generate the binaries in this directory. Hence, if you wish to copy over any specific program for the purposes of experiementation and recompilation, you'll need to either

  1. download this entire directory, plus, ../../GL/glut.h, as well as ../../lib/glut/libglut.a.tar.Z, or,
  2. get everything by simply grabbing the entire ../../glut-3.1.tar.Z (1,158,329 bytes) 3.1 version of the GLUT distribution, to get everything that way.

The following programs are available from this redbook directory:

   accanti:       accumulation buffer and antialiasing (accanti.c,

   anti:          antialiased lines in RGBA mode (anti.c)

   bezmesh:       renders a lighted, filled Bezier surface, using
                  two-dimensional evaluators.  (bezmesh.c)

   checker:       texture maps a checkerboard image onto two rectangles;
                  clamps the texture, if texture coordinates fall
                  outside 0.0 and 1.0.  (checker.c)

   depthcue:      wireframe model uses intensity (brightness) to give
                  clues to distance.  Fog is used to achieve this effect.

   dof:           demos accumulation buffer creating an out-of-focus
                  depth-of-field effect.  The teapots are drawn several
                  times into the accumulation buffer.  The viewing volume
                  is jittered, except at the focal point, where the
                  viewing volume is at the same position, each time.  In
                  this case, the gold teapot remains in focus.  (dof.c,

   fog:           draws 5 red teapots, each at a different z distance
                  from the eye, in different types of fog.  LEFTMOUSE
                  chooses between 3 types of fog:  exponential,
                  exponential squared, and linear.  In this program,
                  there is a fixed density value, as well as fixed
                  start and end values for the linear fog.  (fog.c)

   fogindex:      demonstrates fog in color index mode.  Three cones are
                  drawn at different z values in a linear fog.  32
                  contiguous colors (from 16 to 47) are loaded with a
                  color ramp.  (fogindex.c)

   material:      demos the GL lighting model.  Several objects are drawn
                  using different material characteristics.  A single
                  light source illuminates the objects.  (material.c)

   mipmap:        demos using mipmaps for texture maps.  To overtly show
                  the effect of mipmaps, each mipmap reduction level has
                  a solidly colored, contrasting texture image.  Thus,
                  the quadrilateral which is drawn is drawn with several
                  different colors.  (mipmap.c)

   nurbs:         demos a NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-splines) surface,
                  shaped like a heart.  (nurbs.c)

   pickdepth:     demos picking.  In rendering mode, three overlapping
                  rectangles are drawn.  LEFTMOUSE enters selection mode
                  with the picking matrix.  Rectangles which are drawn
                  under the cursor position are "picked."  Pay special
                  attention to the depth value range, which is returned.

   plane:         demos use of local versus infinite lighting on a flat
                  plane.  (plane.c)

   polys:         demos polygon stippling.  (polys.c)

   sccolorlight:  demos use of a colored (magenta, in this example) light
                  source.  Objects are drawn using a grey material
                  characteristic.  A single light source illuminates the
                  objects.  (sccolorlight.c)

   scene:         demonstrates the use of the GL lighting model.  Objects
                  are drawn using a grey material characteristic.  A
                  single light source illuminates the objects.  (scene.c)

   scenebamb:     demos use of a blue ambient light source.

   sceneflat:     draws lighted objects with flat shading.  (sceneflat.c)

   stencil:       draws two rotated tori in a window.  A diamond in the
                  center of the window masks out part of the scene.
                  Within this mask, a different model (a sphere) is drawn
                  in a different color.  (stencil.c)

   stroke:        demos some characters of a stroke (vector) font.  The
                  characters are represented by display lists, which are
                  given numbers which correspond to the ASCII values of
                  the characters.  Use of glCallLists() is demonstrated.

   surface:       draws a NURBS surface in the shape of a symmetrical 

   teaambient:    renders three lighted, shaded teapots, with different
                  ambient values.  (teaambient.c)

   teapots:       demonstrates lots of material properties.  A single
                  light source illuminates the objects.  (teapots.c)
   texturesurf:   uses evaluators to generate a curved surface and
                  automatically generated texture coordinates.


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Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.