GLUT distribution fortran source examples

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UNFORTUNATELY, attempting to compile fortran opengl on IRIX 6.2 fails.

This directory contains the GLUT distribution fortran examples programs leveraging GLUT functionality.

NOTE: ../../lib/fglut/libfglut.a in concert with ../../lib/a href="../../lib/glut/">glut/libglut.a are both employed to generate the four binaries in this directory. Hence, if you wish to copy over any specific program for the purposes of experiementation and recompilation, you'll need to either

  1. download this entire directory, plus, ../../GL/fgl.h, ../../GL/fglu.h, and ../../GL/fglut.h, as well as ../../lib/glut/libglut.a.tar.Z, ../../lib/glut/libfglut.a.tar.Z,
  2. get everything by simply grabbing the entire ../../glut-3.1.tar.Z (1,158,329 bytes) 3.1 version of the GLUT distribution, to get everything that way.

The following fortran example programs are included in version 3.1 of GLUT:

   example:    An example program demonstrating GlUT callback
               functionality for mouse/button events and a popup menu
               with a roll-over submenu.  (example.f)

   fbitfont:   Renders sample text using builtin GLUT bitmap fonts.

   fscene:     Demonstrates the use of the GL lighting model.  Objects
               are drawn using a red material characteristic.  A
               single light source illuminates the objects.  (fscene.f)

   sphere:     Draws a red lit sphere.  (sphere.f)

Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire fortran directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.