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README file from "uucpVadmin" directory

           ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/irix/uucpVadmin README

                 inst images and src for uucpVadmin subtree

    The UUCP Vadmin tool is meant to provide a graphical user interface
    (GUI) to set up the UUCP files.  Since UUCP has a number of files that
    inter-relate and affect each other, this tool should provide a better
    understanding, when updating them, of what the complete effect is.
    In addition to providing a GUI for the UUCP files, this tool also
    assists in setting up a modem.
    The UUCP Vadmin tool is provided in two forms on this CD.  One form is
    simply a directory containing the source, in precisely the same
    configuration as the source is on my computer where it was written, 
    including all the related files (help text files, X resource files, 
    The second form is an instable image.  This is a form that SGI uses to
    distribute software.  It was generated using the software packaging
    system that is also provided with this CD in utilities/sgihelp_dev (and 
    will be provided in future releases of IRIX).
    The instable image contains the executable, dynamic shared objects and
    other related files as well as all the source code.  The advantage here 
    is that the program 'inst' knows where these files are to be placed, 
    creating subdirectories as needed and setting ownership and permission 
    flags as necessary.  The source directory created, if the source is 
    extracted, is /usr/src/uucpVadmin.  Note that all the files in the 
    source directory on the CD are not in the source directory created by 
    'inst'.  This is because the missing files were placed in other 
    directories by 'inst'.  For example, the UUCP file is placed in 
    /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults and the file UUCPHelpText is placed in
    Chris Carlson

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/irix/uucpVadmin" directory




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OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire uucpVadmin directory.

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