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README file from "timer" directory

                  ~4Dgifts/src/exampleCode/MP/timer README

    This subtree demonstrates the use of a high resolution timer of the io3 
    board on an r4k-based SGI system.  The io3 clock is 16 Mhz, 32 bits.  
    Period is ~ 268 seconds.  Getitimer has a 100 Hz default resolution.  
    With ftimer(1) and by changing FASTHZ in /usr/sysgen/master.d/kernel it
    is possible to bring the resolution up to 1800 (Power Series systems), 
    i.e., 555 microseconds.  This resolution is too coarse for the purpose 
    of some measurements.

    Two sub-directories containing contrasting Linpack 100 examples using 
    a regular and the high resolution timers are shown.  The Linpack 100 
    benchmark takes about .07 second to run and thus the use of a higher 
    resolution timer is necessary.

    Also included is a similar io4 timer for the challenge system.

Sample Linpack Output

regular timer:

 Please send the results of this run to:

 Jack J. Dongarra
 Computer Science Department
 University of Tennessee
 Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1300

 Fax: 615-974-8296


     norm. resid      resid           machep         x(1)          x(n)
  1.67005097E+00  7.41628980E-14  2.22044605E-16  1.00000000E+00  1.00000000E+00

    times are reported for matrices of order   100
      dgefa      dgesl      total     mflops       unit      ratio
 times for array with leading dimension of 201
  6.000E-02  1.000E-02  7.000E-02  9.810E+00  2.039E-01  1.250E+00
  6.000E-02  3.576E-09  6.000E-02  1.144E+01  1.748E-01  1.071E+00
  7.000E-02  5.364E-09  7.000E-02  9.810E+00  2.039E-01  1.250E+00
  6.300E-02  2.000E-03  6.500E-02  1.056E+01  1.893E-01  1.161E+00

 times for array with leading dimension of 200
  6.000E-02  1.000E-02  7.000E-02  9.810E+00  2.039E-01  1.250E+00
  7.000E-02  4.768E-09  7.000E-02  9.810E+00  2.039E-01  1.250E+00
  6.000E-02 -4.768E-08  6.000E-02  1.144E+01  1.748E-01  1.071E+00
  6.300E-02  2.000E-03  6.500E-02  1.056E+01  1.893E-01  1.161E+00

io3 timer:

 Please send the results of this run to:

 Jack J. Dongarra
 Computer Science Department
 University of Tennessee
 Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1300

 Fax: 615-974-8296


     norm. resid      resid           machep         x(1)          x(n)
  1.67005097E+00  7.41628980E-14  2.22044605E-16  1.00000000E+00  1.00000000E+00

    times are reported for matrices of order   100
      dgefa      dgesl      total     mflops       unit      ratio
 times for array with leading dimension of 201
  6.509E-02  1.980E-03  6.707E-02  1.024E+01  1.954E-01  1.198E+00
  6.373E-02  1.869E-03  6.560E-02  1.047E+01  1.911E-01  1.171E+00
  6.490E-02  1.885E-03  6.679E-02  1.028E+01  1.945E-01  1.193E+00
  6.504E-02  1.855E-03  6.690E-02  1.026E+01  1.949E-01  1.195E+00

 times for array with leading dimension of 200
  6.682E-02  1.967E-03  6.879E-02  9.982E+00  2.004E-01  1.228E+00
  6.324E-02  1.837E-03  6.508E-02  1.055E+01  1.896E-01  1.162E+00
  6.415E-02  1.842E-03  6.599E-02  1.041E+01  1.922E-01  1.178E+00
  6.440E-02  1.835E-03  6.624E-02  1.037E+01  1.929E-01  1.183E+00

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/MP/timer" directory




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