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The executables in this opengl subtree were built on an IRIX 6.2 software platform.

This subtree contains OpenGL (some new/some old) demo source
for atlantis, backtrace, drip, fadeflip, fontflip, globe, glutduck, ideas,
insect, lorenz, puzzle, space, stonehenge, tex_cube, and walker.

Eight demos use libglut.a from Mark Kilgard's OpenGL Utility Toolkit, (GLUT):

A pre-built libglut.a library is included in the lib directory. This library is built from the source living in ../../exampleCode/opengl/GLUT/lib/glut/, release 3.1 of the OpenGL Utility Toolkit resident on the Toolbox.

Five demos use the OpenGL Motif Widget, libGLw.a:

One demo uses the OpenGL Character Renderer, libGLC.a:

One "hold-out" still uses libtk, a library supplying simple windowing, event handling, and more using only Xlib:

NOTE: The OpenGL people in engineering are attempting to move beyond libtk, and, in the longer run, libaux. Mark Kilgard's libglut is a much more "current generation" toolkit offerring many useful features for those who are not already "X gods".

The src for libtk is in insect/libtk/.

ALL use the GL and GLU OpenGL libraries except for space (which only uses GL):

Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressedtar image of the entire OpenGL directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.