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README file from "GNU" directory

                          toolbox/public/GNU README

       This subtree contains public domain source/documentation for 
       the GNU emacs (version 19.28) and gnumake applications.  
       gnumake has not changed in a long time.  

       See the Frequently Asked Questions GNUemacs file located at

       emacs contains inst images of:

       emacs19 - GNU emacs-19.28 (for IRIX 5.2+)
         The latest version of the GNU (Gnus Not Unix) editor.  Includes 
         the GNUS newsreader, gnuserv, and other stuff standard.  For 
         this release, the "extra" stuff (other than gnuserv) is in a 
         seperate inst package (emacs19-contrib).  All binaries end in 
         "19" to avoid conflict with emacs-18.  Installs into /usr/gnu, 
         and inst will follow the symlink if moved elsewhere.  

       emacs19-contrib - extra/contributed software for emacs19
         Contains extensions to the standard GNU Emacs distribution:
         vm 5.72 (beta), , and other miscellaneous packages.  Should 
	 work OK with the earlier 19.22 inst package, but it has not 
	 been tested.

       The bulk of everything installs into /usr/gnu, and takes 26+MB.  
       To avoid conflicts with the existing emacs binaries, it is 
       called emacs19, and the man pages are also suffixed with 19 
       (`man emacs19 ctags19 etags19`).

       Any bugs in emacs, send to the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
       Emacs-19.28 is now quite robust, but there are still 3rd-party 
       elisp packages which haven't been ported to work with emacs-19, 
       so you should be careful when replacing emacs-18.

       The GNU software development tools are distributed by the FSF.  
       This software is free.  Unlike other software contained in the 
       Developer's Toolbox, you can redistribute it and/or modify the 
       software freely under the terms of the GNU General Public 
       License, as published by the FSF.  The software is distributed 
       in the hope that it will be useful, but without any express or 
       implied warranty.  See the "COPYING" file in the gnumake
       directory for more information about the use of these programs.

       To compile GNU make, move to the gnumake/src directory, and
       execute /bin/make.  The gnumake directory also includes some
       other programs (texinfo and dvi) which are not ported to the 
       IRIS.  They are included here, however, in accordance with the 
       GNU license which requires that all files contained with the 
       original GNU distribution be included.  The Makefile in the 
       gnumake directory currently does not work correctly on an 

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Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.