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Limitations of the Locale System

This section explains multilingual support, misuse of locales, and the absence of filesystem information for encoding types.

Multilingual Support

There can be only one locale at a time associated with any given process in an internationalized system. Therefore, although multilingual applications--which give the appearance of using more than one locale at a time--can be created, internationalization does not provide inherent support for them. Here are two examples of multilingual programs:

In writing a multilingual application, the first task is identifying the locales for the program to run in and when they apply. (There is no standard method for performing this task.) Once the application has chosen the desired locales, it must do one of the following:

Misuse of Locales

The LANG environment variable and the locale variables provide the freedom to configure a locale, but they do not protect the user from creating a nonsensical combination of settings. For example, you are allowed to set LANG to fr (French) and LC_COLLATE to ja_JP.EUC (Japanese). In such a case, string routines would assume text encoded in 8859-1--except for the sorting routines, which might assume French text and Japanese sorting rules. This would likely result in arbitrary-seeming behavior.

No Filesystem Information for Encoding Types

The IRIX filesystem does not contain information about what encoding should be associated with any given data. Thus, applications must assume that data presented to an application in some locale is properly encoded for that locale. In other words, a file is interpreted differently depending on locale; there is no way to ask the file what it thinks its encoding is.

For example, you may have created a file while in a Japanese locale using EUC. Later, you might try printing it while in a French locale. The results will likely resemble a random collection of Latin 1 characters.

This problem applies to almost all stored strings. Most strings are uninterpreted sequences of nonzero bytes. This includes, for example, filenames. You can, if you want to, name your files using Chinese characters in a Chinese locale, but the names will look odd to anyone who runs /bin/ls on the same filesystem using a non-Chinese locale.

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