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A list is used to display an ordered set of strings. Mouse or keyboard interactions permit users to select one or more items.
An xmScrolledList should be used when the number of items may be too large to display in the allotted space in the interface: the interface is automatically changed to display an xmScrollBar (see below) to move the visible part of the list. A scrolled list widget w is a composite widget that has the following children:
w.HorScrollBar w.VertScrollBar w.ClipWindow
The associated names might be used to access them directly, as in the following example:
xmScrolledList .list managed
.list.VertScrollBar setValues -troughColor red
Different selection modes exist:
- single_select
- Only one item may be selected at a time. A click within the list deselects any previous selection, and selects the highlighted item. Each time a selection is made, singleSelectionCallback is called.
- multiple_select
- Shift-clicks may be used to make multiple selections. Each time an item is selected or unselected, multipleSelectionCallback is called.
- extended_select
Any single mouse click deselects anything, and selects the current item. Any shift-click extends the current selection up to the item underneath the mouse pointer. Each time an item is selected or deselected, extendedSelectionCallback is called.
- browse_select
- Mouse dragging may be used to select a range of items. Using shift-click or shift-drag, more than one range may be selected at a given time. For each newly selected item, browseSelectionCallback is called, once the mouse button is released. This is the default mode.
In all modes, the defaultActionCallback is called when the user double-clicks an item. The following methods are provided to manage the selection list L:
- L addItem item position
Add the specified item (any Tcl string value) to the existing list, at the given position. If position is 1 or greater, the new item is placed in that position; if position is 0, the new item is placed at the end.
- L addItemUnselected item position
Normally, if one item is selected, the second instance is also selected. This method prevents a newly inserted item from being selected.
- L deletePosition position
Delete the item specified by position. If position is 0, delete the last item.
- L deleteItem item
Delete the first occurrence of item in the list. A warning occurs if the item does not exist.
- L deleteAllItems
Delete all items in the list.
- L selectPosition position notify
Select the item at a given position in the list. If notify is true, the corresponding callback is invoked.
- L selectItem item notify
Select the first specified item in the list. If notify is true, the corresponding callback should be invoked.
- L deselectItem item
Deselect the first specified item in the list. If the item is at multiple positions in the list, only the first occurrence is deselected, even if it is not the selected one.
- L deselectPosition position
Deselect the item at the given position in the list.
- L itemExists item
Reply true if the item is in the list, false if not.
- L itemPosition item
Return the list position of the given item, or 0 if item does not exist.
- L positionSelected position
Reply true if the position is currently selected, false if not.
- L setItem item
- Scroll the list so that the first occurrence of item is at the top of the currently displayed part of the list.
- L setPosition position
Scroll the list so that the item at the given position is at the top of the currently displayed part of the list.
- L setBottomItem item
Scroll the list so that the first occurrence of item is at the bottom of the currently displayed part of the list.
- L setBottomPosition position
Scroll the list so that the item at the given position is at the bottom of the currently displayed part of the list.
Table 4-32 lists specific resources for xmList.
xmList Resources
Resource Name | Default Value | Type or Legal Values |
-automaticSelection | False | Boolean |
-doubleClickInterval | Inherited | Integer |
-fontList | Inherited | Font List |
-itemCount | computed | Integer |
-items | none | String array |
-listMarginHeight | 0 | Integer |
-listMarginWidth | 0 | Integer |
-listSizePolicy | variable | constant resize_if_possible variable |
-listSpacing | 0 | Integer |
-scrollBarDisplayPolicy | as_needed | as_needed static |
-selectedItemCount | 0 | Integer |
-selectedItems | none | String array |
-selectionPolicy | browse_select | browse_select extended_select multiple_select single_select |
-stringDirection | Inherited | string_direction_l_to_r string_direction_r_to_l |
-topItemPosition | 1 | Integer |
-visibleItemCount | 1 | Integer |
Other resources are derived from the Core, Primitive, and Label classes.
Supported list-specific callbacks are listed in Table 4-33.
List Widget Callbacks
Method Name | Why |
defaultActionCallback | An item was double-clicked |
singleSelectionCallback | A single item was selected |
multipleSelectionCallback | An item was selected while in multiple selection mode |
browseSelectionCallback | An item was selected while in browse selection mode |
extendedSelectionCallback | An item was selected while in extended selection mode |
The following substitutions are defined for the above callbacks:
- %item
- The currently selected item string
- %item_length
- The string length of the currently selected item
- %item_position
- The current item position, 1 indicating the first one
- %selected_items
Valid only in multiple, browse, or extended callbacks; returns a comma-separated list of all currently-selected items
Be sure to enclose item and selected_items between braces, to avoid parsing errors when item strings contain spaces.
Text widgets also inherit the standard callbacks from the Primitive class, namely helpCallback and destroyCallback.
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