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xmText, xmScrolledText, and xmTextField

Text widgets display a text string, but also allow the user to edit it. An xmTextField widget displays a single line of editable text, while an xmText widget usually spans multiple lines.

The xmScrolledText widget automatically displays scroll bars if it is larger than the allotted space on screen. These xmScrollBars enable the user to change the currently viewed portion of the text. Text selection is done with keyboard or mouse interactions, as described in the section "Actions and Translations".

A scrolled text widget is a composite widget that has the following children, where tw represents the text widget name:

tw.HorScrollBar tw.VertScrollBar tw.ClipWindow

An associated Tcl procedure can be used to directly access them, as in this example:

xmScrolledText .txt managed
set rsrc_list [.txt.ClipWindow resources] 
In addition to standard Core methods, text widgets (tw) offer these additional methods to deal with text selection and the clipboard:

tw setString txt

Change the current text to txt.

tw getString

Return the whole text as a result.

tw getSubString start len var

Get the substring starting at position start for len characters, and assign it to the Tcl variable var. If len is too large, only the first part of the text is set to var. This method returns either succeeded, truncated, or failed.

tw insert position string

Insert string in the text, starting at location position. Use zero to insert at the beginning of the text.

tw replace start stop string

Replace the portion of text between start and stop with the new string.

tw setSelection start stop

Set the current selection to the substring between start and stop.

tw getSelection

Return the primary text selection; if no text is selected, return nothing.

tw getSelectionPosition start stop

If something is selected, set the Tcl variables start and stop accordingly and return true, otherwise return false.

tw clearSelection

Deselect the current selection.

tw remove

Remove the currently selected part of text.

tw copy

Copy the current selection onto the clipboard.

tw cut

Copy the current selection onto the clipboard and remove from the text.

tw paste

Replace the current selection by the clipboard contents.

tw setAddMode bool

Set whether or not the text is in append (insert) mode. When in this mode, text insertion does not modify the current selection.

tw setHighlight start stop mode

Change the highlight appearance of text between start and stop, but not the selection; mode can be normal, selected, or secondary_selected.

tw findString start stop string dir pos

Search text for a string between the position start and stop. Direction dir may be either forward or backward. If the string is found, the position of its first occurrence is set to pos, and the method returns true, otherwise it returns false.

tw getInsertPosition

Return the position of the insert cursor, starting from zero.

tw setInsertPosition position

Set the cursor insertion point.

tw getLastPosition

Return the position of the last character in the text buffer, in other words, the length of the text.

tw scroll num

Scroll the text widget by num lines. A positive value means to scroll forward, while a negative value means to scroll backward.

tw showPosition position

Scroll the text so that position becomes visible.

tw getTopCharacter

Return the position of the first visible character of text in the widget.

tw setTopCharacter position

Scroll the text so that position is the first visible character in the widget.

tw disableRedisplay

The text is not redisplayed.

tw enableRedisplay

Redisplay the text automatically when it changes.

tw getEditable

Return true if the text is editable (the user can edit it), or false if not.

tw setEditable bool

Set the edit permission flag of the text widget.

tw setSource ref top ins

Set the text edited or displayed by this widget to the one that is also edited or displayed by the text widget variable ref. The text is scrolled so that the top character is first, with the insertion cursor positioned at ins.
Table 4-20 lists the resources for xmText, while Table 4-21 lists the resources for xmTextInput and xmTextOutput:

xmText Resources
Resource NameDefault ValueType or Legal Value
-sourcenew sourceText Source

xmTextInput and xmTextOutput Resources
Resource NameDefault ValueType or Legal Value
-selectionArraynot supported 
-selectionArrayCountnot supported 
-columnscomputed from -widthInteger
-fontListInheritedFont list
-rowscomputed from -heightInteger

The xmText widget inherits resources from two abstract classes, xmTextInput and xmTextOutput. The xmTextField widget uses the resource subset that corresponds to single-line text (it does not have an -editMode resource). The text source resource might be used to open multiple windows for editing a single text, as in the example below.

#! /usr/sgitcl/bin/moat 
xmPanedWindow .top managed
xmScrolledText .top.a managed -editMode multi_line_edit \
    -rows 3 -columns 49 -value {
When ten low words oft in one dull line creep,
The reader's threatened, not in vain, with sleep.
                      --Alexander Pope}
xmScrolledText .top.b managed -editMode multi_line_edit \
    -rows 3 -columns 49
.top.b setSource .top.a 0 0
. realizeWidget
. mainLoop
The xmTextInput and xmTextOutput abstract classes are only used to group resources dedicated to text editing or displaying. Extensive text should be displayed or edited with the xmScrolledText widget, which automatically provides scroll bars when needed. Text widgets inherit any resources defined in the Core, Primitive, and xmLabel classes.

Text Widget Inherited Resources
Resource InheritedFrom Resource InheritedFrom
-accelerators(Core) -alignment(Label)
-backgroundPixmap(Core) -background(Core)
-borderColor(Core) -borderWidth(Core)
-bottomShadowColor(Primitive) -bottomShadowPixmap(Primitive)
-fontList(Label) -foreground(Primitive)
-height(Core) -highlightColor(Primitive)
-highlightOnEnter(Primitive) -highlightPixmap(Primitive)
-highlightThickness(Primitive) -labelPixmap(Label)
-labelString(Label) -labelType(Label)
-mappedWhenManaged(Core) -marginBottom(Label)
-marginLeft(Label) -marginRight(Label)
-marginTop(Label) -navigationType(Primitive)
-recomputeSize(Label) -sensitive(Core)
-shadowThickness(Primitive) -stringDirection(Label)
-topShadowColor(Primitive) -topShadowPixmap(Primitive)
-translations(Core) -traversalOn(Primitive)
-unitType(Primitive) -width(Core)
-x(Core) -y(Core)

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