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Printer/Scanner Management

Silicon Graphics provides a printing and scanning environment for IRIS workstations. This environment, Impressario, has features for a wide range of IRIX audiences: printer and scanner driver developers, application program developers, and end users. Impressario allows files of different types to be printed on a wide variety of printers and allows images to be scanned from a scanning device, an IRIS screen, or a Silicon Graphics image file.

Impressario provides the following libraries for application developers:


Provides an API to the IRIX printer spooling system and functions, allowing you to submit print jobs, query their status, and so on.


Provides a graphical interface for printing that's compatible with IRIS IM.


Provides a network-transparent interface to the Printer Object Database (POD). Each printer has a POD that contains configuration, status, and other information about that printer.


Provides an interface to the Impressario scanning system.


Allows you to read and write Stream TIFF (STIFF) files.


Allows you to read and write Silicon Graphics image files in RGB format.
Impressario is built on top of the System V print spooling system. It provides model files, filters, and drivers to convert ISO text files, SGI images files, PostScript® documents, and a wide variety of other file formats to a format suitable for both raster and PostsScript printers. Figure 6-12 shows the relationship between an application program, the Impressario libraries, and the spooling system in IRIX.

Figure 6-12 : Interface to the Spooling System Refer to the Impressario Programming Guide for information about writing a driver for a printer or scanner device for which no driver is available.

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