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Writing an Application Program

The IRIS Developer's Option (IDO) is required for writing applications that run on Silicon Graphics platforms. This option provides the basic software and documentation for the development environment. "The IRIS Developer's Option" tells you more about the IDO.

When you write an application for a Silicon Graphics platform, you can choose from a number of languages, toolkits, and libraries supplied by Silicon Graphics for developers. Your choice depends on the nature of your application and, to some degree, on your personal preference. Here are some choices you can make and the options available under IRIX:

Figure 1-2 shows, in a hierarchical arrangement, the components you can select.

Figure 1-2 : Component Hierarchy of an IRIX Application Program Now that you have an overview of the IRIX programming environment, you're ready to learn more about the tools and libraries available and the documentation Silicon Graphics provides for reading about them. Chapter 2 lists the IRIX programming documentation. Chapters 3 through 6 describe IRIX compilers, tools, and application libraries in greater detail.

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